Status: On Hiatus

Just Believe



As soon as I put my car in park I was out the door and running towards John’s house. I knocked on the door switching my weight from foot to foot, as I impatiently waited for John to open the door. Seconds later John opened the door and looked at me slightly before smiling.

I didn’t even say hi to him before I ran and jumped at him, my legs wrapping around his torso and my arms snaking around his neck. He stumbled backwards slightly but recovered placing his arms around my waist.

“Why hello to you to Kenzi. May I ask why you just attacked me? Not that I mind or anything,” John grinned at me.

“I love you. Well, not really but my professor graded my essay and I’m the only person in the class who got above a 95%! I couldn’t have done it without you John!” I yelled tightening my grip on him. I didn’t care if any one saw. I was just happy.
“Really? That’s amazing! This calls for celebrating. We should get the whole group to go out for dinner to celebrate your amazingness,” John’s smile was breathtaking at that moment.

It was weird how comfortable I felt with John. The only three people I ever talked to about everything were Lauren, my mom and my sister. But ever since last week when all of John’s friends came over, I’d gotten closer to him.

John smiled at me again and pressed his forehead up against mine. His eyes started to flutter shut and he slowly moved his lips towards mine. I quickly turned my head so his lips connected my cheek. I slowly let go of him and stepped back from him.

“John… I’m sorry. I just, we’re better friends you know?” I mumbled looking down at the floor.

He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. “You know what Kenzi? You’re just scared. You’re scared that one day you’ll find someone, and that you’ll finally be happy. You need to learn that love is something you need in life; you need someone more than your roommate. Don’t you see how happy Kennedy and Lauren are? That could be you, if you only let yourself fall. I’m not going to give up Kenzi, because I know, you and I are meant to be together.”

“There’s no way you can know that John.”

“I’m going to call the guys, and let them know we’re all meeting at Pier 54 at seven tonight. You tell Lauren ok?” John started to walk down the hall before I stopped him.

“John, I just. You’re right, but that doesn’t mean I can just change.”

He just nodded at me before yelling at Kennedy and Jared. I waved slightly before turning and walking out the door towards my house.

“LAUREN! Are you here?” I yelled throwing my bag and keys on the end table by the door.

“Yeah! I’ll be down in a few seconds!” She yelled back.

I sat down on the couch and closed my eyes slightly waiting for Lauren to come downstairs.

“What’s up?” Lauren asked sitting on the loveseat across from me.

“John wants us to meet him and everybody at Pier 54 in a couple hours,” I mumbled looking out the window.


“He wants to celebrate the fact that I got a 97% on my psychology paper.

Lauren rolled her eyes at me before back going upstairs to her room. I flopped down on the couch and focused my eyes on the ceiling. I started thinking about what John had told me. Were he and I really meant to be? There was no way to know if we were; contrary to what he believed, you couldn’t tell if you loved/were meant to be with someone you just met a few weeks ago. Was I afraid of falling in love? The answer to that would have to be yes, but how could I not be afraid? Everyone I knew who had fallen in love had gotten hurt. Was I attracted to John? Yes, of course I was. He was handsome, nice, and was there for me when I needed someone. Did that mean I was willing to risk getting hurt to date him? No, at least I don’t think so.

I didn’t know what I was going to do with this situation.

Two hours later, Lauren and I were walking out of the house to see John, Kennedy, and Jared standing by my car. John looked at me with a slight smile causing me to blush, before he came up and hugged me.

“Remember what I told you Kenz. I’m going to keep trying,” he whispered before tucking a piece of hair behind my ear and wrapping his hand around mine.

Lauren decided she wanted to drive, and Kennedy called shot gun. I squeezed in between John and Jared, wondering what I should do.
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I'm sorry it's been so long. ): I feel horrible. I'm hoping to update Kennedy this weekend. Junior year is killer but I'm gonna attempt to post a lot more frequently.