
Chapter 25

The following evening………

Twyla woke from her sleep and turned over into a rock hard chest. “Matt?”

“I hope so,” he chuckled. “Or I’m wearing someone else’s underwear.” He moved his arm across her waist and pulled her closer to him.

“Where’s Lark?”

“She’s downstairs playing nurse to Johnny.”

“What? You found Johnny? When? And what about Daisy?”

He laughed again. “One question at a time, Kitten. Yes, we found Johnny and he’s downstairs in the guest room because Jimmy brought him here instead of the manor. Daisy is back at the manor and as far as I know, she is going to be ok.”

“I’m glad Daisy is going to be ok, but why does Johnny need nursing?”

“It’s a long story, but he’ll be fine. He just wasn’t himself for a while.”

Twyla started to sit up, concern written all over her face. “Maybe we should go check on him?”

Shadows smiled and put his arm back around her waist pulling her back down. “No, lets stay here for a while. Lark likes playing nurse, let her have some fun.”

“hmmm, are you trying to keep me prisoner in your bed?”


“Well, I think I could handle that.”

“Good, now how about a kiss?”

Twyla nodded. “Ok, one kiss.”

“One huh?” With his thumb on her chin, Shadows softly kissed her lips. “No way,” he smiled and kissed her again a long lingering kiss.


“Johnny, I got you another blanket.” Lark walked over to the bed with another blanket and laid it on top of Christ. It was the fourth blanket she had covered him with. The heat from his body was radiating from the fires he started and the blankets were only making him hotter.

“Sit up now, you have to drink your juice.” He rolled his eyes and sat up against the headboard only to have a glass of juice shoved in his face. After taking the glass from her hand, Christ drank as much as he could. Lark had been shoving juice down his throat every five minutes since she first got there. “Johnny, you have to finish it.”

He looked right at her heart shaped face and sighed. “I can’t drink anymore juice, it’s giving my heartburn and my insides are already on fire. Literally.”

“Huh?” Her expression was that of sheer confusion as she looked back at him.

“I don’t want any more juice.”

The little girl put her hands on her hips displeased by the way Christ was defying her. “Then it’s time to take your temperature.” She pulled a thermometer from her plastic play apron. “We can do this the easy way or we can do this the hard way.”

“MATT!!!” Christ yelled at the top of his lungs having had enough of the pint sized nurse tyrant. “MATT!!!” he yelled again and again until the door to his room finally flew open.

“What the hell are you yelling for?” Shadows spoke as if he had just ran a marathon, his breath was coming in fast and uneven.

“Get nurse ratchet away from me. I’m begging you; hell I’ll even pay you. Please get her out of here.”

Shadows looked down at Lark and raised an eyebrow when she looked away trying to play innocent. He tapped her on the shoulder and forced her to look up at him so she could read his lips. “What did you to do Johnny?”

Lark’s response was to shrug her shoulders.

“Answer me, bug.”

“I only wanted to take his temperature. I wasn’t really gonna make him do it the hard way.”

Shadows had to hold his hand on his stomach to keep himself from laughing. “I don’t think he wants to have his temperature taken. Maybe you should let him rest for a bit.”

“Daddy, he’s sick. Look at him!” She pointed in Christ’s direction and to Shadows, Christ simply looked tired.

“You’re right. He’s the picture of death. We should leave him alone so he can get some rest.”

Lark was about to protest, but Shadows held up his hand. “Twyla is awake and she’s in the kitchen having pizza.”

“I want some too.” Lark said taking his hand and swinging it back and forth.

“Well, let’s go then.”

Shadows turned back to see Christ mouth the words “thank you” before he walked out the door closing it behind him.

Hand in hand Shadows and Lark walked through the kitchen door only to stop short upon seeing that Twyla wasn’t alone. Twyla was sitting at the table with her slice of pizza in a plate in front of her. Beside her sat Vengeance who’s arm was around her shoulder.

“What are you doing here?” Shadows asked.

Vengeance smirked and removed his arm from Twyla’s shoulder. “I came to see Johnny and thought I’d check in with Twyla while I was here.”

Lark held on to Shadows hand with both of hers and hid her face behind his arm. She peeked out with one eye, but when she caught Vengeance looking at her, she retreated back to the safety of the living room.

“Johnny’s resting.”

“Well, then I guess I can just hang out with Twyla for a little while. I haven’t seen her much since she’s moved in here and I’d be interested in hearing how she’s doing.”

“She’s fine,” Shadows said through gritted teeth.

“What’s going on?” Twyla asked.

The two men glared at each other wondering who was going to be the one to answer the question. Vengeance smirked knowing that if Shadows answered, he would come off sounding like a jealous asshole.

“Nothing at all. Obviously, Shadows is just a little tired. Isn’t that right?”

Shadows clenched his fists at his sides. “Yeah, must be it.” His agreement was merely for Twyla’s benefit.

Twyla didn’t believe it, but she did accept what Shadows said as her answer.

“I should go check on Lark.” She stood and Vengeance got up so she could pass. Shadows watched her as she carefully made her way out of the kitchen and then turned his attention back to Vengeance.

“What the fuck are you doing here?”

Vengeance wasn’t the least bit amused by the attitude that Shadows was giving him. “I told you, I came to check on Christ. I happened to see Twyla in the kitchen and stopped to talk with her and by the way, this is my house and I don’t have to explain myself.”

Shadows shook his head and tapped his finger on the table. “Why? Just tell me why you did it?”

Vengeance sighed and sat back in his chair crossing his arms over his chest. “If you think I slept with Twyla just so I could rub it in your face at a later date, you’re wrong. What happened between us was between us. It was one time so let it go. This is the last time that I am going to have this conversation with you.”

Shadows glared at Vengeance, but didn’t bother with a response knowing full well that this wasn’t the end of it. What happened between Vengeance and Twyla was not over.

“You know what is yet to come so ask yourself if it’s worth it to sit there and be pissed off about something that happened while you weren’t even in the picture to begin with.”

With that, Vengeance got up and left Shadows sitting there more pissed off than ever.


Are you bored, yet? I am. When I am bored, it’s never a good thing at least not for everyone else anyway. It’s anyone’s guess what could happen when I get bored…you know what they say about idle hands…..wouldn’t it be fun if all hell just broke loose?
Let’s party!

Twyla sat with Lark on the Princess bed in Larks room while Lark brushed her hair.
After a few minutes Twyla turned around to face her sister.

“Did you pick out your dress for my party? I bet you’ll be the prettiest princess ever!”

Lark focused her gaze on Twyla so she could lip read and let out a small sigh. “Zacky said I can’t go to the party because I was bad.”

“Well, were you bad?”

Lark frowned and sat down on her knees in front of Twyla. “No, he’s stupid.”

“Lark, that’s not nice. You can’t just call people stupid. Zacky is an adult and you have to respect him.”

“Why?” Lark said as her voice started to crack. “He doesn’t never listen to me and he won’t give me a mommy and I am a big girl and I he won’t let me go to big girl school and I want to and he’s not my daddy!”

Twyla blew out a long breath and shook her head. “Ok calm down. Doesn’t he always stop what he is doing when you make an appointment? He listens to you, you just don’t always know how to get his attention. Acting out and saying mean things is not going to make him listen it’s going to make him mad.”

Lark pouted while her sister continued. “He knows how bad you want to go to school, but if you want to be a big girl you have to act like a big girl and that’s not what you were doing when you called him names and told him you hate him.”

Twyla reached out for Lark’s hand and rubbed her thumb over the top. “Zacky was very good friends with mommy and you know if he could bring her back for you, he would. Do you think he would deny you the one thing you want the most? Never. He loves you way too much. It hurts him to know he can’t do that for you and I bet it hurts him more now to know that you are mad at him for it. You have to be fair, bug. Some things are beyond his control.”

Lark was sobbing by the time Twyla was finished. “Is he gonna be mad at me forever?”

“No,” Twyla shook her head. “But an apology might help.”

“Ok.” Lark wiped her face and got off the bed. “I’m gonna go make a pointment.”

On her way down stairs Lark was deep in thought as to what she would say when she got to the manor to see Zacky. Before she headed out the door, she went into the kitchen to get the one thing that she figured could help her win him over.

As heavy as it was, she managed to carry it across the lawn to the manor nearly dropping it when she rang the doorbell.

The Rev answered the door and knelt down in front of Lark. “What’s up little lady?”

Out of breath, Lark spoke. “Can I have a pointment to see Zacky, please?”

“Right this way.” He turned and headed down the hall to Zacky’s office while Lark trailed behind. Once they reached Zacky’s office door, The Rev stopped and bent down to Lark’s level.

“He might be busy, but I’ll see what I can do.”

Lark nodded barely able to keep her arms around what she was holding any longer.

The Rev poked his head in Zacky’s office and cleared his throat. “You have a guest who would like an appointment with you.”

“Who is it?” Zacky asked turning his head towards the voice. The Rev stepped aside so that Lark could stand in the door way.

Zacky looked at Lark standing there hopeful. He turned his face away and pretended to look in his appointment book before looking back at her. “I have some free time, but only a few minutes.” When he motioned her forward, she walked slowly to the front of his desk ask placed the large object down on top of it slowly pushing it in front of him. After she was done she let out a huff of relief and climbed up on the chair.

“That’s all I got,” she said motioning with her hand before setting it down on the arm rest.

Zacky pushed it aside and leaned forward. “Why exactly is this on my desk?”

Lark rolled her eyes and brought her hand up to the side of her mouth. She whispered very loudly as if she were giving him an obvious clue. “You’re supposed to bring the Prince a gift when you want to make a liance with him.”

Zacky bit his lip and nodded his head. “That is true.” He eyed her gift again and looked back at her. “I must say, this is a priceless gift. A cookie jar full of cookies is a very valuable commodity.”

Lark nodded. “Yes, I know. “

“And you’re sure you want to part with this?”

“I’m sure.”

“Ok,” he nodded and leaned back in his chair. “I accept your gift. Now what kind of alliance would you be suggesting?”

Just hug her, you asshole.

Lark pushed her hair behind her ear and looked up at Zacky. “Well, I think I could like to be your friend.”

Zacky nodded taking this way too seriously. He opened the cookie jar and took out a cookie. “Oreos. You must really want to be my friend.” He bit the cookie and waited for her response.

Lark was starting to get nervous. “Yes,” she nodded. “I know you can’t give me a mommy and let me go to big girl school, but it’s ok.” She let out a breath and looked at him again as he finished his cookie. “I won’t say bad words and I won’t call you names, I’ll be the best friend you ever could have. I promise.” After she was finished she made an x across her heart with her finger.

Zacky laced his fingers together and set his hands on the desk appearing to be deep in thought. “That’s quite an offer. I have a lot a friends though.”

You are a total bastard.

“Come over here.”

Lark got off the chair and walked around to his side of the desk and stood in front of him.

“Now, If I accept this offer do you swear to be a loyal friend?”

Lark nodded

“A true friend that I can tell my secrets to who won’t tell anyone else?”

Again she nodded.

“If I need help, I can call you anytime day or night?”

Lark nodded but held up her hand. “Except you have to call my daddy cause I don’t hear the phone.”

“Fair enough,” he nodded. “You’ll behave for your daddy? All my friends have to behave.”

“Yes,” she nodded.

Prick…she had me at “liance”

Zacky looked at Lark with a serious face before rubbing his chin. “I think this alliance can work. You will have to understand that there will be a favor involved of course.”

Lark’s eyes widened. “What is it?”

“It’s a big one.” He warned. “There’s a party this weekend. I’ll need someone to accompany me. You think you can handle the job? I mean if you can’t I don’t know if this will work out.”

“I can do it!” she nodded her head anxiously.

“Alright then, I guess we have an alliance.” He held out his hand for her to shake and she placed her tiny hand in his and gave it her all.

Zacky could see the relief in her eyes and he laughed just before lifting her up onto his lap to hug her. Lark hugged him back tightly and when she was done she leaned back so she could see his face.

“That was too hard. Let’s never not be friends anymore ever again. Ok?”

“Agreed.” He nodded and kissed her cheek. “I missed you, princess.”

“I missed you too. I’m sorry I said I hate you.”

“You’re forgiven. Now how about we go have some cookies and milk.”


“Ok,” he nodded and lifted her in one hand and the cookie jar in the other before heading for the kitchen.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the wait. A lot going on. I'll try and update again faster. Almost time for Twyla's party and that means Lark's dream about Matt killing her sister is going to come true soon.

BTW - No time to edit so there may be some grammar errors in this chapter. I'll fix em later.