Keep Me


“Keep walking Lucy, we’re almost there,” Adelaide shouted to her sister, who had slumped onto the pebbled-infested ground beneath her. The sun was just about to peek over the horizon, which meant they had walking for the most part of three hours.

“Almost where?” Adelaide and Lucy had left home, they had ran away. Adelaide said she knew where she was going, but whether or not it was true, was anybody’s guess. “For all I know,” Lucy groaned, picking herself up from the earth, “’there’ could be a wrecked barn in the middle of nowhere.” Adelaide stopped, and turned to face Lucy. “Are you saying you don’t trust me?” She said, raising her eyebrow and plastering on a grin.

“That’s not what I said,” Lucy pouted,
“But it’s what you’re implying,” Adelaide was playing with her, teasing Lucy to try and pass the time.
“You’re not funny,” Lucy pushed past Adelaide, making sure her hands collided with Adelaide’s shoulder. “Don’t get mad Lucy, I’m the one helping you out. I don’t see anyone else kissing your feet.” Lucy sighed, she couldn’t get angry at Adelaide when she was the only person who could protect and understand her.

“I’m sorry,” Lucy said, sitting in the middle of the train tracks. If it wasn’t for Adelaide’s knowledge of trains then they would have been walking through gloomy forests and wide open fields. This railway track hadn’t been used for years, nobody had bothered to tear it down; and so it sat there gathering dust and moss. “I guess I’m just upset, everything that’s going on is messing with my head.” Adelaide skipped over to Lucy side’s, and sat down opposite her, looking directly into her eyes.

“Lucy, don’t let it get to you. That’s when cracks begin to show, we need to be strong if we’re going to make it any further.” Adelaide smiled, but Lucy stayed emotionless. “We’re going to live with Tom and Jessie,” Adelaide had wanted it to be a surprise, but her heart ached watching Lucy suffer. At the sound of Adelaide’s words, Lucy’s eyes widened, a smile grew on her face and suddenly the glow that Adelaide loved so much had gotten back into Lucy.

Lucy wrapped her arms around Adelaide, hugging her tightly and being unable to stop laughing. “When did you tell them?” Lucy asked, her voice higher in pitch and merrier.
“I phoned them last night, before…” Adelaide trailed off, her mind wandering back to last night,
“You can say it, Adelaide.” Lucy said bitterly, waiting for her sister to finish her sentence.
“I don’t want to, I wanted to forget about last night…”
“I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bring it up I-” Adelaide placed her finger across Lucy’s lips, keeping her from saying anything. “You don’t need to apologize,” she said, standing and placing her hands on her hips.

“Now c’mon, we’ve still a couple of hours worth of walking.” Adelaide pulled Lucy up and the two continued to walk across the tracks, Lucy balancing on the metal beam. Lucy had her arms outstretched, trying not to fall off and roll down the hill to her left, or hit her head on the track to her right. “Be careful Lucy, I don’t want an injury on my hands.” Adelaide meant it as a joke, but it didn’t stop Lucy from wondering.

“Adelaide,” Lucy said, hopping of the beam to be walking through the planks of wood in the middle of the track. “What?” Adelaide asked, plainly.
“Promise you will keep me,” her words were almost lost in the wind, so quiet and frail.
“What do you mean?”
“Don’t ever leave me?” It wasn’t supposed to have came out a question. Adelaide stopped, put on hand on Lucy’s shoulder and uttered the words, “I promise to never leave you, Lucy, I couldn’t possibly live without you. I need you.”

There was a few minutes were nobody spoke, where there was no noise at all. “I love you, Adelaide,” Lucy leant in to kiss Adelaide. There lips were together, moving in sync. Lucy loved the way Adelaide’s lips felt, smooth like silk. Adelaide loved the way Lucy’s lips always tasted like cherries; and Adelaide didn’t mind cherries. But soon their lips parted, “I hope no-one saw that,” Lucy said, chewing on her bottom lip.

Adelaide scoffed, “there isn’t anyone here that could have seen it, and so what if they did?” Lucy looked down, ashamed. “Mum and Dad might not have approved of this, but everyone else is just going to have to. I don’t care if everyone we walk past whispers about us, I don’t care if the whole world turns their back against us. We are together and that is that. We were meant to be together, so what if we’re family. You’re not just my sister, you are my love.”

Lucy’s begin to weep, letting the tears slide down her cheek and splash onto the earth. “Why are you crying, Lucy?”
“I don’t know,”
“Now, I don’t believe that. Nobody cries for no reason,” Adelaide bent down slightly, so their heads were the same level. Lucy laughed slightly, “I guess it’s just happy tears,”
“Good. Now c’mon, we don’t have time for anymore interruptions.”

Lucy’s jaw dropped, “I’m an interruption?” Both the girls laughed as they carried of in the distance, praying their love could keep strong through thick and thin.

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Just in case you didn't understand this; Adelaide and Lucy are sisters in love. I hope you enjoyed it :)