Dizzy Dreamer

Lesbians That Look Like...

"Can we go get burritos?" Mike whined, laying his head down in Channing's lap. It was eleven in the morning the next day and we were all hung over and tired. And apparently Mike was hungry.

"All you want to ever to do with me is fuck, drink and eat." Channing laughed, swatting at his face playfully. Mike smirked at her and shrugged, repeating that he was hungry.

"Maybe you have a tapeworm, dude."

Everyone looked at Jaime incredulously. He stared back seriously, "No guys, I saw it on the discovery channel. This guy had a tape worm from some bad food he ate and it just took away all the nutrients he put into his body! It would explain why Mike is so skinny but always eats like a fucking sumo wrestler."

"Actually, sumo wrestlers have a really strict diet and don't eat that much…" Vic started. We all rolled our eyes at him and he looked at his lap, defeated. "I mean, uh, fuck yeah, burritos!"


I heard my number being called at the Mexican restaurant Mike forced us to and clumsily stood up from my chair, stepping into a slim figure with long hair, "Oh, sorry ma'am!" I apologized quickly as she turned around.

"Did you really just call me ma'am?" Vic asked me, his brow furrowed so tightly together it looked like a unibrow. I bit my lip so I wouldn't laugh in his face and shook my head "no". He glared at me and pushed his hair back, "I'm not girly!"

"Yes, because screaming 'I'm not girly!' at the top of your lungs in your squeaky voice really helps your argument, Vic...toria." Jaime said, as he clasped my hand and we walked away from Vic, towards the counter so we could get our food, leaving Vic pouting in our wake.

Jaime pulled me to the side, away from our friends and where we were supposed to go to get our order. I looked up at him, an eyebrow raised. He smiled down at me sweetly, "Can I ask you something?"

I nodded.

"I know its lame and I know we're not in elementary school or whatever but I was kind of wondering…even though its a little weird to ask now…will you be my girlfriend?" He asked, biting his lip and shuffling his feet. I couldn't help but coo at him.

"Well, yeah." He smiled at me, looking like a puppy. "I mean, Himez, we've been acting like we're dating since we first met so I mean, its only right. Plus, I do really like you."

He brought his lips to mine and smiled, as he pulled away, he whispered "I really like you too."


After our burritos, we decided we would walk to the beach and relax for the day. I was laying in the sand with Jaime, just people watching, while Mike and Channing and Rylee were in the water. About ten yards away from us was what looked like a topless woman from the back. Jaime nodded towards her and giggled.

"You're twenty four…are you really giggling at boobs?" I asked. He nodded, biting his lip and smiling.

The woman turned around and both Jaime and I started laughing, "Goddamnit, Vic needs to cut his hair!" Jaime yelled, as Vic- the seemingly topless woman- began walking towards us, scouring.

"I heard that!" He yelled.

I smirked at him, "Goddamnit Precious, I keep mistaking you for a woman! Cut your hair." He threw his shirt at me and I ducked so that it hit Jaime square in the face. He sat there, with Vic's woman's cut Jaws tee hanging off of his face and shrugged, talking into the fabric. I lifted the shirt off of his face so we could understand him.

"I said, at least I don't look like a woman!"


"Ice cream!" Mike screeched, running towards a woman with a rolling cart filled with frozen treats. Channing shook her head, walking next to me. I laughed at her and she sighed, "Its like dealing with a five year old."

Jaime raised his eyebrow, "Good lord woman, I hope last night isn't an example of how you treat five year olds…" Channing hit Jaime in the stomach and he looked at me, pouting.

"Are you really going to let your friend beat up your boyfriend?" he cried.

I nodded at Jaime's pout as Channing mouthed the word 'boyfriend' with a snicker as we finally caught up to Mike. Rylee turned to me and smiled, muttering something about someone turning a lamppost off. She took a blind step backwards and looked behind her shoulder, yelling, "Damnit Vic, you keep getting in my way today!"

A chick turned around and looked at Rylee confused, shrugged and walked away. We all stared and started laughing hysterically. Well, all of us except for Vic, who was furrowing his brow again.

Rylee and I turned to each other at the same time and exclaimed "Lesbians that look like Vic Fuentes!"
♠ ♠ ♠
*Lesbians that look like Vic Fuentes!

Ash asked and she recieveeeed
this is silly and pointless
like the rest of this story

hahaha poor Vic.