Status: Active

The Unforgiving Forest


“Um, Abby could you please refrain from telling anyone about this....Or did we blow it by being super loud?” I started blushing. It was even worse for Kyle... He looked like a tomato someone brought to life.

“Actually these walls are amazingly sound proof I only heard it cause I thought I heard you crying and pressed my ear to the door... I had tried the wall first but I couldn't hear anything...” This time she blushed. “But let me tell you that sounded fucking HOT!” Just like Abby to bounce right back.

“Thanks.” I muttered. I'm sure my cheeks your almost as red as Kyle's.That blush really turned me on for some reason.

“So did you say you felt something when you touched?” Abby asked curiously. We both nodded. “That's so cool!! Touch you fingers together so I can see if I can feel it!” I laughed at her excitement over something that probably that wouldn't happen. But I did it anyway.

“Oh my gawd!” She screamed. “I can totally feel a little of it!!” Her voice disappeared though. All I could feel was Kyles finger on mine, all I could hear was his breathing, and all I could see was him. I intertwined our fingers and stared into his marvelous blue brown eyes. I swear he was becoming a drug to me.

“GUYS!” I heard Abby shout. We blushed and and dropped each others hand. “Now, we have to work. Kyle what was your skill?”

Cough. “Woodworking.” Cough. I tried to disguise what I was saying but failed epically.

“Woodworking.” He smiled at me. Abby rolled her eyes. "Love struck sophomore."

“And junior.” Kyle said.

“Oh an older man.” Abby raised her eyebrows. I laughed. Kyle joined in, Abby followed last. “Come on let's go.”

“Woodworkers over here.” Nick yelled. Me and Kyle slowly walked over there. Nick glared at him, and had a broken heart look in his eyes when he looked at me and our intertwined hands.

“Here are your tools and the wood. We need 10 kings, a full, and whatever you want.” He sighed heavily. We nodded and I looked down, guilty. Kyle squeezed my hand. We divvied up the tools and began to work, until we realized we needed to work together.

“I'm good at bed posts.” He said.

“I'm good at the middle part thingy and head boards.” I smiled at him. “So you do the bed posts first then we'll see where we are at the end of the first day."

-Time Elapse 20 Hours later. (Roughly 11:57pm)-

“We finished 3 Kings and the Full.” I said.

“We finished 7 king mattresses and the full.” The stuffers yelled.

“We made 20 spoons, 17 forks, 26 knives.” The metal workers said.

“We have a pair of pj's for everyone. And some denim, with a couple shirts made.” The sewers yelled.

“The sheep were completely bald, but their fur coat is already growing back.” Mark informed everyone.

“We have sleeping bags/blankets for everyone who doesn't have a bed.” Jena yelled.

“Who had the full?” I asked. Nick raised his hand. “Take that you your room. Who wants the other two, cause we're taking one.” There were a few grunts of opposition. “Hey we made them. Fight over the other ones I don't care I just want to go to bed.” I grunted and helped Kyle carry the bed into our room, it was actually quite heavy. Then we had to get the mattress...and blankets..and two pairs of pj's. We closed the door and changed right there, Kyle blushed slightly, but we were so tired we didn't even care...and there was the fact that we did it....

“Don't blush, I've already seen you naked.” I smiled at him tiredly. “And your body is pretty amazing.”

“Ha ha.” he mocked me. “Not in comparison to you.”

“Psh yeah I definitely win.” I teased him, and rolled my eyes. “Nah, I'm joking. But if I weren't so tired I wouldn't have let you get dressed again.” I licked my lips.

“Same here.” He sighed as he crawled into bed. I used his chest as a pillow and happily drifted into sleep as if I wasn't in some creepy world, or I may never see my parents, or that these pajamas were the itchiest, most uncomfortable things I've ever worn. Nope, I was completely at easy.


I woke up to Kyle absentmindedly stroking my hair. I snuggled closer to his chest. He was so comfy and warm. I could tell the room outside of our thin covers was very cold and I really didn't want to get up.

“Good morning.” He said, I could hear the smile in his voice. I smiled at how it still contained a little morning grogginess.

“Hi.” I said lamely.

“Are you ready for more bed working?” He asked with mock excitement.

“No.” I groaned. Then there was a very large sound of crushing and glass breaking. I heard a girl scream. It sounded like Lillia, I hope she's okay. I bolted upright and jumped out of bed, then rushed out the door, not quite sure what I was going to see.


I yanked open the door and what I saw was easily the most disgusting thing I had ever seen. One was blood everywhere. When you followed the river of blood you found a girl lying face down, her body was so mangled it would be hard to tell who it was. She was on the ground trapped in a huge, wait for it...SPIDER limb attached to a GAINT spider. Fun right? As you can probably tell I just love spiders. So a big spider, no prob.

Ha, I wish. I screamed and buried my face into Kyle's neck, expecting him to be strong. He just sorta stood there. Unmoving. He was probably scared just as shit-less as I was!

“Kill it please.” I screamed hysterically at anyone who would listen. A lot of the other girls followed my lead and screamed.

Then someone lit a torch and waved it at the spider, who dropped the girl and started retreating through the window. When it was gone someone began to immediately board up the window. Kyle finally moved and wrapped his arms around my now hysterical form.

“Can you still work on the beds?” He asked tentatively.

“I guess.” I sniffled. He laughed at me, because I sounded more scared of work than the spider now. The girl, Lillia, was rushed to the 'ER' which was a table in the far corner.


That day we finished the rest of the beds and started on chairs and tables/nightstands. I realized how much I hated working. I liked sleeping until noon and then sitting in front of the computer or TV all day. But now I had to work, and that just wasn't flying with. I tried to keep my complaints to a minimum but it was hard.

Someone had boarded up the rest of the windows to prevent another accident like today's. It still didn't make me feel anymore safe. If that thing could break the wall down so easily how would a few boards change anything?

I was completely wiped, that night. I didn't even try to put on the scratchy old rags these people wanted to pass of as pajamas, on I just sorta stripped into my underwear and bra. Kyle put pajama pants on but not a shirt. Then we snuggle extra tight so if a spider pick off one of us it took both.

I counted to 3 before I passed out, Kyle lightly snoring beside me. Knowing we were semi-safe but still yearning to be, this is surprising I know, at school, or at least able to see our parents, inform them that we are okay...Well mostly okay.


When I woke up the next morning I really didn't want to get up. I had this feeling like today was just not my day and I should stay in bed all day. I started tracing random patterns on Kyle's bare chest.

"Good morning." He said as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and stretched. Then he wrapped his arm around my waist. I pulled myself up to kiss him.

"Good morning to you too." I said, smiling, after we finished the kiss. "Can you believe that, just two days ago you didn't even no who I was." I said while trying to stall.

"No, it's felt like so much longer." He smiled and pecked me on the lips. I liked him like this; confident and not at all shy. But I liked it when he was blushing and shy as well, it's a double edged sword.

"Mhm." I agreed with him. "I think we should just stay in here today. It feels like it's just going to be a bad day in general."

"I wish we could." He smirked at me. "Then we could do whatever we wanted to."

"There are so many things I want to do to you." I said with a devilish smirk on my face. Then I got a flash of something in my head. It was me slowly sliding down his over-sized pajama pants. Then I slid down his boxers and took him into my mouth.

"That sounds like a good idea." I said out loud, and continued to enjoy the picture in my head.

"Wait, are you imagining what I am?" He said and the fantasy in my head stopped.

"If it was me pulling off your pants and giving you a blow job, then yes." I said quickly.

"That is actually exactly what I was thinking..." He trailed off.

Oh, god, what if she can get into my mind. But I wouldn't be surprised... This place is freaky... I heard him say, but his lips didn't move.

"This place is pretty freaky." I agreed and Kyle's eyes grew wide.

"You can hear my thoughts?" He gasped.

"I suppose so... Now you try me!" I said. The I began talking to myself in my head.

This is really weird, talking out loud is so much more productive. I mean, if it's just me talking to myself in my head I'm 99.9% sure that no one else will hear it... I'm even strange in my own head...

"Well I guess I'm that .1% that can hear you." Kyle said and smiled down at me. I chuckled. "But you know that's not the first time I've heard you." He said.

"Oh god." My eyes got wide. "What did you hear?"

"Well the first day I met you I kept thinking I was hearing you saying I was hot. But then you were screaming in your head that you had a boyfriend and he was right outside the window. But I you didn't appear to even be talking at that point so I just brushed it off."

"Weird. I didn't hear you..." That's depressing he could hear me fawning over him, like a fan girl but I didn't hear anything.

"That's okay, that you didn't hear anything." He smiled. Damn he read my mind again. "Because I wasn't really thinking anything. I was trying not to talk or think to or about you. So I pretty much had to keep my mind blank. But I obviously gave up on that." He smiled and kissed me. But instead of breaking apart I moved so I was over top of him and straddling his hips. I pushed against his lips harder and parted my lips to allow him entrance to my mouth. He rolled us over so he was him straddling me now and I tangled my fingers in his hair. The best part was that I didn't put clothes on last night so I was already mostly naked. His hands wrapped around my back as he clumsily tried to unhook my bra. When he finally got it he ripped it off and tossed it aside somewhere. I arched my back to push my breasts up against his chest, begging for any kind of attention. He moved his hand down up the side of my body to my chest where he cupped my breast and teased the nipple. I moaned and pushed my chest up into his hands. I didn't even notice his other hand sliding down my stomach and in between my legs until he pushed my underpants out of the way and pushed to fingers up inside me.

"Oh, God." I moaned and closed my eyes. I arched up. I started running my nails down his back, I felt him tense up, he enjoyed it. With out warning I pulled his pants and boxers of as quickly as I could. His fingers kept moving around inside of me and I found it extremely hard to concentrate on anything. Then his fingers were gone and I felt empty.

"No, touch me." I begged breathlessly. "Kyle, please." He pulled of my underwear off and pushed inside of me. He just sat there I began to grow impatient and moved my self up and down on top of him. He understood what I was saying almost instantly and started moving faster.

"Fuck Kyle." I moaned loudly. "Harder, harder." I kept repeating myself. Soon he was going so fast I couldn't hold any sort of coherent thought in my head. The whole time he managed to suck and nip at the soft spot of my neck.

"Oh, God, Kyle...I'm so close..." I moaned as white flashed flashed before my vision and I screamed his name again. I felt my muscles clench around him and he came shortly after. Then we rode out our orgasms. Once we were finished he rolled off of me and pulled the covers over us. Then I fell happily asleep. I ended up sleeping all day and all night. I can't believe that no one tried to wake us.
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