Status: On Hiatus

Just Believe


One week later.

Ever since my date with John, he became a permanent fixture at the house. John and Kennedy practically moved in with us, leaving Jared to fend for himself next door. John and I were a lot closer after that night, and while we kissed every once and a while, we were nowhere near dating. He mentioned it once, and I told him that we were going to take it slow, and we would date when the right time came along.

Lauren and I were currently out grocery shopping, trying to find food for our regular Friday Movie Night with the guys.

“You know, I think John’s going to ask you out soon.” Lauren stated as we pushed the cart down the candy isle, throwing random boxes into our cart.

“I doubt it. I told him I wasn’t ready to date, and he respects that.”

“Don’t you remember that in a couple weeks, he has something planned for you?” Lauren shot me a smile as I started to blush.

I had asked John multiple times what his surprise was, and he would just shoot me a cheeky grin and change the subject. I tried to get it out of the guys as well, but they swore John hadn’t told them what was happening, and if he did, they told me that they still wouldn’t spill the secret.

I just rolled my eyes at Lauren. I went to tell Lauren it was probably nothing important by I was interrupted by hitting someone with my cart. I looked up to see a pair of familiar green eyes watching me.

“Speak of the devil.” Lauren muttered causing me to glare at her.

“Hey Lauren,” John mumbled to Lauren before shooting me a small smile. “Hey Kenzi.”

Lauren smiled at him and I felt my face go bright red with embarrassment. John was standing with an older woman who had the exact same eyes as John and a kind face.

“Hi John.” I mumbled as I looked down at my scuffed vans. I was embarrassed about running into John, and I was embarrassed that John might have heard my discussion with Lauren.

John chuckled slightly under his breath before coming up to me and wrapping his arms around me in a tight hug. My arms instinctively wrapped around his waist and I buried my face in his chest.

He stepped back and grabbed my hand before pulling me forward. “McKenzie, I’d like you to meet my mom. Mom this is McKenzie.”

His mom sent me a warm smile before pulling me into a hug. “It’s so nice to meet you! John hasn’t stopped talking about you ever since he moved in next door to you.”

John’s face went bright red and I could feel a small smile forming on my lips. “Hopefully all good stuff.” I said causing Mrs. O’Callaghan to laugh.

“He’s quite enamored with you my dear.”

“MOM! Can you stop already?” John groaned causing his mom to laugh again.

“John Cornelius, I’m only stating the facts. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about.”

“Well I think it’s time for us to leave. I’ll see you guys tonight.” John’s face was bright red, and I could tell he was embarrassed.

Lauren and I waved to Mrs. Ohh before John came up to me and gave me another hug. “I’m sorry about my mom” he mumbled into my hair causing me to laugh.

“Don’t be John. I like her.”

He just laughed before pressing his lips to my forehead. “I’ll see you tonight.”
He waved at Lauren before disappearing down the aisle. “Well that wasn’t like awkward or anything.” Lauren laughed before grabbing a bag of watermelon sour patch kids and throwing them into the cart. “His mom probably thinks we’re fat asses. I mean, look at the food we have in here.” She motioned to the cart and I laughed realizing we had enough food to feed a third world country.
There were four frozen pizzas, two boxes of cheese sticks, two cases of pop, eight bags of chips, brownie mix, cookie dough, cupcakes, and six jumbo bags of candy.

Lauren and I made our way to the checkout stand and we were in the process of piling our junk food on the conveyor belt when her phone started ringing.

She smiled slightly before answering. “Hey Kennedy.” She said her smile spreading across her face. “Uh, yeah that sounds good. Alright, bye.”

“What was that about?” I asked laughing slightly while the cashier rang up all of our junk food.

“Kennedy and I are going on a date tomorrow night.”

“Finally.” I mumbled smiling.

A couple of hours later the doorbell rang signaling that one of the boys was here for our movie night. I ran down the stairs but before I could make it the door opened and Garrett stood there with Eric.

“KENZI!” Eric shouted before running up the stairs and wrapping his arms around me in a tight hug. “I haven’t seen you in forever!” He yelled before stepping back from me.

“Halvo, I saw you a week ago.” I smiled at him slightly.

“Yeah, but you and John are so wrapped up in each other! You didn’t talk to me!” Halvo pouted slightly causing me to laugh.

“I’m so sorry. How about we have a friend date tomorrow?” I asked laughing when he broke into a huge smile.

“It’s a date!” Eric yelled before John and Kennedy walked in the door.

“Eric has date?” Kennedy asked looking at me and Garrett.

“Yeah, it’s McKenzie!” Eric laughed as John’s eyes narrowed.

“She’s taking me on a friend date.” Eric said laughing before John relaxed.
Within the next five minutes, Pat, Jared, Moose, and Tim were at the house and we were ready to start our movie night.

John and I were cuddled up on one end of the couch while Garrett sat in the middle, and Lauren and Kennedy were cuddled up on the far end. Garrett was oblivious to the fact that he’s seated between two couples.

“My vote is for both of the Paranormal Activity movies.” Garrett stated, smirking as I groaned audibly.

“Please no. Those were a gift, and I really don’t want to have nightmares tonight.” I mumbled putting my head of John’s chest.

“I’ll stay with you if you want me to.” John whispered into my ear causing me to grin at him.

Everyone outvoted me on the movie choices and John wrapped his arms around me and squeezed slightly every time I jumped.

After the movies and everyone went their separate ways, John headed upstairs to my room with me following him.

I quickly changed into my pajamas before crawling into bed. I watched John
strip down to his boxers before he climbed into bed with me. John had never spent the night with me, and I was slightly nervous.

He was lying on his side next to me, I turned to my side, and stared at him John snuggled closer to me, placed his hand on my waist, and placed his forehead against mine.

I closed my eyes briefly as John’s lips touched mine and I felt myself smile. “I love you.”

I opened my eyes to look at John, and I just knew that he was going to be the boy that changed my life, my beliefs, and my entire world.

“I love you too.”

And I never meant anything more in my life than I did then.
♠ ♠ ♠
I decided to continue this. Let me know what you think. (: