Status: Very, very very slow.

Where to Run? Where to Hide?

Secret Plan

"I don't wanna hear it." I stated as I saw Zach walk up to my locker.Today had been no better than last night, against all my hopes. Zach had woken up in the morning more determined than ever to make sure that I was feeling okay, that I had everything I needed. Gosh, he was like a mother! Like my little, teenage mother! The only difference between him and my own mother is that hes caring, hes helpful, respectful, actually has a heart... hey! What would you know. Zach's a better mother than mine could ever be!

"What don't you wanna hear?" a voice that definitely didn't belong to Zach responded. Confused, I turned my head to look in the voices direction. Standing in front of me, leaning against the lockers next to mine, was Austen, flashing me a wide smile.

I returned the smile, turning my attention to my locker. "Hey, Austen."

"Ah, I was awarded by a smile. You must be having a good day."

I shut my locker, looking over at Austen, still smiling. "I am, in fact."

He raised an eyebrow at me, pushing himself off of the lockers to a standing position. "Could all this coming from yours and Alex's new friendship renewal?"

Now, it was my turn to raise an eyebrow at him as I headed off to my next class. "You spying on me, Austen?"

"Please, I have better things to do then to stalk your sorry ass around this shitty town." he remarked, walking along with me to class. I could practically hear him rolling his eyes. This fact made me chuckle a bit. "And I ran into Alex a few minutes ago."

"I didn't know you were buddy buddy with him again." I stated, feeling my mood drop a few notches. The thought of Austen talking to Alex... unsettled me. Austen knew me better than almost anyone. Well, better than most people do. Hes one of my best friends, but he was Alex's first. Could he still see it that way, even after all these years? There were things about my past I'd rather forget that Austen knows. Would he tell Alex? Would he betray me like that?

He must of seen something in my face, because he quickly added. "Don't worry, we didn't talk about you. For the most part anyways."

"For the most part?" I questioned, looking at him from the corner of my eye.

"Well, he did say that you guys are trying to befriend each other again. I have to say, I was shocked. The way you went off on him on that first day had everyone doubting there would ever be any peace between the two of you." Austen shook his head from side to side in disbelief, his hair flying along with his motion.

"Yeah, well, I guess it was going to happen sooner or later." I shrugged, opening the class room door just as the bell rings.

******************************************** *******************************************************

"Don't start Jake." I growled, sliding down on the wall behind me and leaned my head against Jake's shoulder. Today was one long day. Too long, if you ask me. Nothing really happened today. Just like any other school day. Plain, dull and boring. The only thing that made today different was that I ran into Alex today, and for once in many years, we just talked for a few minutes. You heard me right, talked, like decent human beings. No fighting, no arguing, nothing. It's a first for us this school year. We even joked. I had to admit, it felt great to not argue with him for once. It was something I could get used to

"So you don't want to talk about your fixed friendship with the Golden Boy?" Jake asked, sounding indifferent, but I knew better. There was a small sharpness to his voice, hardly hearable, but that didn't mean it wasn't there.

"It doesn't change anything Jake. Just makes both of our lives much each other. Plus, it can't hurt to try." I shrugged against him arm. I could feel my eyes beginning to close and did my best to keep them open.

"My ass it can't hurt." he mutter in a low voice.

I decided to ignore his comment. "So you quitting drinking or your broke?"

He shrugged slightly. "A little of both I'd say."

"Too broke to buy so you decided to just call it quitting until you get the money, huh?" I asked knowingly, a small yawn escaping my lips.

I could feel him chuckling from beneath me. "Something like that."

I nodded, smiling a bit to myself. "I thought so, you have no will power."

"Excuse me, Missy. I have plenty of will power." he objected, pulling again from me.

I sighed while smiling. Sitting up staright in my spot, i leaded my head against the cold wall behind me. "Yeah, just like how you had so much will power when you tried to learn to learn to play guitar."

"Hey! I have a valid excuse for that."

"Oh, do please share."

"Those strings fucking slit your fingers in two! Especially that fucking small one, shit, i thought I was going to lose control of my own fingers because of that fucking peace of shit!"

I laughed, shaking my head side to side. Jake never did have the patience and the will power to stick to something. Well, something other than drugs and alcohol, but unfortunately, once your on those, it's almost impossible to get off them. Almost.

"Don't blame the guitar for your own misfortunes, Jakester."

I jumped at the sound of someone elses voice joining in with our own. I snapped my head up, looking with wide eyes towards the voice. There, leaning on the school building was a grinning Joe, looking over at us with much entertainment.

I smiled at the sight of him."Haven't seen you in a while. Have you been hiding from me or something?"

His smile seemed to grow. "Hide from you? Now that would be an abomination in it's self. Who would hide from such beauty?"

I laughed, leaning my head back on Jake's shoulder. "I see your flirting skills have yet to be improved."

Jake's body once again shock from beneath me, making me smile again.

"Hey, give the guy some credit. He at least has the guts to try to flirt with you." Jake commented, getting to his feet. A small whine left my lips.

"Sorry, Irony. But we got to go." Jake said, patting my head.

"Yeah, strickly guy business." Joe added, smiling widely.

"Guy business, huh? So little old me can't know what this guy business is?" I teaseed, getting up to my feet and stretching. I felt my back crack a few times, to my great sadisfaction. That felt great.

"Nope, unless your willing to compromise." A slezy smile gre on his face, catchi8ng my attention.

"Compromise, huh? How?" I raised a tentative eyebrow at him, testing how far he would go.

"Come with me to a festival tomorrow night and lets see if your wordy of this top secret information." he said, smiling a crocked smile at me. I had to admit, he sure did know how to smile. Damn, did he look adorable.

I chuckled, walking over to where they stod at the entrance. "Well, what is this festival?"

"That;s top secret. You'll just have to risk it. So what you say, we got a deal."

"Only if we take my car." I stated, walking over to Jake to give him a hug. He rolled his eyes at us, smiling. "Teasing poor men again, I see, Irony?"he whispered in my ear.

I rolled my eyes. "It's not teasing. Just compromising." I whispered, before pulling back to face Joe. "So we got a deal?"

"You betcha. I'll be there at eight tomorrow."

"See you then." I said, walking away. As I turned the corner, Joe's voice travelled over to my ears. "Hey man, where does she live?" Jake's laughed followed his, blending in with mine as I continued my way down the side of the school.