Status: Active

The Unforgiving Forest


Abby was mesmerized. She wanted to see us do everything. 'Turn into this.' 'Talk to that.' God, she is exhausting.

"Oh! Do-" She started jumping up and down, until I cut her off.

"Enough! Do you want us to pass out again?" I said with more hostility than I had been planning to use.

"Oh, I'm sorry, it's just really cool." She smiled sheepishly at me and grabbed Jason's hand. "How do we do it?"

"I don't know, I can't think straight." I tried to take a step and faltered, Kyle caught me. "Thanks." I muttered grumpily. I wasn't in the mood for people right now.

"I'll teach her." The girl from the kitchen called. I really need to learn her name....Later.

"Thanks." I muttered grumpily again. Kyle chuckled and grabbed my hand; leading me back to our room.

"I know just what will cheer you up." He muttered seductively in my ear. I couldn't help but giggle.


Kyle and I were laying in our bed after a little ‘fun’… if you catch my drift. I was tracing invisible lines across his chest, mindlessly. This is where I wished I was at home doing the same thing in my own bed. Or, you know, his.


It brought back so many memories; my mom laughing as she watched me trip over my own feet, my brother sitting there with a dumb face playing some game, my dad smiling at me and giving me a hug when I was pissed that he did something in the board game one turn too early causing me to be angry, and my step dad drenching me in water from the hose on the sink. I wanted to see my grandma again. I wanted her to spoil me because I’m her only girl.

But the fact that I may never see my grandma again was hard to believe. She could have died in a freak accident for all I know. Or my whole family could be crying around an empty casket in a funeral home; thinking I’m dead, but having no body as proof. I wish I could send them a letter or message telling them I’m okay and I’m trying to get back and how I miss them terrible and for them to tell everyone I love them.

The only reason I haven’t gone insane is because one boy is holding me down. Keeping me grounded while my entire life is being tossed and turned in some where far away from home. There it is, home again, something I have been so desperately trying to keep repressed so I don’t cry. But it didn’t work and I felt a tear come to my eye. I felt Kyle’s finger wipe it away before it can travel anywhere.

“What’s wrong?” He asked gently.

“Nothing.” I gave a tight laugh. “I was just thinking about how I wished that I was in my own bed, or even yours, then I thought of my family and how…how… they m-might thing I-I’m d-d-de-d-!” I burst out crying. Kyle hugged me tight and stroke my bear back all the while murmuring words of comfort.

“Thank you.” I said after my tears had stopped. I also saw that he had shed a tear of his own. But only one tear. “You think about them too.” I stated.

“Yeah. I may be quiet here but at home…” He trailed of. “My family is the only reason I even talked at all. They’re supportive of everything and I can’t even explain it. But before we left, I got in a fight with my dad about my car and I didn’t even say good bye, and now we’re here.” His voice broke at the end and I hugged him.

"We'll get back I promise." I said, on the brink of tears again. "We'll get back if its the last thing I do!" I felt him nod into my shoulder.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Kyle and I jumped up and grabbed whatever clothes we could and threw them on misshapenly.

"Come in." I said when we were ready. A boy stuck his head in.

"Uh, Alex, and Kyle?"

"Yeah that's us." Kyle said, clearing his throat, and trying to cover up his tears.

"I'm Drew, Abby told me to come to you because there's no other gay guys here." He fiddled with his hands.

"I was pretty sure there was another one..." Kyle said. "Jace? Yeah that's his name, what about him?"

"I saw a guy with green eyes, Jace has blue." He stressed.

"What did he smell like?" I asked. I only know one guy with green eyes and he was a douche.

"Wood shavings and vanilla." I choked. No way. No fucking way.

"Alex are you okay?" Kyle said, genuinely worried. He started rubbing my back.

"Do you know who it is?" Drew asked, and for once I saw a certain innocence I hadn't seen since we left home. And there was hope in his eyes. I couldn't help but melt.

"He's a homophone, it couldn't be him." In an instant that hope was shattered into a million pieces. I hugged Drew tight. "I'll find him for you, I promise."

"Thanks." He sniffled and whimpered. I squeezed him tighter.
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