Reach for the Stars, Fall on Your face

Chapter 6

I woke up to a bunch of people talking some hours later. I couldn't move any part of my body. As I was staring up at the celing, the only voice that I could identify was Drew. Thinking back to the chain events, I relized that he saved me. I tried to move my arms again, but something caught my hand. "Be careful. You'r arm is in a bad condition." None of this was making since to me. The last thing I remember was Kyle yelling at me and flying across the room and hearing squeals of brake tries abruptly halt.

Drew drove me to the hospital. My wounds were bad enough that I had to stay there. As the doctors regualrily came in to check up on me, a doctor I didn't recognize came in. His expression was sad and nervous. Suddenly I was afraid of what he had to say.

"You have cancer. It is in your left lung and it can be removed." As the doctor was talking my thoughts were incoherent. I couldn't do anything besides stare as tears leaked out of my eyes. Cancer, I thought. It was a suprising thing to find because I didn't smoke, I had not been around anyone who had been in my life.... thats when it dawned on me. Kyle. He always needed an excuse to go outside at regular intervoles and I always found lighters and clues that should have told me that he was a smoker. The only conclusion that I could think of was the when I was knocked out, after he beat me, he would smoke and make me smoke. I finally figured out why my lungs were always on fire and why I started becomming winded fast.

Drew was just as speechless as I was. I even saw a few tears come out of his eyes as if he couldn't believe it. His face was sad and when I tried to cheer him up about it he became suddenly angry. "Why are you taking this as a joke? This is serious and you can die from it!" I sighed and told him that I'm not afraid of death anymore and that I've lived through a lot that I shouldn't have. He was just silent, understanding.

The truth was that I was terrified and the fact that he was too made it seem all too real.
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sorry its been a while. a lot has been going on. Working on chapter 7.