Reach for the Stars, Fall on Your face

Chapter five

As soon as the words came out of his mouth I realized that he knew the truth. It was there in his eyes. He didn’t have to ask me to be able to know, he just did. “Who told you?” I ask. His eyes roaming around in the sockets I knew that my sister was the one to tell him, she’s the only one who knew the truth about what Kyle did to me. I didn’t know what to tell him. I figured the words; “it’s not what it seems” was out of order because it was as it seemed. Drew was the one person in the world besides Kate who knew me for me. He knew why I cried, either something dramatically has happened or I’m so angry. He knew what I tended to think about and he knew that I wasn’t happy at the moment. That’s all it took, one moment for him to look at me, to realize that I made a mistake on not being able to trust him again. It took only one moment for me to realize that I was still in love with Drew no matter how hard I tried not to be.

Drew was looking at me the same way that he used to when I knew that he loved me. From the moment that he knocked on the door there was a connection, like a cord connecting us. It was like a time when I wasn’t beaten. It was like a time when I was happy. Most of all it was like a time when I felt “home”. It was hard to believe that in reality only three minutes had happened. We were standing there, holding each other. I didn’t see it coming, but it did. His lips met mine in a desperation that I also felt. It was like being parched and needing a drink. We were wrapped up in each other, just standing there in the door way. We arranged that we would meet tomorrow. The thoughts of that gave me chills up and down my spine.

Drew left, but his presence was still in my eyes. His fragrance was still on my cloths and the feel of his lips were on mine. As I was thinking about Drew, Kyle walked in the kitchen. “What the hell is burning you dumb bitch?” and then I was unconscious.
I came around about seven in the morning and when I did I had new burses, one along the side on my torso, one below my left eye and a few on my arms. There was no way that I can hide them before Drew came and got me.

Have you ever heard the saying, “speak of the devil, and the devil shall appear?” well that’s what happened next. I didn’t have time to shower, eat or do anything besides try to move. His jaw dropped when he saw me and he hugged me tightly. The expression on his face still said, “I’m going to kill Kyle.”

We went down to a park that we always used to go to. This was the most that I have laughed in years. It felt good and strange because it’s been so long. We talked about different things. From why we broke up to when Kyle started beating me and why I was still with him. I couldn’t answer any of those questions to him or myself. It was a great morning, and with that I knew that the rest of the day would be great. The thing that proved my theory was Drew wanted to take me to dinner and go on a walk after. I said yes.

Being around Drew again opened up feelings that I had hidden deep inside of me, some that I didn’t even know I was still capable of having. In the truth of the matter, I had to admit that I still loved Drew. I called Kyle, letting him know that we were over. He was mad and started yelling. That was when I hung up and started getting ready for tonight. I couldn’t believe myself. I was smiling for a true reason. I was smiling for me actually being happy. It made me feel great.

I heard a knock at the door and my heart fluttered. I was ready to tell and show Drew that I loved him... still. When I opened the door, the butterflies that were in my stomach were about to come out, so I didn’t even see Kyle. I only felt his fist hit my face and I felt the blood rush out of my nose. I felt pain and I felt scared. Now that I saw his face, it was a face of pure evil. I hit my speed dial button hoping that he was on his way and hoping that if he was he would drive faster so that he could help me while I was conscious. I was sure that he could hear Kyle’s yells.

Two things happened at once. I felt my body give up as I hit the floor; I felt the pain in my head as it landed on the ceramic tiles. I also faintly heard the sound of a screech in front of the house, announcing Drew’s arrival.