Sequel: Deceptive in Truth

Honest in Lies


A murderous scream came from her, as another strip of flesh was removed. Candy was indeed, hung upside down by her ankles, in the nude. The werewolf hadn’t taken kindly to her command, and stripped her down and then hung her upside down. He’d taken many ‘fun’ steps. Such as branding her in the shape of a triangle, slitting various body parts so that she bled, and the most recent, removing the top layer of her flesh and eating it. It was painful for the most part; because his equipment wasn’t the best. A rusty, jagged cleaver. She screamed again, flinging her body around as thinking it would release her somehow.

No tear fell from her, just yet. She’d need to endear more pain still. Her arms clenched over her chest, covering her most exposed area. Candy wouldn’t cry out for him to stop either, just scream as the pain inflicted her. Her ankles failed about, trying to break the shackles binding her. Candy knew she’d need blood, or else she would stop regenerating. Blood that wasn’t her own, and the only other she knew of was the man torturing her below. She blinked rapidly, throwing her body back and forth again.

“Come on Candy! Don’t tell me you’re already tired of our game? I was just getting started?” he smiled softly. There was something chilling about his voice, which made her tremble visibly.

“I’m just entertaining myself since you can’t seem to do a good enough job of it.” She snarled back.

He chortled, before throwing several hot coals at her; each one finding its own mark on her body. She hissed as they burned holes into her flesh, before dropping to gravity. Candy laughed, despite the urgent need to douse her wounds in cold water. “Burns just make me happy.”

“Lovely,” the man said, before striding up to her, yanking her arm down and stripping a fat layer of flesh from her elbow to the tip of her finger. “How about skinning?”

She hissed again, her fangs sprouting on reaction to her pain. “Just peachy.”

“Bored now,” the man said quietly, almost too low for her to hear as he moved. She watched him as he peered upwards and then she was rushing to the ground. Landing on her head, her body flopped over in exhaustion and protestation. She didn’t want to do anything but lay there; which was all she really could do. The man found his way over to her, unshackled her feet and dragged her underneath the armpits and threw her up on a table.

Her feet were once again capture by shackles as well as her wrists. “This game again?”
she said oddly. “It’s getting boring.”

“Well then it’s about to get real interesting,” his hand swept over her sweat matted hair, which she caught between her pointed teeth and hung onto like a dog after a bone. The man cried out and tried to wrench himself from her hold; but proved futile.

He moved to plan B. a fishing hook, and dug it into her abdomen. Despite the pain screaming at her, she held on. Until he made it his word to cut open her stomach as he wrenched the hook down to her pelvis. Unable to bear silence anymore, she screamed. The pain that pulsated through her currently though hadn’t been short lived. She had gotten blood; a vital health need.

Her face skewed up in pain as he yanked the hook from within her. “I demand respect. And when I don’t get respect, there are consequences.” His voice trembled with anger on the last word, and he drove the hook into her kneecap. It had landed just below the actual bone, the pointed tip tickling it teasingly.

Candy screamed again, her body writhing on the cold bed. This pain was only bearable to a point. Breathing heavily through her nose she looked him in the eyes. “Never been respected for having a small willy I’m guessing?”

He cried out again in anger and drove the hook into her opposite knee. Candy stifled a scream and just shook her head. Laughing, cynically. This was just pure, hell for her. “What’s so funny?” he said darkly.

She stopped instantly, from the tone in his voice. Something had sparked. The ignition in his eyes made her actually think about what she said this time. “You.”

The man stopped moving entirely for a second, but then replaced his hook with a long, slender knife. “I’m going to remove your eyes, your tongue and then slit your throat. See how long they take to grow back…”

Candy stiffened herself, frozen as his eyes looked deeply into hers. “Don’t touch me.”

“How many times are you going to say that?” he cackled, before cutting deeply into her throat with the knife.

That was only the beginning of the screaming; which came out gargling due to her slit throat. He hadn’t in fact removed her eyes or her tongue; just cut them nicely with long slender sweeps. Still, none the less painful. The blood Candy had consumed earlier; was failing her quickly. And according to her captor, they were just getting warmed up.
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