
Chapter 18

It’s me again and time for us to get a little more intimate. So, let’s talk about sex, baby…

Let me explain the birds and bees, so to speak, of our little world. Just like you little mortals, we too have needs. Ours, however, are a little more primal, but I’ll get to that as soon as I explain a few other things…like where babies come from. Time to dispel a few myths…

Myth number one: Vampires do not have children. – buuuzzzz wrong! Our females give birth just as yours do, but there are some things that I should clarify.

1. A mortal male cannot impregnate a female vampire.

2. A male vampire can impregnate a mortal female. Potent fuckers, vampires are.

Myth number two: Vampire children grow at an unusually fast rate. – Yeah, no! Our children grow at the same rate that yours do. They don’t get their fangs though, until their sixteenth year. It is on their sixteenth birthday that they first experience blood lust and instead of birthday cake, we have “wine”.

Ok, now that I have gotten that out of the way, let’s go back to sex.

We need it. When I say that, I mean it in the respect that we need sex as much as we need blood to stay strong. We crave sex and we will not be denied. Our females know this and know that our desires and needs must be met. It’s sort of like a prerequisite for our females when we chose our mates. Maybe it sounds a little barbaric, but trust me, the females aren’t complaining.

When we chose a mate, we mate for life and they do belong to us. As with any favorite possession, we cherish them, love them and in most cases, spoil them rotten and in turn, they give us what we crave. Blood and sex.

A mortal female cannot be a true mate to a male vampire. No offense to Sookie Stackhouse, but come on dear, I don’t care how great your tits are, you could never handle one of us for real.

We like our females beautiful, well endowed of course and most importantly, submissive. Unlike most of you mortal men, we are loyal to our mates. Once we have our commitment ceremony, we do not touch another female. So, needless to say, our choice for a mate is well thought out before that final step is taken.

On the rare occurrence that we are not happy with the choice of our mate, we can release them, but as I said, that is a rare occurrence, we mate for life. A female does not have that option. She cannot ever release her mate; she has no say in the ties that bind. So when she says yes, she better make damn sure she knows what she’s doing.

Ok Ok, Hold up! I can hear you spewing questions at the screen and I will try and answer you all as best as I can.

1. How can Shadows be with Twyla?
Simple answer: She isn’t his mate. We can fuck whomever we chose be they mortal or vampire until we take a mate.

2. What about Lark’s dream about marrying Vengeance?
Answer: A commitment ceremony only happens between two vampires. Marriage is a whole other ball game. We will not take your vows, the word “Obey” does not pertain to males in our world. We will not hold a “ceremony” in your church either as our beliefs on religion are different than yours and with that being said, we will not allow a “man of the cloth” to perform a marriage ceremony. We will however, allow a judge. Only allowing him to ask the simple questions: Do you take “instert name here” to be your wife. And : Do you take “insert name here” to be your husband. So, yes, we can marry on our terms. A wife however, is not the same as a mate. We may marry a mortal, but we can still take a mate if we so choose. It’s tough luck for the mortal female. If we mate while having a wife, the wife becomes second fiddle and pretty much non-existent. We have no obligations to a wife, we do have obligations to our mates.

3. OMG Zacky is gonna have a wife and a mate! I knew he was a bastard!
Answer: Calm your ass down! Wait for Lark’s story before you make assumptions.

4. Phew, I just went all fan girly for a second.
Answer: No kidding! Stop that!

5. So wait, Vengeance is going to marry Lark, right?
Answer: See answer to question number three

6. I’m confused
Answer: Yeah, well, you’re giving me a headache

7. Oh!!! So Gates is gonna take Daisy as a mate, right?
Answer: Ask him, how should I know?

8. You’re mean.
Answer: Your point?

9. Awe man, Shadows and Twyla are perfect for each other.
Answer: I don’t disagree (yet)

Ok enough with your questions; you’re making my ears bleed.

10. WAIT!! What happens if Shadows “needs” get too strong and he’s denied?
Answer: Shadows denied? Ha ha ha ha ha… wait and see.

As pleasurable as this has been, our time together is now over. You’ll hear from me again, but I must warn you, going forward things will get a bit more mature, so if you can’t handle it, now would be a good time to stop reading.

Sleep tight, beautiful…yeah, I’m talking to you. * wink *
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Consider what the narrator just said as your warning that there will be some explicit content. Don't want to see it, don't read any chapters from this point on.