Status: active kind of

For You


"Matt! Come here, look what I found."

Walking into the living room, Matt saw an open box on the floor near his mother's feet, who was on the couch, with a picture album in her lap.

"Oh, the two of you were just adorable." his mom cooed, flipping to the next page. Knowing what was in the album now, Matt frowned and was about to leave, when he was told to sit down and look through the pictures.

"I have homework."

"Homework can wait a few minutes. Just look at these!"

The whole damn album was filled with pictures of him... And Zacky. He saw three more books in the box and mentally groaned.

"Remember when you went to the carnival for the first time with Zacky? The two of you had so much fun."

Matt forced out a chuckled. "Y-yeah.. I barely remember it."

His mom sighed. "I remember how Zacky was afraid of going on the ferris wheel but you persuaded him to in the end--"

"And it got shut down while we were almost finished and Zacky started to cry." Matt finished for her. The memory just came back to him. He, himself, was surprised.

Mrs. Sanders laughed. "But he stopped after you gave him a big hug when you finally got down!"

Matt suddenly found himself interested in the photographs and even smiled as old memories resurfaced. A time before high school.. before grades, before college, before peer pressure.. A time when Zacky came over almost every weekend to play and have fun.

"Here's one from your kindergarten graduation. Oh! And Zacky's 7th birthday, how adorable!"

"Zacky! You gotta open my present first." seven year old Matt exclaimed. The box was crudely wrapped as Matt had insisted that he did it on his own, but it looked beautiful to Zacky, who couldn't wait to open it up.

Zacky tore away the wrapping paper and laughed in delight as he saw what Matt had gotten him. The other children didn't see what was so special about a teddy bear, a rather plain one at that, especially since he was a boy. But they didn't know that Zacky had lost his a few days ago at the mall and had been upset about it until the party had taken his mind off of it.

"I used my whole allowance to get you one, Zacky." Matt said proudly. "Mommy said she'd buy it but I thought it'd be specialer if I bought it myself."

"I love it! Thank you, Mattie. This is the bestest present!" Zacky squealed, although he hadn't even opened up the others yet. He gave the bear a hug before setting it down besides him and giving it a pat on the head. It was time to open up the other presents.


The best part about birthday parties were the sleepovers. The other kids had gone, not knowing about it, while Matt stayed behind. It was dark in the room and the two boys were getting drowsy.

"Thanks for my teddy, Mattie." Zacky mumbled with a yawn, clutching on to his doll.

"I'm glad you like it, Zack."

Zacky laughed, "I love it lots! And I love you, too, Mattie."

Matt smiled in the dark as the sleep slowly washed over him and mumbled, "Love you, too, Zack... Night.."

Matt mumbled something about a test to his mom and abruptly got up to go to his room. Looking through the pictures had stirred these memories in him and he couldn't do anything to stop them, either. There was one of when the two of them had entered school for the first time.. one when they got lost at the mall..

"Dammit!" he swore, throwing a pillow across the room. He didn't need this bull right now. Who the hell cared about Zachary Baker anyway? Matt sure didn't. Or he thought he didn't.

Deciding to go out for some fresh air, Matt grabbed a jacket and jogged to the park. He was just about to feel better about the whole night when he saw Zacky sitting on a bench. Matt stopped short and growled before advancing towards the smaller boy.

Zacky looked up and jumped to see Matt coming towards him at a rather scary pace. He got up and tried to run but was too slow and yelped when Matt grabbed him by the forearm.

"M-Matt come on.. I-I had a r-rough day..." Zacky whimpered, already tearing up. He was at the park because he was hiding from his dad, who was particularly angry that night.

Matt narrowed his eyes at the new injuries Zacky had. "What the fuck, Baker? Does your dad abuse you or something?"

Green eyes widening in fear of being caught, Zacky stammered that he had run into a gang of other teens from a different school earlier, and Matt thankfully bought the excuse.

Matt held Zacky by the collar, trying to decide on what to do. If his friends were around he wouldn't have hesitated in giving Zacky a beating.. But he was alone with his conscience and an already broken Zack.

Sighing in frustration, Matt shoved Zacky onto the ground and ran his hand over his short hair. He didn't get what was going on-- why he was feeling this way. Leaving Zacky alone, Matt just went home for the night.
♠ ♠ ♠
- First off, you have no idea how sorry I am for the long wait. I've just been so busy with life and blehhh. I'm trying to update and all but I just can't T_T

- This is important. Second, this chapter was supposed to be longer, but I cut it short so I could get it out faster and make an announcement: I don't want to keep you guys waiting for more than a month again ): I NEED A PARTNER!! So, if you're interested, you should totally PM me. First come first serve 'kay? And I'll be only needing one person.. Please note that I may not be able to get back to you for a few days. It's been so busy.. I'll be sure to answer everyone that replies, though! I have most of the plot thought out.. I just need help with the details and getting updates on time more.. I might make my Synacky a joint, too..
*Edit: A co-writer has been found! Look forward to chapters by Christ! and hopefully, faster updates~

- Third: Thank you guys so much! I definitely was not expecting this many comments, especially since the wait was so long. I'm so sorry for keeping you all waiting D: I'm trying not to let it happen again..

ImaginationOnAPlate BAHAHAHA nice theory! Hm.. You were on the right track.. But, you'll see ;D

BatCat!-SharkAttack! Thank you! Sorry for the lateness. It's been hectic D:

Ultraviolet Light Yeah, dude, I hate Matt, too D: He's such a jerk face. And Zacky can't make friends.. No one likes him ): OMG SO SAD!!

themadhatteress Dude you know, I had this chapter planned out where Zacky would get all insecure 'cause he thinks he's fat. And you saying you'll call him Squishy was ironic HAHAHA

HellzAngel_x_ZackyV Matt does know that something's up, but he's too much of a proud asshole to admit anything. For now ;D

a7xgirl6661 I should have someone beat Matt up D:< But who? Zacky? Well.. There's an idea.. But something like that wouldn't come around until much later hahaha

Miyuh like Daria THE REASON WILL BE REVEALED! later. Sit tight! Please :3

StacieIerogeance You're completely right. Matt stopped being Zacky's friend for a dumb reason. The poor, misguided boy. I'LL MAKE THINGS BETTER FOR ZACKY THOUGH. Later HAHA.

nikkirad YES MATT IS HOT. But he's an ass D:< Don't worry about Zack. I still need to torture him more, though :/ I know it's heartbreaking. Bear with me please. When the fluff comes, I'll make sure to overload on it.

n3n3j0y9 THANK YOU FOR YOUR COMMENT :D You'll find out why Matt's an ass hole soon enough ;D

xxbrittxxx You're not a loser for crying a little ;D I tear up when I read some stories, too. And you're right about high school life being rough :/ Technically, I'm the jerk for being the writer.. Since I'm controlling Matt and all...

terry monroe. Yeah D: I feel sooo bad for doing this to Zack. BUT I CHOSE TO WRITE IT so I must deal with the consequences.

To.Every.Enemy I'm sure every reader agrees with you. Hell, I agree with you, too. That Matt needs to be taught a lesson. And he will! I'm going to make him regret every single little thing he did and make him pitiful. But that's much later.