Status: On Hiatus

Just Believe

First Impressions.

October 2009

Kenzi’s POV

It was a peaceful night filled of studying. The days were slightly cooler and the leaves were just starting to fall. I was sitting in the window seat in my bedroom when I noticed cars pulling up to the house next door. I was mildly curious so I marked the page I was on in my book and put it down, turning my attention to my window once more.

Someone new had just moved in next-door last week. I never saw any adults, just three boys moving music equipment and various boxes into the house. I assumed they were a few years older than I was, but I wasn’t sure. I had met one of the boys yesterday when I had pulled in the driveway from school. His name was Kennedy and he seemed nice.

By now, there was about twenty cars parked outside my house, and the house next door and I could hear some obnoxious rap song blaring from the house. My roommate had yet to return home from work so I was home alone. I decided to turn on some music of my own to drown out the noises coming from next door.

By the time Lauren, my roommate, got back the noise coming from next door had increased ten-fold. I really wasn’t appreciating this, because I had a huge paper due tomorrow, and I wasn’t able to concentrate.

“Hey Laur, I’m going next door to tell them to please turn down the music. I can’t focus!” I shouted up the stairs as she headed to the bathroom to shower.

“Be careful Kenzi.”

I told her I would be before grabbing my jacket and heading outside. I quickly made my way over to the house only to see the door open and drunk people stumbling all over the place. All throughout high school and my first two years of college, I had only attended three parties, and this one reminded me why I hated parties so much. Everyone was beyond gone and making fools of themselves. Over half the people hear would regret their decisions come morning. It was quite sad actually.

I pushed my way through all the gyrating bodies to come face to face with Kennedy. “Uh hey, Kenzi right? I’m sorry about all of this, I tried talking John out of it, but-” I quickly cut him off.

“Where’s this John guy at anyways?” I asked folding my arms across my chest. I was seriously pissed at this point.

“Follow me,” Kennedy shouted before quickly pushing his way through the mass of bodies. I noted Kennedy wasn’t drunk or incredibly into the whole party scene.

We ended up in the kitchen and I instantly recognized the tall lanky boy in front of me as one of the guys I saw moving in last week. I quickly walked up to him and poked him in the chest. He smiled down at me before raising his eyebrows. “I don’t recognize you,” he slurred causing me to roll my eyes.

“Ok asshole I live next door and I have a huge paper due for college tomorrow and I can’t fucking concentrate with your drunk fest!” I yelled making him smile.

“You’re really pretty. Did you know that? You smell pretty too,” he smiled again.

“How fucking drunk are you?” I screamed getting extremely pissed off.

“Only a little,” he laughed throwing an arm around me.

I pushed him off before walking up to an apologetic Kennedy. “I’ll get this under control Kenzi. You can come kill him tomorrow because I assure you he won’t remember this tomorrow,” he grimaced, clearly annoyed with his friend.
I made my way back home and sat at my computer until 4:30 in the morning typing my paper.

I barely even knew him, and I already hated John.


I pulled into the driveway and just sat there. I didn’t know if I had enough energy to make it into my house. Last night was one of the worst nights of my life, and I hadn’t slept at all. I looked across my yard to see John, Kennedy, and three other boys playing Frisbee. Well, four of them were playing and one of them was running around with his hair tucked behind his ears screaming while the others laughed. And how old were they supposed to be?

I finally managed to get out of my car; as I walked across the driveway and up to my front door, I felt something hard hit me in the back of the head, causing my eyes to water. Turning around I saw the Frisbee on the ground and John running towards me.

“I’m so fucking sorry! Are you ok?”

“Get the fuck away from me,” I muttered before making my way to my door.

“Hey wait! I said I was sorry!” He yelled, just pissing me off even more.

“First off, your little get together last night made it fucking impossible for me to type up a paper for class, secondly you were so goddamned drunk last night you don’t even remember be screaming at you and third you just hit me with a Frisbee. Do you think an I’m sorry really makes up for all of that? I don’t even know you and I know I can’t stand you,” I rambled watching John’s face change from confusion to shock to annoyance.

“I’m sorry. The party got a little out of hand. I promise it won’t happen again,” he smiled thinking his little apology would make up for everything.

I just ignored him and made my way into my house.

Maybe it was time to consider moving…
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