Status: On Hiatus

Just Believe

You're such a tease.

I stood there for a few minutes, surprised at John’s move before I decided to go over and talk to him. I grabbed my keys from the seat of my car and quickly made my way over to John’s house. I pounded on the door before hearing Jared yell that he was coming. He pulled open the door and yanked me into a hug when he saw who was at the door.

“Hey! What are you doing over here? I thought you and John weren’t talking?” He asked my stepping back and dropping his arms from around my shoulders.

“We just talked outside and he uh… he wasn’t very nice.” I stuttered trying to find a way to tell Jared why I was here.

“Is John Ohh ever nice?” Jared asked laughing. “He’s in his room. Go up the stairs and it’s the last door on the right.” Jared shot me another smile before heading in to the living room where I could see his guitar sitting on the couch.

I started up the stairs and as I reached the top, I heard John’s voice. I could tell he was singing and I paused as I reached his closed door. I hesitated as I heard him sing in a wonderfully raspy voice. “So where I come from, you learn to make the best of things. But honey since we met, you know you've had the best of me.”

I decided now to make my presence known to John and I quickly rapped my knuckles against the wood of his door. I heard him place his guitar somewhere and a few seconds later the door opened. His eyes hid an emotion I couldn’t decipher but they changed quickly as he smiled.

“Couldn’t get enough of me could ya?” He asked sending me a devilish smirk as he crossed his arms and leaned against the door jam.

“You’re such a cocky son of a bitch John.” I shot him a glare only to have him smile at me.

“I’m picking you up at eight tonight, be ready to go somewhere nice, alright?”
He smiled once more at me before closing the door in my face.

I shook my head and attempted to fight the smile that was spreading across my face. I knocked on his door once more and I could hear him chuckle slightly before opening again.

I quickly made my move, grabbed his shirt collar on either side of his neck with both hands, and pulled his face down to mine. I stood up on my tiptoes as I gingerly pressed my lips to his. I could feel him smile against my lips and his arms wrapped around my waist pulling me closer to his body. John smiled once more before pulling away and shooting me a heart-stopping smile.

“Am I really that irresistible?” John asked smirking at me again.

“John Ohh you really shouldn’t let your ego get that big. It’s not good for you.” I smiled at him before detangling myself from him and sauntering out of his room. I paused halfway down the hallway before stopping and turning around to see his goofy smile. “And don’t expect that to occur too much Mr. O’Callaghan. That was a onetime thing sweetheart. Don’t forget to pick me up at eight.” I winked at him before continuing down the hall.

“Tease!” John yelled before laughing.

I shook my head as I walked down the stairs to see Jared, Garrett and Pat standing there with curious looks on their faces. “Why’d John call you a tease?” Pat asked giving me a hug.

“She just kissed me!” John’s voice could be heard from upstairs and the Jared’s eyes widened as he looked at me.

“You kissed him? I’m so lost right now.”

“He confronted me outside and then acted like he was going to kiss me, and then he walked away. It pissed me off so I came here and kissed him.” I explained smiling at the shocked expressions on everyone’s faces.

“And then the little tease proceeded to tell me it was a onetime thing and that I still have to take her on a date.” John’s voice said from behind me. I hadn’t heard him come down the stairs at all.

“Finally. FINALLY someone used a John Ohh trick on the player himself. Serves you right bud.” Garrett said sending me a smile. “I think I love you.” He said winking at me.

I just laughed before heading towards the door. “Bye boys!” I yelled before leaving John’s house to go to mine.

I didn’t want to admit it, but I knew now that I was falling for John. And there was nothing I could do to stop it.
♠ ♠ ♠
I will finish this story even if it kills me. I would love to hear what you guys think about how this is all going.