
Chapter 4

That’s enough from Twlya’s point of view…for now. I may let her speak again at some point during this tale, but for now, I’ll be the one telling it. Who am I? I may reveal myself in time and I may not. While I’m here, there are a few things that need to be explained.

The Gifts. Some may be dark and some may be darker and some aren’t dark at all. Each vampire has one. Some have more than one, but that usually comes with age.

The Rev: His gift is Necromancy. A darker gift, that when used, The Rev can summon spirits and communicate with them, enchant them, manipulate them and worse…To say he can raise the dead, is truly and understatement.

Christ: His gift is Pryokinesis. Vampires may be cold, but some apparently like it hot. With this gift comes rage. That explained means that Christ just can’t walk into a room and set the couch on fire with his mind. The only way he can use his gift is when he is extremely enraged.

Gates: His gift is Empathy. Or is it a curse? That is how he views it. Being able to pick up on the emotions and feelings of others can be quite draining. Gates has become quite good at blocking out the feelings from others and distinguishing which are really his, but there are exceptions.

Shadows: His gift is Dominance. Shadows can force others to abide by his will with something as simple as a look or a waive of his hand. He would rather play cat and mouse until they willingly “submit” to him and will only use his gift when they refuse unless there is an extreme circumstance. With this gift comes the added ability to hypnotize others as well as the ability to manipulate ones mind.

Vengeance: His gift or gifts, only the four people listed above know.

Most people believe that Vampires can fly, but that is a myth. They move so fast that it does appear that they can fly, but no. They are flightless. The Rev how ever takes speed to a whole new level. As fast as your eye blinks, that is how fast he can appear and disappear. Superman may be faster than a speeding bullet, but he aint got nothing on The Rev.

Can they read minds? Yes, to a certain extent. Gates’s empathy sometimes allows him to hear the thoughts of others, but it’s a rare circumstance when that happens. They can communicate through the minds of others like them and can also put thoughts into the minds of mortals. With Shadows having the ability to manipulate, he can enter dreams and communicate with the person having the dream through the dream. He can also determine the content of the dream.

Garlic? Hell, yeah! Bring it on, we love garlic!

Holy water? Mixed with scotch, it aint so bad.

Cross? Dracula again? Really?

Wooden stake? Is your name Buffy? It’s going to take a lot more than that!

So now the burning question…. Do we drink blood? Yes. Not in the way you may think. We do not feed on the blood of mortals. We only drink from others like us. We maintain The Cellar, which is our blood bank of sorts. We store blood there and the source of that blood is a highly guarded secret.

While a great deal of time has been spent recruiting members into the Vengeance clan we don’t just go around randomly turning mortals into vampires. How does it happen you ask?” The way to “Sire” a vampire depends on the clan itself. In the Vengeance clan, if one so desires to turn another, the only way they can do it is to present that person to the Prince first. The Prince has the first right and if he so desires, he can choose to be the sire himself and he can also deny the request all together. The ritual, in which the person of choice must be presented to the Prince, isn’t highly favored and can usually make the vampire who gave the request change his/her mind. The person being offered to the Prince is being offered in body as well as mind. Use your imagination.

If the request is granted, then the turning ritual can be performed. Once the new vampire is “born,” they become the sole responsibility of the one who turned them. It is their Sire’s responsibility to care for them and train them on the ways of the vampire as well as the Vengeance clan. In a sense, the newborn belongs to the one who turned them must abide by their will until they are given their freedom. For some, freedom is never given. For others, it is only when their Sire feels they are capable of living as a vampire without the guidance of their Sire. Freedom does not mean they are cast out. They are free to stay within Vengeance manor as long as they like. If they choose to leave the clan, they can never return.

Turn a mortal without permission from the Prince…the consequences will be dire for you both.

Drain the blood of another vampire, especially a clan member, and you’ll be returned to your grave.

That’s all for now. I’m sure I’ll be giving you a few more of the principles of our clan, but for now, I’m no longer in a giving mood. Until we meet again……
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While i'm sure some of you may be shaking your head or balking at the above, especially the vampire fanatics, I want you to keep in mind something. The above was created for this story. I know that the principles and gifts are not your "traditional' vampire ways, but this is my story and this is how I want it to be. So, if you've been turned off, please feel free to unsubscribe and discontinue reading.

For everyone else....enjoy. There may be one or two more chapters with more principles explained further down the on to the story.