Status: Always in progress, as long as you submit something.

Under My Skin

Do you have a secret? Do you want to tell your life story? Do you just want to get your feelings out? Is there something itching to get out? Is there something you want to say? Do you have anything under your skin that you want to admit, let go, free yourself from? Do you have some kind of guilt, an addiction, a family issue that you want to talk about? Are you so ridiculously, extremely, unabashedly HAPPY that you need everyone to know?

Let it out. Let it all out here. Think of it like personal therapy. Think of it as telling the world your message, get it out.

And who says what you send has to be serious? It can be something funny or happy or stupid you want to say. It's your choice.

I'll make you an author, or, if you want to remain anonymous, send it all to me in a message and I'll add it.