
Daddy’s past comes back to haunt

Everyone expected me to stay and cry in bed until the week was over, then be handed over to Eric. This wasn’t going to happen anytime soon on my watch. I looked out my window it was raining again; wind blew furiously outside slamming small branches and leaves onto the window. It was so dark at first look it would seem it was only eleven at night. I slowly looked away from the window to faith’s sleeping figure in her small bunny shaped bed.

Soon after my alarm clock went off the beeps echoing into the silent house, sighing I slammed my hand onto the sleep button. It was already 6.00am I have school in a hour, slowly I climbed out of bed. Walking into the bathroom I slowly shed all my clothes and stepped into the shower turning on the water. I smiled as the hot water covered my body, almost like I could just burn everything off me. To just forget everything and go into my happy world of darkness where no one cared, where I had a choice in things.

I stepped out of the shower changing into my black skinny jeans and tank top throwing on my gray sweat shirt over it. It was zipped up to the point where you could just see the top of my tank top. I brushed my wet hair getting out all the knots, ‘curly hair sucks’ I thought as I finished and quickly put in the gel and spray to keep it from getting frizzy again.

Sighing I looked at my reflection. I wonder what all the no brainers are going to say about me today. I was always late and never tried to look good, sweat pants an over sized shirt frizzy hair in a ponytail and no makeup was all they ever saw. I hate everyone there and I’m always late so why try? But this week was different rather I went with Eric or not this would truly be my last week in school. It was sad all my plans for life are slowly going down the drain.

I went into my room and got my eyeliner and mascara then returned to the bathroom mirror. I applied a thin layer under my eyes and on the very tip of my eye lid. Slowly I added the mascara and gave reflection a once over look with a smile. I was going to make the most out of my last days in school.

Looking at the clock 6.30 and I have a half a hour walk to get to the local bus stop alone. Well I’m not making first period that’s for sure. I quickly slid on my long army styled boots and grabbed my checker styled book bag. With that I ran out, my heavy boots splashing in every puddle I passed.

I had just made it on the bus soaking wet from the rain fall but by the time I had got off, the rain had stopped. I walked the rest of the way to school, it was within my eye sight but I remand walking slowly. I walked up the front stairs and walked into the noisy hall, It was now 8.00 I had to get my textbook for third period…science.

I walked to my locker and stuffed my backpack into it cursing as the warning bell that rang. If I didn’t make it to science before the passing period was over, I would have to deal with Tracy Lomany. Sighing I picked up my textbook from the bottom of my locker as the bell rang; indicating passing period was now over. I heard a few people pass me running towards their classes.

Slamming my locker I turned around just in time to see the thin bleach blond dressed up in pink coming my way. Her pink pumps clicked on the hard floor her chest just barely covered in a tight pink shirt. I smiled at her two minions following behind her; they never could do anything on their own.

“Hey Chris” She flashed a fake smile…..something was defiantly wrong she never would talk to me, Only threats and even that was transferred from her to the two minions. I politely smiled back and began to walk to my class “HEY!!!! I WAS….”
“I don’t have time for you today if you wish to keep that face of yours. Then I suggest you shut up and stay that way” I flashed one last smile at her seeing her mouth drop at what I had said, her minions glaring at me, before going upstairs and into my class.

The class was load as always with Mr. Chucks yelling for them to be quite so he could continue explaining the differences between an animal cell and plant cell. I closed the door silently hoping to go in unnoticed. I’ve always done that and it always worked….except to day. The class looked up at me and gasped. “Tardy as always miss Xavier, please take a seat so I can continue with my lesson” Mr. Chucks replied not looking away from the bored.

I sat down in my desk at the back ignoring the whispers of all the kids in class. I opened my book slightly looking up to see the whole class turned around looking at me. “What?” I snapped I’ve always hated people looking at me. They turned around and the class lesson continued with the occasional glance my way. Class ended and I walked out not really caring for another lecture of being on time for his class.

I walked into the lunch room and sat at my lonely little table at the back of the room next to the trashcans. Tracy threw back an ‘I always win’ look and turned around to flirt with the captain of the football team…her boyfriend Justin. But he just walked passed her and the normal table he sits at. Instead he walked to…..oh no my table.

“Mind if I sit?” he asked in a deep voice “Don’t care” I mumbled looking down at my sandwich. Why would he sit here with me? No one sits with me ever! “So, why do you always sit by yourself crystal?” a look of pure shock and amazement crossed my face…he knows my name?! “Hello crystal is it okay if we sit here with you?” looking to my side I saw…the Whole soccer team “ummm sure?” Laughing they all sat down.

“My name is Sam but you might know me as the hot soccer captain’ he winked and I busted up laughing “what’s so funny?” he asked in a shocked voice “that….sounds so much like a line you’d hear from a chick flick” I laughed. They all started laughing with me. I had learned that Sam was more like a skateboard type of guy. Justin loves surfing and only plays football as a past time. Joe was on the soccer team and had really tall spiky brown hair. Ben was the funny guy everyone loved. Dash was really buff dark skinned Justin’s best friend and on the football team. The rest of the guys were boring or dragged away from the table by the girlfriends so I didn’t bother remember their names.

By the end of the day I had been asked out to the upcoming dance by a couple of guys and got Justin, Joe, Sam and Ben’s numbers. Now it was time to walk to Budgys but I wasn’t alone Justin and Sam were walking with me. It was extremely dark out and as a rush of cold wind passed us I began to shiver. Something’s wrong I silently thought as we walked into Budgys; the whole store was dark. Bud had a thing with always having at least a candle lit if not have a lamp on. A loud crash from the back came with a agonizing scream. I ran to the back Sam and Justin following closely behind.

“Who’s here?” I yelled into the darkness…nothing not one noise “bud? Where are you?” I yelled again. A muffled noise “crystal…..” bud whispered in pain I began walking toward him but stopped when I heard a growl. “Run! Now” he screamed as something ran towards me and pinned me to the ground before I had time to react. “They already found her” Sam whispered and attacked the thing pinning me down. “Come on we need to leave now” Justin grabbed my arm and hauled me out of the store. We ran into a empty alley two blocks away, “What the hell!” I screamed “what’s going on? Why did you drag me out? I NEED TO HELP HIM!” I yelled at him and began hitting him in a desperate attempt to get back to the shop. He simply grabbed my hands and made me stop; not fazed by my hits.

“The remaining smashers” Justin replied as if it were obvious. “How do you know about….” I began question. He pressed his lips against mine pinning me to the alley way wall as a howl and barking passed us. “No time to talk just come with me”
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Comment and tell me what you think of this so far :] i only have on comment right now:/