Status: I will update when i have some spare time ;)

17 And Currently Engaged With a Vampire?!

Kicked out.

I felt arms around me and someone put me gently back on the bed. I opened my eyes slowly and saw the most beautiful being on earth. He had black hair like the feathers of a raven. And his eyes, a beautiful golden green color I’ve never seen before. He looked at me with worried eyes.
“You okay ?” I tried to sit up but failed and fell down on the bed again putting a hand to my head.
“Um, yeah. Just a terrible headache. It’s no big deal.” I rested my head on the pillow and saw his smile. He bent over me and I automatically closed my eyes as he kissed my forehead. The pain was gone in an instant. When I opened my eyes again he was gone.
When I woke up the next morning I stood up and went to the bathroom. I washed my face and looked into the mirror. Who the hell was in my bedroom yesterday? And how did he make my headache go away? I went out from the bathroom and got dressed. Then my father called again. I went downstairs ignoring him and opened the fridge to grab some milk. I ate some cereals and milk when my father came and spoke to me.
“Diana, I know that you are very mad at us for arranging your marriage but it will be for the best plus he’s a good guy.” I stared at him, suddenly losing my appetite.
“Oh just shut up already! The last thing and the first thing I hear in the morning is that I am going to get married with some richboy I haven’t even met! Just leave me alone for a moment will yah?!” I stood up and walked upstairs and slammed my bedroom door. But half an hour later mom knocked and came into my room.
“Sweetie, your … Fiancée is going to come at 7. Please be ready to meet him and be sure to pack everything.” She forced her tears away.
“Pack for what?” I really didn’t know what she meant by that.
“Well, you are going to move in with him so pack everything you want from here. No need to pack clothes though. He and his family bought some new ones for you.” Now my anger almost welled over. They’re kicking me out now?! Oh that’s it! Now I’m truly pissed!! My father knocked and the door and opened it.
“He came earlier than planned. Please come down and meet him.” and with that both my parents went down. Sight, this was sooo troublesome. I stood up and walked downstairs to see my fiancée stand in the hallway. It was the guy from last night!
“You?!” I asked surprised as I came down from the stairs.
“Yes me. Nice to finally meet you, Diana. I’m your fiancée Damon Nightingale.” He took my hand and kissed it. His lips were cold against my skin.
“Yes, nice to meet you.” I said and blushed. I didn’t know that guys like him existed.
“I’ve come to pick you up a bit earlier than decided. You don’t mind do you?” he asked with that sweet velvet voice again.
“n-no, not at all. Please make yourself at home while I take a shower and change my clothes.” I said and actually smiled. I rarely did that nowadays.
“Thank you, I will.” He smiled back and messed up my hair.
I hurried upstairs and took a shower. I put on my favorite clothes. It was a gray sweater and black skinny jeans. I grabbed my bag and went downstairs. He rose from the sofa and looked at me as I came down the stairs. He held out his hand to me and I took it.
“Well, then. I’ll take her home.” He said and smiled as he took my bag and carried it. I put my shoes on and turn around to look at my parents. Mom cried badly and daddy comforted her. I just stared at him and turn around to walk out through the door. Damon closed it behind us and led me to the limo that was waiting outside the house. “I had a feeling that you wanted to come earlier when they said that you’re gonna come and live with me.”I looked at him with a smile, and answered him.
“Yes, it was very considerate of you. Thank you very much.” I said and started crying.
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Soo, another chapter. hope you like it ;)