Status: Always in progress, as long as you submit something.

Under My Skin


I think about moving away and going to college all the time.


It's because I can't seem to get it right with the friends. I always manage to pick the people who get bitter or give me barbed compliments or comments. Nobody can seem to be happy for me when I do something right or accomplish something. YOU always do it better, YOU could totally play my instrument better than the top player in the school and me combined, that's what you always say... and it pisses me off. You're just so fucking bitter and you can't be happy unless you're doing it too. You can't fucking be happy unless you tell yourself that even though you have no clue HOW to do it, if you knew how you'd do it better. And what makes me even angrier is that you claim T and I have the biggest egos in band. You're worse than everyone combined. You think you can get away with faking your way into the hospital at band camp. Guess what? You can't. The director knows, my dad knows, your closes friends know, and that's a shame, because now if you make a mistake, we can rat you out. Yeah, I'm being nasty about this, but you need to shape up your attitude. If you don't, you're going to get what's been coming to you for a long, long time, and then you'll complain about how you didn't do anything to deserve it.

And that's when you're going to be wronger than ever.
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