Status: Active

The Unforgiving Forest


"Group One is leaving!" Matt shouted. "Two minutes and group two goes." Five minutes later.

"Group two is gone. Group three MOVE OUT!" Jack shouted. He reminded me of a cow, the way he said 'move', I don't believe it was necessary to say it like that.

"Group three flew the coup. Group has ten seconds." Josie paused, we readied our supplies. "Group four we will see you later." Incessant and persistent as well annoying, I know when we are supposed to go better than you do, Hun. I really don't need you to tell me. I'm just a little angry being stuck here... A little homesick, if you will.

As we ran I was surpised how organized we had become, even if it was annoying.. We already had intervals when leaving and everyone knew what they need to grab. While one the thought of organization I realised I needed to read our list, by the way...Where did we get the paper...Wait, everyone had notebooks for school, this makes sense!

"First on the list is wood, next any fiber that can be used to create clothes or rope
then we need rocks and stones. Remember to pick up anything useful." Everyone had brought bookbags and some had lunches aswell so we were good for food today. But tomorrow it would start getting hard.

"Alex and I have the axes so we'll get the wood, but say near just incase." Nick said, they nodded.

We began to cut down trees. When we had three small trees cut down and chopped into workable pieces, and I was sweating like a hog. It's a lot of work to cut down trees! Then Abby came back with news.

"We found a heard of stray sheep and used the braided bracelet string I had to tied them together and Jason's dog leash was hooked to the end as a lead."

"How many did you catch?" I asked.

"Well thats what I'm getting here seems to be bigger then it is on Earth except the grass...So the sheep are, like, seven feet tall...and there's three." I had noticed that right when we got here. Everything is ten times its normal size.

"I have a knife sized carrot seed,lettuce,grapes,apples, and corn seed." Jason said, walking up.

"We found two normal sized cows as well." Kallie joined us.Finally, something normal.

"I've got the sheep." Hunter called. Then I saw the massive furry fluff balls they called sheep.

"That's a pretty huge sheep." I gaped.

"Yeah..." Nick trailed off and we stared up at the monstrous sized sheep.


We continued to search the forest, but everything was eerily quiet. I was super anxious. There was no way I would be able to stay out here much longer.

“Guys,” My voice was shaky. “I'm worried. I-I just can't seem to shake this feeling we aren't the only things out here...” I trailed off.

“I thought it was only me.” Nick said as he grabbed my hand. Again, I clutched on to him for dear life.

“You guys feel it too?” Jason asked. There were murmured yes's and then it fell silent, I decided it was way to quiet.

“Can we please get out of here?” I whimpered and squeezed Nicks hand.

“The house is up here.” Jason said quietly. Then we tip toe-sprinted to the house, our fluff balls in tow. There was sound of pursuit behind us, which caused us to move even faster.

“Open the door.” Abby screamed in panic. The door opened and we slammed it behind our sheep, I personally have no idea how that fit, but then again, nothing is normal here. There was a thump against the door and then there was no sound.

“Did anyone see what the fuck that was?” Kalie asked.

“A massive fucking spider!!” Jena screamed. I shivered, I have arachnophobia (fear of spiders). So a massive spider isn't necessarily going to help me sleep at night.

“Oh my god!” I screamed. “I'm scared of normal sized spiders.” I started shaking hysterically as well as all the other girls trapped in this hell hole.

“Are all the groups back?” Nick asked with urgency in his tone.

“You were the last to return.” Jack answered.

“Everyone lock all the windows and doors, we will start on the work in the morning for now get some rest.” Everyone nodded and claimed a room and a spot on the floor. Nick however never laid down, nor choose a room, so I was stuck standing there like an idiot beside him.

“What are you doing?”I whispered to him.

“I'm going to guard the house outside, I'll be right out the window. I yell as loud as possible if anything happens.” He smiled leaned down and kissed my forehead.

“Please don't get yourself killed.” I begged him God only knows how horrible life would be here without him.

“I won't.” He chuckled. Then he raised his voice. “I will be taking a guard position out side the house would anyone like to join me?” A couple guys raised their hands and headed to get geared up. I began to wring my hands anxiously. I kept looking around the room as if something would jump out at me. Then I started walking around looking for a room to hide in, preferably with another person. Then I saw a room that held only one person, he looked really lonely. His hair was cut semi short, like not shaved but short, and he had glasses on. Being the person I am I went over to him and sat next to him. He looked at me like I was some sort of freak.

“Hi.” I said nervously. He nodded back at me, his face was a light shade of pink. “I'm Alex.” He just nodded again. “I'm sorry if I'm freaking you out, I just need someone to sit by.” I paused for him to speak but he said nothing. “Nick the guy who is like taking over the position as leader has been my best friend since we were toddlers. He's my boyfriend now but, he seems different here. I think we're having a falling out if you know what I mean.” I paused, the boy only nodded. His face was a slightly darker shade of pink now. “Now that I have babbled senselessly, why don't we talk about you, oh nameless one.” I got a chuckle from him.

“Oh nameless one?” He asked still chuckling. When he finally realized he spoke his face turned extremely red and he looked at his hands.

“I won't eat you if you talk to me, I promise.” I muttered, while pouting and looking at my hands. I heard him chuckle again, his chuckle was truly amazing. I found myself smiling and in a trance. I had to remind myself that I have a boyfriend and he was right outside...It seemed really hard to remember, even though I had just said it...

“Kyle.” The boy-Kyle said. His face was even darker now, I didn't know that was even possible. I found myself staring at his glasses frames. I saw him sneak a glance at my chin.

“Shit!” I said, Kyle seemed a bit startled. He looked at my chin questioningly. “First off I just realized I'm wearing my contacts, which is not good for an extended stay in the wilderness, and second, I'm glad you looked at me but I'm not Medusa, I won't turn you to stone if you look me in the eyes.”

“Contacts?” He asked...It was only one word again, but its better then him just nodding. I also noticed him trying to looking me in the eyes. He managed for about a second before he turned an even darker red and looked back at his hands.I wanted to make that blush even deeper..

“Yeah...I actually think your glasses look like mine...One sec.” I ran to my backpack and found my glasses. I then snatched his sexy glasses off his face and compared them to mine.

“Hmmm...It's just the shape...” I trailed off realizing he probably couldn't see that much. “Oh..You can have these back.” This time I blushed. He actually laughed this time, instead of chuckling. I found myself laughing a long with him.

BOYFRIEND! Yeah... I have one of those and I don't think he'd very much appreciate what I was thinking about this Kyle kid right now...

“Is it okay if I sleep near you. We don't need to touch or anything I just don't want to be alone... And you looked lonely over here...” I would prefer to touch you, all over... her you moan. BOYFRIEND OUTSIDE THE WINDOW.

“Is that why you confronted me?” His voice was hypnotic. If he was as talkative as me I would have sat there quietly the entire time, which is amazing considering me.

“Yay a sentence!” I blurted without thinking. Stupid, stupid, stupid, I chanted to myself. He blushed again just as the old one had began to disappear. “Sorry! But yeah. I thought you deserved a friend.”A hot guy like you doesn't deserve to be alone.

He yawned hugely and laughed at the face I made, I thought I was boring him and I felt bad.. “I'm tired, not your fault.” He said; reading my mind.

“Okay, thanks for letting me sleep here. I really appreciate it.” I smiled at him and began to lay down on the cold floor. I shivered. I felt him drape his sweat shirt over my shoulders. I murmured a drowsy thank you and proceeded to passing out.

“Your welcome.” He replied, but he probably thought I was asleep.. Then I thought I heard him say something like. “But I'm just being selfish." I was probably imagining it.
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