Status: On Hiatus

Just Believe

Can't Stop, Won't Stop.

FF One Week

The past week had been crazy; Lauren and Kennedy were attached at the hip and were usually over next door, while I was home alone trying to write my Psychology paper. The quarter was almost over, and if I needed to pass my psychology class if I wanted to get into the forensic psychology class next quarter. The guys had been coming over all week trying to get me to hang out with them, but I kicked them out saying I had work today.

John argued every time saying that doing so much work wasn’t healthy and I needed human contact outside of school. He always lost the argument though and would end up back at his house.

My paper was due two days from now and I had still hadn’t finished it. I was running on empty and I hadn’t slept over an hour in three days. I was sitting at the table writing my paper and I could feel my eyes starting to droop. I decided a quick ten-minute power nap would help me in the end so I made my way into the living room and curled up on the couch. Within seconds, I was out.

“Kenzi, wake up!”

I sat up with a jolt to see John kneeling in front of me. “Hey,” I mumbled snuggling back into the couch.

“How long have you been here?” John asked motioning me to move head so he could sit down on the couch. As soon as he sat down, I laid my head on his lap and closed my eyes.

“Mmm, like twenty minutes maybe?” I mumbled wanting nothing more than to go back to sleep.

“You do know its ten right?” John asked looking down at me.

“SHIT! I haven’t finished my paper yet!” I yelled jumping up and running into the dining room where my laptop was set up.

I was sitting at my computer staring at the blinking cursor when John came up behind me. I didn’t know I was crying until he asked me.

“I’m not crying John,” I whispered as I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

“Yes you are,” he whispered back as he knelt down by my side and turned my chair so I was facing him.

“I’m so stressed John. I HAVE to ace this class to get into my forensic psychology class next semester and if I do badly on this paper it’ll mess up all of my plans,” I started crying even harder and John surprised me by wrapping his arms around my shoulders and pulling me into his chest.

I quickly wrapped my arms around his waist and I slid off the chair until I was kneeling in front of him. He pulled me in closer and I completely lost it. I started sobbing into his chest and he whispered into my ear and rubbed my back until I calmed down a bit.

John pulled away a little bit looking into my eyes. “I know you’re stressed about this paper but you need some fun. I’m going to call all of the guys and we’re going to have a movie night here, and then you’re going to get a good night’s sleep. You can work on the paper tomorrow ok?”

“That sounds perfect John,” I smiled at him and he pulled me back in for another hug.

“I’m going to go take a quick shower. I’ll be right down,” I stood up smiling at John.

“I’ll call everyone and have them come over okay? Take your time sweetheart,” he smiled back at me before pulling out his phone.

Twenty minutes later, I reemerged downstairs to see my living room filled with the boys of The Maine, Lauren and a few people I didn’t recognize.

“KENZI!” Pat screamed before running over and attacking me in one of his bone crushing hugs.

“PAT!” I yelled back as all the stress and weariness that built up over the past few days melted away.

I waved at everyone else before sitting down next to John on the couch.
“McKenzie, this is Nick, Eric, Brian, John Stephen, Josh and Jess. They kind of invited themselves over. I hope you don’t mind,” John said as he pointed out everybody.

“Any friend of your guys’ is a friend of mine,” I smiled at John as a mirror image smile appeared on his face.

“Good, because I’m going to be your new best friend just so you know,” Eric said smiling at me.

“Shut up Halvo! She isn’t going to be your best friend, she’s going to be mine,” the boy named John said smiling at me.

“How about I’m best friends with both of you?” I suggested smiling.

“YES!” They both yelled before jumping on top of John and me.

“Halvo, baby Gomez get off now!” John said laughing.

“Let’s watch Dawn of the Dead!” Garrett suggested from his spot in front of mine and Lauren’s entertainment center.

“Dude, we watched that like fifteen times on the last tour. Let’s not,” Kennedy said.

“Tour?” Lauren and I both asked confused looking at the people in the room with us.

“Oh, uh. Shit we forgot you two didn’t know,” Jared said as everybody looked at us.

“Didn’t know what?” I asked looking up at John.

“We’re in bands Kenz. Kennedy, Jared, Garrett, Pat and I are in a band called The Maine. Nick, Eric, and two of our other friends are in A Rocket to the Moon. And Brian, John, Stephen, Josh and Jess are in The Summer Set,” John said looking down at me.

“So we’re friends with rock stars?” Lauren asked from her spot next to Kennedy.

“I guess you could say that,” Nick said laughing.

“This doesn’t like change anything right?” John Ohh asked looking at Lauren and me.

“Of course it doesn’t John,” I said smiling at him.

“Good, now can we watch a movie?” Garrett asked smiling at us.

“Yes, but we are NOT watching a stupid zombie movie Garrett!” Jared yelled causing Garrett to pout.

We ended up deciding to watch our favorite eighties movies and we started it off with Ferris Bueler’s Day Off.

About half way through the movie I got up to make everyone popcorn and Lauren decided to come help me in the kitchen.

“Do you think it’s weird that all of them are in bands?” I asked as I pulled a few bags of popcorn out of the pantry and put the first one in the microwave.

“I mean, yeah a little. I think we surprised them by not knowing who they were. But it doesn’t really change anything. They’re all sweet people, regardless of what they do for a living,” Lauren said as she sat down on the counter.

“I guess you’re right,” I mumbled pulling one bag out of the microwave and putting another one in.

“I’m not interrupting some confidential girl talk am I?” John asked us smiling as he walked into the kitchen with Lauren and I.

I laughed as Lauren smiled and left us alone in the kitchen.

“You sure know how to clear a room don’t you?” I asked as I pulled the last bag of popcorn out of the microwave.

“Hey don’t talk about what you don’t know little girl,” John said hip bumping me as I poured the popcorn into bowls.

“Little girl? I’m almost twenty one thank you very much,” I said pushing two bowls of popcorn into his hands.

“And I am twenty one and about four feet taller than you, so you’re a little girl,” John yelled as he walked out of the kitchen towards our friends.

I smiled before joining everyone, glad that John had set this whole night up.
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A little bit longer than usual(: I'd enjoy comments, they make my day. So comment it up fools! (: