Status: On Hiatus

Just Believe

He's Killing Me

Dinner was uneventful for the most part. Pat told the waiters it was my birthday so I could get a free ice cream sundae and then Jared toasted to my outstanding smarts.

The most interesting part of dinner, was in fact John. He sat across the table from me but he stayed quiet for the duration of dinner. He’d occasionally send me a smirk when he caught me looking at him and every now and again, his foot would bump mine under the table.

Being at dinner surrounded by all the people who had become my friends in such a short time I felt content. I knew John went through hell to become my friend, and he had proved that he truly cared about me, but could it be more than friends? I didn’t know the answer to that question, and I didn’t want to risk the pain that could come with starting a relationship with John. I didn’t know if I felt anything towards John. I just knew he was there when I needed someone, and he always cheered me up. Besides Lauren, he was my best friend.

John standing up and clearing his throat caused me to snap out of my thoughts. He smiled down at me slightly before looking around at everyone else at the table. Garrett and Lauren sat on either side of me and Garrett elbowed me slightly and whispered in my ear. “You may want to pay attention now.”

“I just want to thank you all for coming here tonight to celebrate with us. Just recently, I moved into a new house with Kennedy and Jared. The first weekend we were there, I threw a party that most of you were invited too. Well I pissed this girl here off with it, and then the next day I hit her with a Frisbee. I didn’t mean to piss her off or hit her, but I did, and she refused to be my friend. So I spent forever trying to woo her into being my friend. Finally, we became friends, and I realized how different we were. She works her ass off to make it through college when I dropped out. She’s responsible when I’m not. And she’s the most gorgeous girl I’ve ever seen. I want nothing more than to date her, but she told me I have to prove myself. So this is me attempting to prove myself. In a month, we’re having a show here in Tempe. I want all of you to come.”

He smiled at me again before sitting down and talking to Jared next to him.

The rest of dinner passed with me freaking about what was going to happen in a month.

One week later;

I was laying on the couch reading while Kennedy and Lauren attempted to make dinner in the kitchen. I could periodically hear their laughter float into the living room and it made me roll my eyes. Those two were so cute together it was sick.

“Kenzi! Come in here a minute,” Kennedy called.

I sat up on the couch and sighed dramatically before putting my bookmark in my book and slowly stretching.

“What?” I had my arms crossed across my chest and was leaning against the doorway of the kitchen.

“Have you talked to John lately?” Kennedy asked causing Lauren to roll her eyes.

“Of course she hasn’t. He’s scared her.”

I shot Lauren a death glare before turning around and walking out of the kitchen. I grabbed my car keys from the end table and jammed my feet into my flip-flops before opening and slamming the door shot behind me. I started walking only to run into something causing me to fall backwards onto the concrete.

I looked up slightly to see John standing above me, one hand extended towards me. Ignoring his hand, I stood up and brushed past him making my way to my car.

“Kenz, you can’t ignore me forever you know.”

I paused as I opened the door to my car. My back was to John and I took a deep breath before turning around and facing the man who was never afraid to confront me. He was standing in front of me, hurt evident across his face.
His pure attractiveness surprised me. He was in a pair of jeans and a dark grey v-neck and he was wearing his sunglasses that he never went anywhere without. He had one hand in his jeans pocket and was running his other hand through his already unruly hair.

“It’s all I know how to do John, I can’t help it. I’ve been running away too long to change it.” I mumbled as I fumbled with my keys. I was being unnaturally honest with him, and I felt the need to tell him that I wasn’t the girl he wanted.

John sighed as he rocked back and forth on his heels. “If what I said at the restaurant was too much, you should have just told me. I mean…” He stopped talking for a second, as if he was searching for the words that would make what he needed to say easier to say. “What I’m trying to say is you can always tell me exactly how you feel. Tell me to fuck off if I piss you off, hit me again, just anything but ignoring me. I can’t go without talking to you. It drives me insane.”

“I’m sorry John. I’m just… I’m not good at relationships or even friendships for that matter. You scare me.” I muttered the last part praying he didn’t hear it.

“I scare you?” He asked disbelief clouding his face. “How do I scare you?” He was walking towards me now, and I sighed.

“You’re so different from everyone else in my life. You’re so… so John-like. I mean, you do what you want, and you go after what you want. You followed your dream, even when it wasn’t guaranteed you’d make a living from it. You and the rest of the boys are so happy with your lives, and you have no cares. You’re spontaneous, and will do anything to make someone laugh. You’re the opposite of how I am.”

The entire time I was talking I was watching John, watching as the smile grew across his face and I watched as his hand slowly wrapped itself around my hand.

“You don’t see yourself the way I see you. You’re an amazing person McKenzie, and you work ten times harder than I ever have. You are the smartest girl I’ve met, and you don’t party your life away like I do. You care about your friends, and you would do anything they asked of you. You’re not afraid to stand up for yourself and you’re not afraid to punch a stranger in the face.” He smirked at this part causing a small smile to appear on my face. “And you’re absolutely gorgeous. Why can’t you see any of this?”

His free hand grabbed the keys from my hand and threw them on the seat in my car before closing the door. He then grabbed my free hand and took a step closer to me. He placed his forehead on mine and smiled down at me. “You’re perfect McKenzie.” He murmured as his eyes slowly drifted close.

I decided to not follow my brain, but my heart and I let my eyes close as I felt John’s breath on my face. Right as our lips were about to touch John pulled away and smiled. “Go on a date with me.” He stated before letting go of my hands and walking back towards his house.
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It's been forever since I've updated, and I feel horrible about that. I put this story on hiatus two days ago, but I decided that I can't do that. This is going to be updated regularly now. (: