Sequel: Deceptive in Truth

Honest in Lies


There had to have been drugs in her system; or some everlasting source of blood. She should have been dead by now, dead or hallucinating. But yet, she was completely fine, if not a little groggy. She was back in her bounds, clothed with a headache. Candy’s head lagged forward, falling onto her chest before rolling back to her shoulders. There was blood stained on her chin, due to the torture and experimentation done to it. She had heard him leave several hours ago; where could he have gone? Her wrists flexed against the rope bounds, they were looser. Because she was weaker. A low moan escaped her as another wave of pain passed through her forehead.

She needed to get of this. Candy needed blood. She needed blood if she was going to be captive and conscious much longer. Rolling her sore legs up to her, she stood so that her back was dipped down to the binds. Her moan had erupted into a scream for power, straining until the rope started to dwindle. Her screaming continued still, amplifying as it started to fall apart more. Finally, the rope gave way and Candy found herself panting hard, positioned awkwardly on the floor. So much effort had gone into her release; she didn’t think she could even muster the strength to keep going. Somehow, Candy did though and crawled to her feet. She needed blood; blood was the most important thing.

Scrounging around, she found a heart in a jar, losing whatever moistness it had retained in the blood. Should she tempt it? Candy couldn’t think straight as she tore open the jar, ravishing the freshly dead heart. Her teeth sank into it, taking in the actual flesh and letting it slide down her throat along with the juices. The rest of her wounds started to heal over; slowly but progressed faster as she took more. Finally, she felt somewhat normal though bells still rung in her head slightly.

Where was she even? Candy still needed to have been in Lyon, it smelled familiar. The scent of flowers was what had tipped her off. Off a way or so, cars tired started to crunch under the gravel. The werewolf was coming back. Her eyes widened in anticipation, knowing what would come when he had found her missing. What joy this would turn out to be.

As the car stopped, she found herself on the upper layer, where hay had resided for quite some time. The wooden panels were creaky and had large holes in some spot; a problem she would have to be aware of. A nice pitchfork was tucked neatly into a lone forgotten pile of hay, something Candy could find useful. She stood with her legs parted over one of the large holes, squatting to remain hidden. The man had waltzed in, freezing at the fact that she wasn’t there anymore. Candy had to hold back from chortling, seeing as how it would result badly for her. Instead, her cerulean hues stayed trained on him like a hawk; watching him walk slowly around.

“I know you’re here mutt. I can smell you.” His voice was still dark; still on that little trip he had from last night.

She still said nothing, but just patiently watched. Patiently watched for the right moment when she could ambush him. It was like leading a cow to the slaughter house. Candy didn’t take her eyes off of him to even blink; knowing how quickly even a werewolf could move if they wanted too. A delightful smirk traced her lips as his footsteps moved closer. There. Her chance.

Slowly, his head tilted up to her; his eyes menacing. Her one eyebrow raised in a challenging and already victorious expression. Without any hesitation she launched herself from her perch so that she was high above him for what seemed like hours before she let her feet crunch down on his shoulder blades, snapping one clear through. This leverage propelled her so that she landed daintily on her feet, before whipping around.

The werewolf had already recovered his one arm temporarily limp though. He had a sickly chagrin on his face, shaking his head slightly. “That wasn’t very nice.”

“Yeah, well neither is this.” She grunted, thrusting the pitchfork into his abdomen.

He cried out in pain as she did so, driving it so that the points poked out from his backside. Her fangs flashed out as she did so, the enjoyment in seeing pain in his face. His eyes widened as shock started to set in, but a sickening smile took his features. Candy furrowed her eyebrows as she stood paralyzed. The werewolf shifted and all of a sudden Candy was the one flying through the barn wall.
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