Status: Active

The Unforgiving Forest


We walked into the kitchen and I turned and looked at Kyle. I then proceeded to open and close my mouth several times; I probably looked like a fish. I stared at him helplessly.

“You can tell me anything, you know.” He said gently and placed his hand on mine.

“ I know, but its sort of bad… Not like really bad just like ‘Oh crap I shouldn’t have done that’ bad. Like regret, ya’ know? Cause I sure do. Like right now. I really wish I hadn’t and, and I feel horrible. But if I could tell you I would. It's just that, well it's hard. No matter how hoard I try, even though I know you love me and won't be that mad I still-“ He kissed me lightly.

"That was a really nice way to tell me to shut up." I said and smiled at him when he pulled away. He just chuckled.

“You can tell me anything. No matter how hard." He teased me and smiled. In his eyes I could see knowledge, like he knew what I was going to say, but I ignored it.

“Well Mr. Science wanted to see if we had a secret method to our…you know, business... bedroom sort… so he asked if he could video tape it and see, He said it would be the work for the day, and I thought Why not? I mean we get to have fun for work and I didn’t know if you’d like the idea so I didn’t tell you and now I feel bad.” I rushed. He smiled at me.

“Thank you for telling me, but I already knew.” He hugged me close to his chest.

“What?!” I looked up at him.

“Yeah I woke up when the science guy was removing the camera, he told me what happened and told me that he pretty much made you do it because he wouldn’t have taken no for an answer.”

“That makes me feel a little better…” I said quietly He kissed me, a little longer then he had been before.

“How’s that?” He smiled again.

“Much better.” I smiled back and hugged him close. I closed my eyes and enjoyed our embrace for a moment. It was amazing. I can't believe I dated Nick instead of him. This feels so much more..natural.

I can’t remember how, but, all of a sudden I was sitting on the counter and his lips where attached to mine. It was getting really heated. So much that his hand was up my shirt and about to remove my bra when someone came in.

“Oh gross! Guys we eat there.” I heard a girl say. We reluctantly pulled apart. We I looked at them the girl and boy where holding hands and the boy was silent. They look so happy.
I smiled sheepishly and looked down at my lap.

"I suppose we do..." I trailed off, I felt heat rush up into my face.I hastily tried to change the subject. “Anyway did you find you’re ‘other half’?” I asked.

“Yeah, and it’s true what you guys said about how it feels when you touch.” Then she had a look of wonder on her face. “Do you think there’s actually like energy running between you, because the letter said you guys share talking, and socializing capability. What if there really is an energy flow between you two, maybe you could manipulate it and get us home!""

"English, please?" Kyle asked. She just shook her head.

"Hold your hands apart but close together and touch each other with the other ones.” She watched closely.

I took on of Kyle’s hands in mine and held my other hand so that it was almost touching his other hand but not.

“Oh. My. God.” She squealed. “Do you see that?” She asked her boyfriend.

“Yeah I do.” Curiosity finally got to me and I looked.

“I see it too, it’s purple. What about you Kyle?” I could just barely see it, it was a light purple line running between our hands.

“Yeah, it’s beautiful, but not as beautiful as you.” He smiled at me. My heart began to flutter.

“It got stronger when he complimented her.” She mused. She was right to I could see a defined band of purple flowing between our palms. “Say something to her again.”

"Uh.." I cleared my throat. "Hi?" I said lamely. I don't speak very well on command.

“Hey,” He said, his voice full of love. “Ignore them like they’re not here, I can tell you’re nervous. Just look in my eyes. We are perfect for each other. That’s all you need to know. I love you.” I felt my face turn red as I stared into his beautiful and mesmerizing eyes. He’s never said I love you like that before. I'm sure my mouth was hanging open. What happened to the Kyle that couldn't stand talking in public at all? That relied on me to speak for him?

“I love you too.” I said, breathless.

“You’re completely glowing!” She said. I looked, we where surrounded by a giant purple force field thing. Kyle and I both gaped.

“Do you think you could do something with the energy?” The boy said.

“Maybe do something with the elements…” She trailed off. “Try to form a little lightening ball in your hands.”

“Ok.” I said.

I looked into Kyle’s eyes to see if he was ready. He nodded. We looked between our hands and imagined electricity forming a ball in out hands. I wasn’t sure what color it was so I just imagined the shape and feel. It turned out to be purple, I guess that's our color now.

I then had another moment of unison with Kyle. It was like we were a well-oiled machine. Thinking, breathing, and moving together. I could feel him with me in my head, and our hearts were beating in synchronization.

“Write down the colors was we summon the elements, maybe the color determines what people can manipulate.” We spoke together. There was no more me, or him-it was us. They pulled out a pen and paper.

“Electricity is white.” He told her what to write. Then we imagined air lifting us up into the air and allowing us to hover. It was an amazing feeling, being up in the air.

“Air is clear.” Then we imagined us holding a flame, a flame like our love, burning bright, and extremely cozy.

“Fire is red. Water is blue. Earth is green. Morphing is pink. Summoning animals is back. Talking to animals is brown. Invisibility is gray. Flying is sky blue. Replenishing from the sun is yellow. Making grow is orange. Everything at once is Purple. And more then one, but not all the powers is a rainbow.” Then we were done.

They began to walk out but stopped and Kyle and I collapsed on each other, panting. We tried to stand up but my arms and legs were to limp to do so.

“Help…. can’t…get…up.” I said quietly.

"It seems like it take actual energy to do that." Panted Kyle.

“Look what color our tie is and we’ll see what we can do.” They came over and did what we had.

“Rainbow.” I panted. “But its close to purple so you must have a lot…of the elements…er powers…”

“Alright. Cloak with invisibility and fly them to their room.” He nodded.

I tried fought back unconsciousness long enough to grab Kyle's hand before we both blacked out.


My eyes fluttered open then back closed. I don't want to be awake, all my muscles ache, and I have a giant migraine.

“I think they’re coming around.” I heard someone say.

“Mmm.” I groaned. Kyle did the same next to me, he sounded as unwilling to get up as I was.

“What’s going on?” I said groggily.

“You’ve been passed out for days.”

“How many?’ Kyle asked beside me.

“Three.” Another voice sounded. Why did there have to be so many people? All I wanted was to fall asleep with my boyfriend. But obviously that was not going to happen.

“Really!?” I said with as much surprise as I could muster.

“Yeah. Can you move?” I heard a familiar voice. I nodded and slowly sat up as I opened my eyes. I saw everyone surrounding us.

“What were you doing that you passed out like that?” Abby asked.

“She knows.” I pointed to the girl who had been in the kitchen with us.

“You can only do it if you have your true mate, so go away if you don’t have one.” A lot of people left.

“Alright so it appears if you have a true mate you have powers, but you can over use them and pass out like they did. But for them we didn’t know.”

“What kind of powers?” Abby asked.

“Put us outside. So we can recover.” The girl nodded and she and her boyfriend carried us outside. Already knowing what I was thinking Kyle grabbed my hand. We used the suns energy to recuperate. We slowly hovered and tilted so we landed back on our feet. Then we asked:

“What would you like to see?” We said, our voice melding into one. There was a massive surge of euphoria that came with becoming one. Abby gaped as she noticed that our eyes glowed purple. This was going to be fun.
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