Status: Active

The Unforgiving Forest


I heard a very strange noise, so, thinking it was another spider, I shot up in bed and ran out the door. Kyle was jolted awake by the suddenness of my movement and was a little disoriented. I knew he would want to come with me, but he was to slow to see where I went. I had heard a really loud sob and needed to see what it was.

"What happened?" I asked when I saw all the girls on the floor weeping.

"We all are late." One girl spoke up. I gasped, but it can't be that bad? I mean isn't everyone 'late' every now and again... And I'm pretty sure They haven't had as much 'fun' as Kyle and I have had the last few days...

"You're not?" Abby asked amazed.

"No." I said in a 'duh' tone and shrugged.

"How? I heard you, you guys were loud!" She screeched just as Kyle walked in. He blushed and turned on his heel to walk right back out the door way. I laughed, he's so funny when he's embarrassed.

"I haven't done since we got here!" Abby said, and all the other girls agreed with her.

"Hmm, One sec." I sprinted down the hall to the science geek and barged in on him. He had to be able to help them. I was not going to listen to them whine and bitch about being pregnant. I already had enough to worry about.

"Its early what do you want?" He groaned, he was obviously irritated I had bugged him so early in the morning.

"Well most of the girls are weeping in the bathroom cause they think they're preggo." I said in a rush.

"And you're not because....?" He turned it into a question.

"Well they did it before they got here...and me and Kyle...sorta....about a week ago...and... yesterday.... Yeah.." I said awkwardly and blushed a little.

"But, you didn't know each other and he doesn't speak, to others!" Mr. Science gasped.

"Well it took a good five minutes of work for a word but that besides the point. Can you make pregnancy tests?"

"Yeah give me five minutes." He scurried back into his science cave and began to work on the tests. I went back to the girls, I tried to comfort them, really I did. But the were inconsolable.

After five minutes He had all the tests done and I had to hand them out and tell them to use them on their own. There is now way I was going to help with that part. After that, we waited for the results. They came momentarily.

"You're all pregnant." He informed sadly. The all freaked. "But I tested Alex and sex here acts as an abortion, if you do it right so... Have at it." They all ran to their boy friends.


So while everyone else had sexy in their rooms Kyle and I looked at each other. We just sat across from each other and stared. I blinked multiple times and then shouted.

"Staring contest, ready go!" Then we got really focused I didn't care if this was childish, I needed a distraction. I slowly and sensually licked my top lip and watched Kyle struggle. I smirked. I did it again and made a little moaning sound. He caved and burst out laughing. I smiled at him and touched his face.

"This may be too fast, but, I love you." I said gently yet filled with emotion.

"I love you too." He smiled at me and I leaned into kiss him. When our lips touched it felt amazing. There was so much love in one simple kiss I didn't think I could handle it. I smiled into the kiss. I tangled my hands in his hair and pulled him closer, then there was a loud rap on the door.

"Everyone is done come on!" Abby's voice sounded through the door. I pulled away and sighed.

"Ignore her." Kyle whispered to me and crashed his lips back onto mine. I was liking this idea of forgetting she existed. Until the door the slammed open and Abby stood there. I imagined her as a cartoon character as she panted and stomped into our room, she had a bright red face,and , if she were really a cartoon she'd have steam coming out of her ears.

"Abby!" I shouted. "We could have been naked!"

"Well I was willing to risk that!" She shouted back. "Now come on!" She grabbed both of our hands and pulled us out of the room where the Mr. Science explained what had happened.

"Well it worked for Abby and Kelly..." He trailed off. "I guess Alex and Kyle have a method that works extremely well. Now, to get this to work for you we need to video tape it."

"WHAT?" I screamed.

"Yeah.... It's not that bad of an offer... It will count as your work for today." He shrugged easily. The deal did sound pretty good.

"Will you delete it afterward?" I asked nervously. He nodded.

"Okay, Kyle is making a sammach, so you have like five minutes, he will not agree so hide the camera...and laptop...." I trailed off. "Since when do we have a camera and laptop!!!"

"Uhhh." He looked down and ignored me.

"Fine just go I'll keep him busy." I smirked. Then I proceeded to walk to the kitchen and bug Kyle.

"Whatcha making?" I asked.

"A bologna sandwich with ketchup, cheese, mayo, pickles...." I made a face. "What?" He asked, and chuckled.

"Pickles are naaaaaaasty!" He laughed at me,again, because I sounded like I was four... I watched with an appalled look on my face as he took a big bite of the sandwich. He looked down self-consciously.

"I bet I know how to make it taste good." I said as I walked around the table to him. He looked at me questioningly, then swallowed and took another bite. Before he could chew I slammed my lips on his and began to steal his food. The taste of him made the pickles.... tolerable. When I was done he pulled away and made a face.

"That was disgusting." He said, he said and whipped off his mouth jokingly.

"Pickles are much better when they taste like you." I smiled innocently and tried to keep a straight face, which crashed and burned in seconds. I began laughing.

"Uh..." He cleared his throat."Okay...Nasty...Moving on." Just then the scientist walked in and looked at Kyle.

"What's nasty?" He asked. I nudged Kyle urging him to speak.

"Uh, I took a bite of my sandwich and she kissed me and took the whole bite out of my mouth....My 'taste' apparently made the pickles tolerable." I hugged him, I was so proud of him for talking to a random person.

"I'll get you to be social just like that even when I'm not around!" I pulled away and smiled. "No lets go to the bedroom."

"Why?" He asked cautiously.

"I learned something new from Abby." I smirked at him.

"Kinky new?" He asked.

"Kinky new." I answered and smirked at his scared face.


“That…. was…. really…. Kinky….” Kyle panted and his eyes began to flutter shut.

“Aw thanks!” I said, my tone breathy. I snuggled closer to him and passed out.

I woke up later and noticed the camera was gone and we were still unclothed. I got up and put my clothes on and began to dress Kyle. Normally dressing someone wouldn’t be difficult right? But it was, I guess I’m a little of a horn dog right now…. awkward as it sounds…. This place must really be messing with my head.

“Mmmwhat are you doin’?” He slurred groggily.

“I just finished dressing you.” I crawled over to him and snuggled up next to him.

“Why? What it I didn’t want to be dressed?” He asked.

“Oh well.” I smiled at him. “But seriously, I had this feeling that we needed to be dressed, I don’t know why… but I did.”

“That’s weird.” He said, as he absent-mindedly stroked my hair.

“Now!” I said jumping up. “Lets go out to the living room.”

I grabbed his hand and drug him to the living room. All the while I was pushing the tape thing to the back of my mind.

“What’s this?” Kyle asked as he picked up an envelope off the ground. “To: Ms. Alex Vanhagen and Mr. Kyle Omls.” He read the front of the envelope. I opened it and began to read quietly aloud.

Dear Alex and Kyle,
If you are reading this it means you have been here for about a month and a half. First off lets take care of some pests; there are people looking at you, wondering what you are reading. They will return back to their job and pretend all they saw was you doing your work.

I looked up and saw a few heads turn back to their job stations. I gaped and began to read more of the letter.

Now, if you must give me a name, you may call me Puppet Master. I know it sounds cheesy but that’s really what I am. I control most everyone’s destiny in this room. You will learn why I said must later.

I know you don’t believe me so I will give you an example. Abigail will walk toward you and look at you, look at Kyle and smack him for no reason. She will then break down crying and say sorry.

As the letter said Abby came over and slapped Kyle. She then began to cry and ran to her room.

So as you can see I control what happens to most people in this house. I’ve left you alone so you could get all set up and ready for what’s to come. I’m also the reason you have power and there was lunch meat, condiments, and foods in jars in the fridge.

Here you will begin to read louder and everyone will form in a half circle around you.

As I understand most of you have a boyfriend/girlfriend. But only for some of you have found your … ‘Soul Mate’ as you call it. Where I’m from we called it your ‘Other Half’.

Anyway, I will tell you who has found their other halves: Abigail and her boyfriend, Kelly and her boyfriend, and there is probably no surprise in this but, Alex and Kyle. I’ll use them as an example.

Before they got here, Alex was ‘going out’ with Nick, they seemed perfect but as you can see, were not. When they got here Alex realized how much of a jerk Nick really was. Kyle was a loner, he had a couple friends but didn’t really talk much even to them, he loved to play his piano, and in ways his piano was his best friend.

So there you have two complete opposites, Alex, who loves to talk and has many friends, and Kyle who is extremely quiet and has a few friends. But with this whole ‘other half’ business they even each other out. To explain this in your terms Kyle sort of takes some of Alex’s outgoing-ness, he talks more and she talks less. They do that in more then one way as well. Another place they ‘even each other out’ is in a physical way, if you, how you say, catch my drift. They share each others pleasure, making it more fun, is the only way I can see to word it, for each other.

Know for Mr. Science man over there. Everyone here knows they don’t really want to have a kid here, so if you find your other half and ‘do it’ as you kids say, you will not have a child. However if they are not your other half you can believe you will have more then one child, so I suggest you find who your other half is.

Being the person I am I will give you a glimpse of whom your mate is. You will see the color of their eyes and smell their stench, I suppose. Everyone’s stench is different but smells very alike still so pay close attention.

Apparently everyone got this hint because I saw Kyle’s amazing hazel eyes and smelled this woody scent, like a comfortable log cabin. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the smell.

I must tell you though if you have found your mate you have a better chance of surviving, because I can touch you with black magick, which is what I use to make you do bad things, or hurt you. So find your other half soon.

I bid you good luck in the times ahead,
Puppet Master

I looked around amazed. Everyone had been sent into a panic trying to find who they had smelled. I, knowing who it was already, turned to Kyle and hugged him tight.

“I’m glad I found you.” He whispered in my ear and brushed some hair out of my face.

“Me too.” I closed my eyes and snuggled my head into his chest. “Do you think we should tell them how it feels when you’re touch by your ‘other half’?” I asked him, as I stared into his hazel eyes.

“Sure.” He looked up and yelled. “Hey guys stop.” They all froze, like they had never heard his voice before. Which I guess was the truth, he wasn't very talkative.

“There is something more then what he told you about your other half.” He started, and trailed off. I could tell he really didn't want to say more.

“Yeah,” I chimed in. “It feels different when they touch you. I don’t know how to explain it.”

“It’s like electricity but its not as painful, its more like a gentle hum of…. Energy… I suppose, underneath your skin. It’s amazing.” Kyle looked adoringly into my eyes. I smiled at him, and he smiled back.

“It’s something else.” I agreed, then snapped out of it and made myself sound stern. “Now, to make this easier split into eye color groups. Blue over there, green here, hazel near the tree, and brown near the podium. Now one at a time go to the eye color you saw and sniff the people I guess…. And if you think its them give them a hive five.” I shrugged. “Now, I am not going to stay here. I need to get some food.” I turned towards Kyle. “Will you come with me there’s something I need to tell you.” He nodded and followed me. I don't even know why I bothered to ask, he would have come anyway.
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