Litter Rature.


I do not not believe in it. Sure, theremibbay some sorra.............................QUEERniss to it. Awe God. God! I thunk. Thinked. Thiiiiiink! I think that litter rature is a quuuuuueer mistriss. Sno fir the likes of me. Nah..................................................nope. I am too common. All those long words and cymbalism? Nah. Tripe.


Ma class.

The working class!

My class are excluded from that entirely. I hear the...................................................they polititions talk about sochul mobility and....................................and stuff.


Stuff like
what sorta stuff
I dunno.

Ehhhhhhhhhhhh lemme think lemme think.

They say that more and more of the scummy offspring of the downtrodden and hopeless are gettin into universe cities.

And then on the other hand, they say that tests are getting easier and universe cities are getting dumber.


what to believe?




well, i'm just a modern guy well i'm juuuust a moodern guuuuuuuy
course i've had it in the earinform
gotta lust for life getta lust for life

I remember reading stuff in school that they cawed litter rature. Girls whining about boys and boys whining about the war. Girls wanted a good shag angela silverfern, sixth former on her knees in the boys toilet sucking me off harder harder harder ginger hair, lavender perfume chips stink of pine disinfectant and day old piss pussy pus ridden cock the clap herpes HIV davie morton got HIV from needles junkies blow scag H trainspotting sherlock holmes steven moffat doctor who long scarves tom baker underwear lacy underwear angela silverfern harder harder harder........................................and boys wanted to fight to improve their ego.

Freud was a weirdo, eh?



Litter rature is poncy shit.

well i'm just a modern guy
well i'm just a modern guy
lust for life life lust for life

And there's always some gay or lez or some shit about it. Bloomsbury man.



All shagging each other.

To me, litter rature seems to be all about getting into some girl's knickers. Or boys.




Is there nothun that these littery folk huv learnt?

Thick thick THICK i know the truth I know the truth!

They act a superior to everyone else but they just think o what everyone else does. Shaggin and dying. That's aw what anythin's about.


If I read somethin that's litter rature without any sex or death, I think I'd have a right ..........Connerory.

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concrit? :D