Status: On Hiatus

Just Believe

Date Part 2

“Wow.” John mumbled as he stared at me, a slight blush spreading across my face.

“I think I could say the same to you John.” I said looking down at my feet, a wave of shyness hitting me.

“Alright, now you kids behave yourself, and I want her back at an appropriate time Mr. O’Callaghan.” Kennedy grumbled acting like an authoritative parent.

“Screw off Kenny.” John snapped before grabbing my hand and pulling me out the door.

His fingers intertwined themselves in mine and he pulled me into his side as we made our way across my yard to his car next door. John walked me over to the passenger side and opened the door before stepping back and letting go of my hand. I smiled at him slightly before sliding into the seat. He quickly slammed the door shut and walked over to the driver’s side and he got in the car quickly. He smiled over at me before turning the car on, and pulling out of the driveway.
The only sound between us for a few minutes was the radio playing, and John hummed along to the song quietly before looking over at me and smiling. “I have everything planned out for tonight.” He said smiling again, before turning on his blinker and pulling into a busy parking lot.

“Surprise!” John called out laughing at my shocked expression. “I heard you talking to Lauren about wanting to try this Italian restaurant but you said it was too expensive, so I decided I’d take you here for our date.” He shot me a sincere smile before unbuckling his seatbelt and getting out of the car.

He ran around the car and opened the door for me. “John, you know you really didn’t have to do this, right? You could have taken me to Burger King for all I care.” I grasped his fingers in mine, and I smiled as the butterflies attacked my stomach.

“I could have, but who does that to the girl they like? Only really cheap guys.” He looked down at me and smiled once again as we made our way to the front door.

When we got inside the restaurant, John walked up to the podium and smiled at the girl standing behind it. “We have a reservation under O’Callaghan.” He said ignoring the flirty way the girl was looking at him.

“Kenny told me you’re really cheap.” I told John causing him to start laughing.

“Has Kennedy taken Lauren out on a date yet?” He asked as we followed the waiter to a booth that was tucked in the far corner of the building. There was a white candle in the middle of the table, and I couldn’t help but laugh at how romantic everything was.

“No, he hasn’t.” I answered John as we opened our menus.

“Exactly, Kennedy wants me to seem like the cheap one in the band when in fact he’s the cheap one.” John exclaimed causing me to laugh.

We exchanged smiles before a small silence fell over us. I couldn’t decide what I wanted from the menu, but John quickly made up my mind for me.

“I’ve always wanted to go to a place like this with a girl and order for her so I seem like someone important.” He laughed as I shook my head.

“You would John, that’s just so you. But since I can’t decide you can order for me.” I laughed as his eyes went wide.

“You just get more amazing every second!” He yelled causing everyone around us to shoot us dirty looks.

The waiter made his way over and John shot me a cheeky grin before looking back at his menu.

“Do you two know what you want?” The waiter looked over at me expectantly but John cleared his throat to draw his attention to him.

“I’m going to have the portabella ravioli and the lady will have the four cheese manicotti. We’ll both have Caesar salads, and can we get sparkling apple cider?” John closed his menu before shooting the waiter a smile. The waiter only nodded before taking our menus and walking away.

“So how was that?” John asked shooting me a smile across the table.
I smiled slightly before blushing. “It was impressive. How do you know what I like to eat?” I asked causing John to laugh.

“I just pay attention is all. You always have a bottle of sparkling apple cider in your fridge, and anytime you have Italian food, it’s usually four-cheese manicotti or a Stromboli. You’re just predictable… well most of the time you are.” He reached across the table and grabbed my hands. He sent me a small smile and he chuckled slightly. “You blush a lot too.”

“Can I ask you something Kenzi?” John asked causing me to look down at my lap. I had a feeling that I knew where this was going, and I really was not looking forward to it.

The waiter bringing our salads and sparkling cider interrupted us, and I looked at my food before John slightly laughed. “Don’t look so nervous. You don’t have to answer it if you don’t want to.”

“Alright John, go ahead and ask.” I said before taking a bite of my salad.

“Why are you so scared to fall in love?” He asked sending me a curious look, all evidence of joking gone from his face.

“It’s a long story.” I mumbled before taking another bite of my salad. John didn’t say anything as he started eating his salad. I knew he wouldn’t rush me, and I knew I could trust him with anything.
So I told him.
“The first reason I’m afraid of love is because of my parents. I have no memories of them being happy together, they fought my entire childhood. My dad beat the shit out of my mom, and I don’t mean he hit her a couple of times. She ended up in the hospital a couple times, and my grandma forced them to get a divorce. I’ve always been afraid that I’d fall in love with someone like my dad, and it just scares me.” I looked up at John and I saw nothing but acceptance in his eyes. He smiled at me slightly and he went to say something, but I put my finger up. “There’s more John.” He smiled at me again, and I went to say something, but the waiter once more interrupted us. After our salad plates were gone, and our entrees were in front of us, I continued.

“I have an older sister, and she was always my role model as a kid. She’s five years older than I am, and she helped me a lot when my parents got divorced. I looked up to her more than anyone; I wanted to do everything she did. She had this boyfriend, and he was gorgeous and sweet, and the exact opposite of my dad. They were together for three years, and she planned her life around him. I wanted to find a guy exactly like him when I grew up, and I wanted to be able to know someone would always love me. Then she came home one night and she was in tears. I asked her what had happened and she told me she walked in on him sleeping with someone else. She spent months laying around the house bawling, and I felt like the divorce was happening all over again. She transferred to Boston after a few months, and she still refuses to move back to Arizona.” I looked up at John and he sent me a reassuring smile. “I’ve never seen someone last when they’ve been alive. Something always happens, and it scares me.”

“McKenzie…” John started but he stopped and looked down at his hands. “I need to tell you something okay?” I nodded quickly and he started again. “Kennedy is the most confident person I know when it comes to girls. He’s always the first one to get a girls number or become friends with the hottest girl. The other guys are like that to an extent, but I’ve always been the shy guy, the one who can never talk to girls he’s attracted to. I always stutter, or do something else embarrassing. But once I met you, none of that happened. I knew you were different, and I’m determined to show you that something good can come out of falling in love. You’ve changed me Kenzi, and you don’t even know it. I think I’m falling for you.” He mumbled the last part, and I felt my heartbeat quicken, and my face go red.

I quickly leaned across the table, and placed my hands on John’s cheeks. “I think I’m falling for you too John.” I mumbled before pressing my lips up against his.

“I thought kissing me was a onetime deal?” John asked pressing his forehead against mine.

“Things change O’Callaghan. Now will you just shut up and kiss me again?” I asked as he pressed his lips up against mine again.

And it was then that I knew no matter what I tried to do to stop it; I was falling in love with the boy next door.
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This is my favorite chapter. I'm in love with it.
And this update was for my twinie, Lauren<3