Sequel: Deceptive in Truth

Honest in Lies


Gaspard tried to keep her down. “Honey,” she whispered. “Don’t try to hold me back, now I can actually fight.”

“They’re human, you’ll kill them.”

Candy paused, but looked at the arrow sticking out of her guard. She walked over to him and snapped the tip of the arrow, making an odd face at it. “If he was human they would have killed him and they didn’t even know who he was, or if he did anything wrong. They’re murderers sent by Jesse.” She looked sadly at the pointed tip before dropping it. “They get what’s coming to them.”

He stared hard at her, before shaking his head. “No.”


“Because,” Piera butted in this time. “I know what you’re going to do, and you won’t be able to stop once you start. Trust me, I know. You could hurt someone you don’t even mean too. That is exactly why you are not going out there.” She said the last part sweetly, pecking her forward. “Plus, that’s what they probably want you to do is go out there.”

She fidgeted, about to protest. “Don’t expect to keep me out of the fights forever.” She crossed her arms, a frown on her face. She deserved to be in this fight just as much as anyone else. They filed out, Gaspard not even bothering to look back as he walked out the door.

She had a sense that, that love was starting to waver. Her resist to scream in ager resulted in a biting of her lip. She threw herself against the cot and lay in submission. The whole, treat the non human like a human gig was starting to get old. She heard a cry, and her eyes flickered to the door. Should she go out? More than likely she would be reprimanded for it, and she couldn’t take that. She needed to get out.

Needed to get away. Candy sat up, eyes flickering to the door. She couldn’t though, they’d find her. But she needed time to think. She stood shakily, when the building caught flame. She recoiled from the epicenter of it, her newly attained lethal fangs spraying venom as her lips pulled back in disgust and hisses. The flame was hot and spread quickly. Soon, it had covered the entire roof, and it seemed to be dipping in. it was going to cave. Candy was left with no other choice but to go outside.

As soon as her foot stepped into the cold mud, an arrow pierced her liver. Though she was ‘dead’ that shit still hurt. “Who the hell goes around shooting arrows at people?” she murmured, pulling it slowly from her. There was thick blood running down her body, a nice hole protruding with blood. Grimacing, she threw it down to the ground.

Another arrow pierced her, this time threw the heart. Her heart was not dead. “Son of a bitch!” she screamed, falling on her knees. What was this, even? A clean shot to the heart should have killed her instantly. She clenched the area around the arrow, screaming in agony. It was then, that she experienced the wolf part of her. A crack started in her knees, taking on a more muscular and decisive form; legs the shape of a wolf, strong and lean.

The popping continued now, in her ribs and spine. Her ribs were breaking to form smaller, and longer. Her spine was forming a hump at the base, and dip down as it reached her hindquarters. Her normally small and dainty hands turned into furry killing machines, the talons on her paws long, sharp and porcelain. The bones in her face shot forward to from a muzzle, with a nose that seeped moisture. Candy’s ears shifted from the sides of her face to the top, her earring even more heightened. A normally kept and proper pale skin sprouted fur the color of golden silk. A tail sprouted from her tailbone ejecting with length and thickness. Teeth shifted into her vampire teeth, saliva dripping down them. A howl came from within her once it had completed itself. It was a painful process, but one worth it.

She could see everything in thermal heat; she could tell the vampires from the humans in obvious pleasure. The vampires were in bluish hues, while the humans were in yellow and orange. Blinking, she rose up on her hind quarters and howled again before charging the closest yellow and orange body she could find. For once, her size was not one of small. She was big, the size of a small car. Her talons would rip into his chest, killing him instantly.

She wanted more than that. Her teeth sank into his flesh and pulled back the layer she clenched until it snapped and flung back. Candy spat it back out, and nuzzled her teeth into the flesh. It tasted so good, so clean and fresh. A rock hard body slammed into her, she recognized from the smell that it was Gaspard.

“Candy,” his voice echoed off her ears. “Candy stop.”

She growled, her jaws snapping at his face. She narrowly missed taking off his nose. “Candy,” there was pleading in his voice. “I love you.” That really reached her. The upmost emotion in his eyes and they peered into her pupil less orbs. And there she was, back in her human form, peering into his eyes with her blue ones. Gaspard pulled her to him, holding her close. “I thought I lost you.”

“No, no I’m here.” She whispered back. “I’m sorry, I….I don’t know what came over me.”

He cooed her, rocking her slowly readjusting body. “No, we’ll learn how to control it. I won’t let you lose control. I promise, I swear.”
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