Status: Active

The Unforgiving Forest


"Alex!' My mom screamed at me. "You have to get up!"

"Five more minutes." I groaned and rolled over.

"You said that half an hour ago, I'm not driving your ass to school." She was joking, but still wanted me to get up.

"Fine." I stood up out of my warm bed and looked at the clock.

"Mom! I only have ten minutes!" I yelled at her. She just shrugged and walked away. I threw on whatever clothes I could find, refusing to be late on the first day of school, and grabbed an extra hoodie for later and rushed out of the house, grabbing a poptart and my book bag on the way.

I actually ended up standing at the edge of my driveway waiting for the bus to come, I was the last one on so the bus didn't come until like 6:55.Which is really nice, until you wake up late... I wondered if Terri retired this year. She'd drove my bus for years.After five minutes of waiting the the bus finally arrived.

It was the first day of my sophomore year so I was excited, this was my year to make up for freshman mistakes. I walked up to the stairs and the first thing I realize is the new bus diver. He smiled politely at me I told him a brief good morning and made my way up the rest of the stairs..

I started to look for my boyfriend, Nick when I spotted the new student. He must have transferred this year. He looked scared and innocent

"Freshman?" I asked. He nodded. "Have fun, it sucks." Yay for crushing spirits!

Then I spotted Nick.

"Nick!!" I screamed as I got on the bus.

"Alex!!" He screamed back as a huge smile lit up his face.

"I missed you soooo much! The summer was so lonely!" I jump onto his lap and kissed his cheek.

"You saw me last week." He smirked.

"Well that doesn't matter." I chuckled and playfully punched him in the shoulder. I turned around and waved at my other friends; Abby, Jason, Kalli, and Hunter. When I turned to the front I noticed the bus growing darker, the strange part was I could the the luminous sun right through the window. It was very bright but, apparently couldn't penetrate the darkness that engulfed the bus.

"Nick I'm scared." I whimpered and buried my head into his neck.

"I am too." He was to, I could feel his heart pounding in his chest and his breathing picked up. Now, even more so than before I wanted to be somewhere safe where I could hide and never be bothered; Nick had always been my anchor when I was frightened, he was never scared by anything. Until now.

"Alex, Nick, I'm scared!" Abby, Jason, Kalli, and Hunter screamed in unison.

"We are too!" I screamed to my best friends.

"Somethings coming." Nick said. "I can feel it. Guys get over here and hold onto each other, so we can stay together no matter what." They ran over to our seat and I clutch on to everyone of them.

Then there was blackness and screams. The last thing I saw of my home town was the bus seats, the last thing I heard was everyone screaming and crying. Then we were lost and lonely with no one except for the people who had choose to ride the bus that day.


I groaned and opened my eyes.

"Where are we?" I asked,no one answered. My last few moments on the bus came back and I bolted upward. I looked around, everyone on the bus was scattered around me. I observed our surroundings. There seemed to be only trees. Giant trees, as if I was the size of an ant. They sheer size of them caused me to stare in awe. Then I remembered my friends who were currently unconscious in this strange world. I began to shake them.

"Abby? Abby!"I went to her first, dying for her positiveness that knows no bounds..

"Whaaa?" You could visibly see the light-bulb as she remembered what happened.

"Where are we?" She asked.

"I don't really know its like a forest of some sort." I said and she looked around and nodded. "Help me wake everyone up."

"Okay, I'll get Jason and Kalie, can you get Nick and Hunter?" She asked, I nodded. I had always thought she had a thing for Jason...

Once everyone was up we began to look around. I,being the wimp I am, clutched Nick's hand for dear life the whole time.

"Guys!" Jena, one of the high schoolers I hadn't known, yelled. "I found an old-ish house."

"Oldish?" I asked.

"Well its obviously abandoned but its like a middle aged house. Either way its in good condition." We followed her silently everyone was deep in thought. When we got to the house we realized what she meant. They house was small but beautiful.Inside it was empty aside from a few rugs here and there.

"Alright guys." Nick said he always became the leader, and a very good one at that, in tough situations. Everyone turned towards him.

"First we need to know names. I'm Nick, this is Alex, Abby, Jason, Kalie, and Hunter." He gestured to us. "And Jena is the one who found the house."

"I'm Zac, but most people call me Mr. Science guy, I'm really not sure if its a compliment or not."

"I'm Kaitlyn." A girl with blonde hair said.

"Mark." A guy grunted and raised his hand.

"Andrew, but you can call me Drew, hun." He smiled and waved. He looked very feminine but I ignored that.

"Jace." A guy smiled and waved... He was dressed very flamboyantly.

"Ellen." Brown hair. More names continued but I forgot them all; there was like 30 people here.

"Alright,now to skills." Nick said once everyone had said their names."We need furniture and food what skills does everyone have?" It was silent.

"I'm good at woodworking, cooking, sewing, and organization." I spoke up.

"I'm good at gathering." Some guy yelled.

"I've always been good at sneaking and scouting."

"I can carry a lot."

Then everyone started to say their talents.


"Alright we need a group to hold down the house and a couple scouting groups."

"Josie, Jack, Matt, and Maria stay here and see what you can find in the house and shed. Be careful, we don't know where we are." They nodded sharply. I briefly wondered how he remembered all their names...

"Everyone else choose your scouting groups." Of course we picked the six of us and the rest organized themselves.

"Okay, Group 1?" The first group nodded. "Go west, 2, East, 3 south, and we'll go north."

"Jena found these in the shed." I said holding up an array of weapon like garden tools.

"I found these in the kitchen." Jack held up a lot of steak knives and butchering knives, etc.

"I found four water jugs." Matt held them up.

"Okay lets get these evenly distributed." Nick clapped his hands and rubbed them together.
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I've got to ch. 8 prewritten :)