Reach for the Stars, Fall on Your face

Chapter four

“Goodbye. Hope you enjoyed yourself. Be careful Rick.” All of Kyle’s friends left a few hours after I got home. He seemed like he was in a good mood, but I couldn’t be sure. I told him that I was going up to bed to watch T.V. I hoped that he would just pass out down stairs. My hope vanished as soon as I thought of it. The look in his eyes made me want to run screaming away from him.

It’s like the look that he gave me last night, the one that scared me half to death. I was paralyzed from my waist down. My heart on the other hand, that was beating wildly, as if it was his target. I screamed and screamed as loud as I could. It dawned on that my screaming was like encouragement for Kyle and the punches and cuts got worse.

As months came and went the beatings still occurred. I couldn’t talk about it with anyone besides Kate; she promised that she wouldn’t say anything though. We cried together and I let her comfort me. She was the first person, besides Drew who really knew me and knew when I was sad and what I was feeling.

I became depressed. I didn’t go out with my friends or talk much to my family, besides Kate. The cuts on my body became scars. The burses finally faded before summer. I knew I had to do something about Kyle but I couldn’t. Crazy as it seems, I still loved him. All of the bad things that he did to me I thought it was just drugs. That was the reason that I stayed with him. That's what I told myself.

I woke up to a nice day. I figured since it was nice out that it had to be a good day. I went to the pool with Kate and stayed there all day. When I dropped her off around five o’clock I went home, started dinner, and jumped in the shower. I was relieved that the majority of the burses were gone. That means that no one has seen them. Good. As the chicken was finishing up I turned on the radio and started singing and dancing to “Teenage Dream” by Katie Perry.

There was a sudden knock at the door. I muted the radio and walked through the hall that led to the front door. To my surprise it was Drew. I haven’t seen him in almost four years and that truth became clearer by the way he looked. His baby-face now had the makings of a beard. Under his eyes were lines that showed he didn’t get a lot of sleep. Automatically, we hugged each other. It felt nice to see him again. The only thing that made it bad was the first words that came out of his mouth, “Where’s Kyle? I’m going to kill him!”