Status: On Hiatus

Just Believe


“How can one guy be so freaking annoying!” I screamed slamming the front door behind me. I kicked my shoes off by the door.
I walked into the kitchen and tossed my bag on the counter before sitting down at the table. I sat there staring into nothing. I sat there for a good twenty minutes before I realized I needed to write a paper for my psychology class. I sighed remembering I had left my books out in my car. I grabbed my keys and made my way back to the front door. I slipped on my slippers and opened the door. A chorus of laughter quickly greeted me; I turned my head towards John’s house to see all the guys sitting in a circle in the grass, joined by a familiar looking blonde.

I rolled by eyes when I realized Lauren was sitting over there and I continued towards my car. I opened the back door and started grabbing my books when I heard Lauren yell my name.

“Kenzi! Come here!”

I waved at them before I turned to go back into the house. There was no way I was going over there, even if Lauren wanted me to. I walked into the house and went into the kitchen once more, and laid my books out before me. I opened my Psychology book and pulled out my outline for the mental illness paper that was due at the end of the week.

I started to write some ideas down on the paper when someone came up behind me and grabbed my shoulders. I screamed and jumped out of my chair only to see John standing there shaking with laughter.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” I screamed crossing my arms over my chest.

He quickly stopped laughing and looked down at me smiling slightly. “Well you ignored Lauren when she yelled at you to come over and she told me to come get you,” he said, as his smile grew bigger. “And plus, I want you to meet my other friends besides Kennedy.”

“First off, Lauren probably meant for you to KNOCK ON THE DOOR not burst into the house like you own the place and scare the shit out of me! Secondly why would I want to meet the rest of your friends if they’re anything like you?”

“Now that you mention it, I do think she mentioned something about not scaring you. But I forgot about that until now,” he smiled thinking this whole situation was funny.

“Get out,” I mumbled turning back towards the table where my Psychology book sat open.

“Come on; please just come out with us! We just want to get to know the hot girls living next to us!” He yelled grabbing my wrist.

Rolling my eyes, I decided to follow him outside just to shut him up. As soon as we walked outside Lauren and the guys cheered. I smiled slightly before sitting down between Lauren and a quiet boy with a nose ring.

“Ok, you guys this is Kenzi. Kenzi you know Kennedy already, and the ginger next to him is Jared. He lives here with me and Kenny,” John said pointing to the only red head here, besides me. Jared waved smiling slightly. “And the long haired freak next to him is Pat. Just watch out for Rat Boy,” Pat laughed and waved eagerly at me. “And last and definitely least is Garrett,” John said pointing to the quiet boy next to me.

“So you’re the girl John hit with the Frisbee!” Pat yelled causing everybody to laugh except for me.

“Yeah, he seems to love being an ass to me,” I smiled causing Jared to crack up laughing even more.

“I’m not an ass to you! You just catch me at bad times,” John whispered causing me to roll my eyes.

“Kennedy’s really cute,” Lauren whispered to me causing me to smile.
“Go for it!” I whispered back.

“SECRETS DON’T MAKE FRIENDS!” Pat yelled at us as he ran at me. Within seconds, I was laying down with him tickling me.

“Pat! Stop!” I screamed in between laughs causing Garrett to pull him off me.

I sat up and looked over at Pat to see him laughing at me.

We sat out there for another hour or so before Lauren and I announced we had schoolwork that we needed to finish.

Standing up I saw Kennedy and Lauren standing off to the side with their phones out. Lauren was bright red as Kennedy hugged her goodbye.

“Bye Kenzi! See you later!” Kennedy yelled as he made his way inside. I waved back as Pat came up and hugged me.

“Sorry I attacked you,” he mumbled causing me to laugh.

“Don’t worry Patrick. It’s ok,” I smiled causing him to hug me again.

“You’re my new best friend!”

“Goodbye Kenzi. I’ll see you later,” Garrett said giving me a hug. He and Pat quickly went into John’s house.

“Goodbye other ginger!” I yelled at Jared as he made his way back into his house.

Lauren and I started to make our way back to our house when John grabbed my arm. “So you’re going to say goodbye to all of my friends but ignore me? What did I do Kenzi?” John asked crossing his arms and looking down at me.

Lauren walked up onto our porch and waited there for me as I glared up at John. “You’re a complete asshole! You don’t care if your neighbors have school in the mornings, you hit people with Frisbees and you randomly barge into someone’s house and scare them half to death! If you were normal like you’re friends than maybe I’d say goodbye to you!” I screamed causing all the guys to exit the house next door witnessing the exchange between their friend and me.

“What the fuck is your problem? I’m sorry the party got out of hand, ok? I’ve already apologized to you for that! And it’s not like I meant to hit you with the goddamned Frisbee! I’m sorry that you fucking hate me for no fucking reason!” John yelled causing me to take a step back.

“Why are you such a dick? I obviously don’t like you! SO JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!” I yelled causing Jared to laugh from their front porch. Kennedy quickly elbowed him causing Jared to hide his laugh as a cough.

“Just let me make it up to you? Go out to dinner with me and I’ll show you I can be a nice guy,” John said smiling at me.
“And what makes you think I want to go out on a date with you?” I asked crossing my arms over my chest.

“Have you seen me? Everyone wants to date me,” John smiled.

However, that smile quickly fell off his face as I slapped him.
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I have 22 readers and two comments? Come on guys, you can do better than that(:
