
Chapter 27

Pay attention…bout to fuck shit up.

Early the following evening, everyone gathered around in Zacky’s office to go over the events of the past week. The nervousness in Daisy was evident to everyone in the room.

Lark was seated on Zacky’s lap coloring with her orange crayon completely unaware of the drama that was about to take place. When he tapped her shoulder she turned around and looked at him.

“We have to have a meeting now. So, while we have our meeting, you get to have cookies and milk in the kitchen.”

“But I’m coloring a picture.”

“I see and it’s a nice picture, but we have to have grown up talk now. When we finish, I will come and find you and you can hang out with me all night like my assistant. Ok?”

“Ok,” she nodded and picked up her picture and crayon before getting off his lap. “Bye everybody” she waved to everyone in the room and turned and winked at Zacky before she left.

Just as Zacky was about to get started, Lark ran back into the office and over to Gates. When she pulled on his hand he bent down to her level so she could hand him the picture of the bright orange heart she had colored at Zacky’s desk. “This is for me?”

Lark nodded, “I forgot to say I’m sorry I was mean to you. I just remembered.”

Gates smiled and tapped her nose. “I forgive you.”

“Thank you,” she blushed and hugged his neck before turning and running back out of the office.

She’s too young for you, bro…

Matt cleared his throat and slapped Gates on the back of his head. “She makes eyes at you again and I’m kicking your ass.”

Gates threw his hands up in protest. “Hey, I can’t help it! She digs me. It’s cute!”

“Do you two mind? We have something more important to deal with right now.”

Everyone turned their attention to Zacky who was waiting patiently to get started. Daisy sat in the chair in front of his desk visibly uncomfortable.

“There are many questions that need answers. For starters, we have no idea who the people are that took Daisy or why they took her.” He turned his attention to the girl in question. “Is there anything you can tell me about the man and woman who took you?”

Daisy shifted in her seat and Gates put a comforting hand on her shoulder. “Well, Mr. Vengeance all I know is as much as you do; which is really nothing.”

Zacky nodded. “When you were with them did you hear them say anything that could help us identify them?”

“No Sir, I can’t say I did. When I got in the car they shoved a needle in my arm and that’s all I can remember.”

“Maybe we should go back to the house. See if we can find anything there that tells us who they are,” Matt suggested.

“Yeah, start with that,” Zacky agreed.

“Mr. Vengeance, I don’t mean to be rude, but I don’t care none about those people who took me, I want to find my parents.”

“I understand, Daisy and we’ll do all we can to help you, but these people took you for a reason. If we find them maybe we can get some clues as to who your parents are.”

I know who her daddy is….na na na na na

“Alright,” she nodded.

Gates was about to offer a suggestion when the door to the office was kicked open. “Where the fuck is she?” Christ was obviously livid. Vengeance stood up and walked out from behind his desk.

“What is this about?”

“Don’t fucking play your game with me, where the fuck is Nix?”

Vengeance folded his arms across his chest and looked at the others in the room. “Would you mind leaving us?”

He waited while the others left before turning his attention back to Johnny. “I’m not playing games with you.”

Christ seemed more and more agitated with every second that passed. “I went down to the station to see her and they said she hasn’t shown up for work since the night we left to go find Daisy. Where the fuck is she?”

Oh oh oh I know!! Pick me! She’s upstairs….idiot.

Zacky leaned back against his desk and lit up a cigarette. He offered the pack to Christ, but Christ just stood there glaring at him while waiting for answers. “I was going to wait until you were feeling ok to talk to you about this, but I guess now is a good a time as any.”

“Cut the bullshit and tell me where she is.”

“Cut the bullshit? Really Christ? Ok fine, Nix is dead. How’s that for cutting the bullshit and telling it like it is!”

Liar liar pants on fire…

Christ stood there having heard the words that came out of Vengeance’s mouth, but not believing it. “What the fuck do you mean?”

“I mean she died the night we found the two of you. There was nothing we could do to save her.”

Christ shook his head and punched the wall. “Don’t fucking tell me there was nothing you could do! She didn’t have to fucking die! FUCK!”

“You know I can’t just turn people.”

Christ laughed sarcastically. “You know what Vengeance? You are a first class scumbag. You want everyone to see things your way, do things the way you want them done and be at your every beck and call, but what have you done in return for all of us?”


“Excuse me? Do you live in a mansion rent free? Do you have an unlimited income? Do you come and go as you please? I believe so. So stop being fucking ungrateful and don’t say things you will regret later on. ”

Christ shook his head and walked towards the door. “Oh believe me, bastard. I will have no regrets at all when I am done.” Having had the last word, Christ walked out of the office.

I guess the resident bad boy is going to show us just how bad he really is.


“You hungry? I could order pizza”

“No, thanks, Mr. Gates,” Daisy gave him a half smile as she sat down on the bed in Gates’s room. “Are you sure this is ok? I mean me staying here in your room an all.”

“It’s absolutely ok,” he nodded and sat down beside her. “But I can tell you’re not ok. Talk to me.”

Daisy thought for a moment before turning and facing Gates. “Mr. Gates, I don’t feel right being here. I just feel like I have caused nothing but trouble since the day I showed up.”

Gates sighed and moved to face her. “Nothing that’s happened is your fault. So, if you are thinking about leaving, you can forget it. No one in this house is going to let that happen. You belong here as much as I do.”

“Are you sure you’re not just feelin’ sorry for me?”

Gates laughed lightly. “You’ve taken my class; you know I feel sorry for no one.”

Although he was trying to cheer her up, Daisy couldn’t find the humor in his answer.

“Hey, how about we finish that swimming lesson?”

Daisy smiled and shook her head. “I already told you I don’t have a swimmin’ suit”

“And I already told you, I don’t care. You can wear shorts and a t-shirt.” Gates stood up and gestured to himself with his hands. “See this, this is me not taking no for an answer. Now go change and meet me at the pool.”

Twenty minutes later Gates stood waist deep in the pool watching Daisy walk across the lawn. She wore blue boy shorts and a white tank top.

She’s not so bright is she? Hahahaha Gates is going to get more than he bargained for. Oh by the way…what the hell is with those messed up pony tail bun things on the top of your heads? Is it a pony tail or a bun? It looks like you were trying to do a pony tail, lost your balance, fell and never finished it. I don’t get chics sometimes…or their messy hair.

When she reached the pool, Daisy sat down on the ledge and placed her legs in the water. “It’s not as cold as I was expectin”

Gates shook his head and walked over to where she sat. “Nope, it’s heated.” He picked up his beer and took a sip before setting in back down and reaching for her hand. “Come on, you can’t chicken out now.”

She took his hand and slid off the edge down into the water. “See, nothing to be nervous about, you’re only waist deep.”

“I still don’t know about this, Mr. Gates. I mean I suppose I should learn how to swim, but what if I forget when my memory comes back?”

He laughed lightly “Then, we’ll just have to do this again.”

“Oh,” She nodded. “I get it, you one of them people they call gluttons for punishment.”

This time he really laughed. “Come on, give me your hands.”

She placed her hands in his trusting that he wasn’t going to let her drown. “Now, I am just going to walk backwards, I want you to trust me. Just let me pull you forward and when I do, just glide and kick your legs lightly.”


As he walked backwards, he gently pulled her forward. Daisy did as he said and lightly kicked her legs along until Gates reached the other side of the pool. He pulled her up so that she was now standing again and smiled. “See, that wasn’t so hard.”

No, but I bet he is.

“You’re a good student, but since I can’t give you a grade, I suppose a kiss will have to do.” Before she could say anything, he pulled her close and ever so softly kissed her lips.

“Mr. Gates, I think you’re the best at kissin’. Well, I’m guessin’ anyway since you’re the only one ever that’s kissed me.”

Gates smiled and rubbed his hands up and down her arms trying to keep his eyes on hers so as not to make it obvious that her shirt was now see through.

We’re all perverts. He looked.

“Well, in that case maybe I should do it again.” This time he pulled her up against him and kissed her with much more passion. When Daisy returned the kiss, it took all Gates had not to lose control. He practically growled when she pulled back.

“Mr. Gates, I like kissin’ better than swiming”

He laughed and turned around taking her with him. “I think I know how we can kill two birds with one stone.” Gates pulled her close and leaned back in the water. He floated backwards with her lying above him while he kissed her.

As Daisy’s arm moved around his neck, Gates lost his balance and slipped under water taking her with him. He reached for her under the water and pulled her back up with him.

“Are you ok?” he asked her with a hint of laughter in his voice.

“I think so,” she said moving the wet hair out of her eyes.

“Let’s go back inside and get into some dry clothes. We can try swimming again another night.”

“Ok,” she nodded.

After drying off they walked back to the house. From where they stood in the foyer, Brian could see Lark sulking on the couch. “Why don’t you go upstairs and change. I’ll be right up.”

“Ok,” Daisy nodded and went up the stairs while Gates headed for the living room.

When he got to the couch, Gates sat down beside Lark and touched her chin turning her face to look at him. “Why the sad face?”

Lark sighed and looked up at him with the saddest eyes. “Is Daisy gonna be your girlfriend now?”

Gates smiled and tried to break it to her gently. “I hope so. It would make me really happy.”

Lark looked away visibly upset. Gates tapped her shoulder so she would look back at him again. “Hey, I thought you liked Daisy.”

“I do,” she nodded and lowered her eyes.

Gates reached over and pulled her on to his lap. “You think I’m not going to have time for you anymore?”

Lark nodded and started to sniffle.

“I promise you that you will always be my best girl. I will always have time for you. Ok?”

“Ok,” she nodded.

“Ok,” he smiled. “How about some cookies and milk and then a bed time story.”

Lark nodded happily and put her arms around his neck as he stood up and carried her to the kitchen. He set her down at the table. “I’m going to change into some dry clothes, you get your cookies, I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

Gates left Lark alone in the kitchen and went upstairs to change. Lark dragged a chair over to the counter and stood on it so she could reach the cookie jar. Just as she was about to reach in and take her cookie her hand was slapped.

Lark pulled her hand away as her eyes immediately filled up with water. Christ was standing there with a smug expression on his face as he stuck his own hand in the cookie jar and pulled out a cookie for himself. “Me first.”

The tears started to slide down Larks face as she watched him bite into the cookie. “You know, you’re a little brat.” Christ told her as he took another cookie from the jar. “A spoiled little brat.”

“No, I’m not,” she cried and shook her head.

“I aint falling for your tears that everyone else thinks is so cute. Tears mean you’re weak. Get over it.”
Way to go, scumbag.

Lark jumped down off the chair and ran out of the kitchen straight up to Zacky’s room.

Somebody is in for it now….
♠ ♠ ♠
Just a filler chapter. A bit boring, but it's about to get a lot more exciting. ;)