Status: Finished :)

I Didn't Know I Could Break Your Heart

A Moment That Will Be Lost In Time

"Wait! Marrietta!" Tyler screamed.

He took off after her, his breath coming in gasps. He was still trying to recover from the fall and running was not the way to do it. Naturally, he was a fast runner, but years of morning jogs had taught her to be faster. She ran with a wild abandon that he didn't know she possessed.

Turning a corner, fully aware of the army of cameramen at his heels, Tyler stopped. There was a general skidding noise as all of the press tried to quickly regain their balance as to not damage their equipment. Marrietta was standing five feet away facing him.

Her brown eyes were wide, but anyone would have been able to tell from the expression on her face that she was not scared. She was worried. It was obvious that the only reason she had stopped was to get a good look at him and to make sure he was all right. Once she had looked him up and down, she turned to run again.

But this time he was ready. Tyler leaped forward and grabbed her by the wrist, pulling her into him with one fluid motion. Marrietta's breathing paused as she was forced to look up into his crystal clear blue eyes. She bit her lip to try to keep the smile from spreading across her face. He let his smile spread without a worry.

Turning back to the crowd of cameramen, he called, "Give us a minute, would you? I'll talk to you after."

There was a pause, as if they were deciding whether or not to believe what he had said (which they in fact shouldn't have), and then they turned as one and left. The street was silent now, save the roar of cars in the distance. No buildings here shone like some of the others in town and for that reason this street was left alone.

Tyler looked back at Marrietta and smiled once again. This time, she let herself smile back. Then, with a sigh, she said, "How on earth could you possibly do that to me?"

"I thought you wouldn't care," He whispered, the cheerful look dropping from his face. "I thought everything I cared about was gone and that if I did that... the only person I would be giving a heart attack to would be my boss. But I guess I freaked you out pretty bad too."


There was no need for her to say anything more. Every other word she could have said to him was reflected in her chocolate brown eyes. Tyler reached forward and gathered her up in his arms, holding her as if he wished he could do just that forever. Marrietta wrapped her arms around his neck more cautiously, for the first time since seeing Tyler again, she was actually thinking about Rodger at the same time.

"I love you," He mumbled into her neck, unsure of what else he could say. There were tears in his eyes and he knew that perfectly well, but for the first time in his life he didn't care. He had tried to kill himself three times. He had just jumped off a building for a joke and hurt someone that he cared for. "I love you so damn much."

Marrietta took a shaky breath and smelled him. Tears came to her eyes as she remembered that smell from eight years back. It hadn't changed. It had never changed. Her bottom lip trembled as she forced herself to reply something different from what she was thinking, "Thank you."

This was the moment where he should have been mad at her, but he didn't care. All he knew was that she was in his arms again, the way she should have been in his arms for years on end, and he loved having her there. His hand moved down to touch the indent on her back and she gasped slightly. His memory was infallible.

"Meet me for lunch tomorrow?" Tyler breathed out. He didn't back away from her, relishing the fact that he could feel her heart beating through her chest, "I won't take no for an answer."


"Great. Our old spot. You remember right?"

For the first time he pulled away and she nodded. With a smile, he headed off down the street in the opposite direction of the reporters. Marrietta stood there, shaking for a moment and then called, "Tyler?"

He turned back almost immediately, "Yeah?"

"You promised those reporters a story."

He snorted and waved it off, "Yeah, well, I also promised the coach of the Mets I'd go easy on him. Who ever said I was a man of his word anyways?" And with that, he was gone.