Status: Finished :)

I Didn't Know I Could Break Your Heart

When Two Men Love The Same Woman

The conversation petered out quickly after Tyler was finished explaining baseball in full detail, mind, it took him over an hour to do so. But if someone had asked you to find the people in the world who were the exact opposites of each other, you would have to pick Rodger and Tyler.

Rodger sat there stiffly, checking his phone or his watch every couple seconds. His pin-striped grey suit was immaculate and did not have a single wrinkle on it. When he caught Marrietta's eyes he merely held them, his expression unchanged, and he looked highly out of place in the run-down cafe.

Tyler, on the other hand, looked like he could have lived in the place. He kept his eyes carefully trained on Marrietta, examining her every move, and smiling when she caught his eye. His t-shirt was old and worn. The name of the band that he had gone to see apparently sometime in the nighties had been completely washed off. His old, faded jeans had holes in them and even though he was inside, he refused to take off his baseball cap.

Marrietta cleared her throat nervously, "So, umm, Tyler, do you remember the night of the big game our senior year?"

"How could I forget that?" He replied, sounding less spiteful than utterly confused at her choice of words. "I mean, come on, Mary do you really think-"

"Anyways," She cut him off, "The school we were against that night was Rodger's high school. Isn't that a funny coincidence?"

A small smile spread across Tyler's face, "Boy, you guys suck at football, you know that right? I mean, we pummeled you into the ground that night. What was the score again... oh... I don't to thirty-five?"

Rodger smiled back icily, "I actually graduated the year before that. All of our good football players did as well. Otherwise your school never would have beat ours in a million years."

"Then I call a rematch," Tyler responded coolly, "Round up all the guys on your football team from the year you graduated and I'll round up all my guys, and we'll see which school really wins when all the best players are on the field. Mmkay?"

"You're on."

"Oh, come off it!" Marrietta exclaimed, pulling their hands away from each other before they could shake. She rolled her eyes, "You guys are acting like your in a fight or something when you've barely known each other two hours. And Rodger, you weren't even on the football team so I have no idea how you can speak for them." At this point, Tyler let a small smirk take over his face. "Our high schools weren't even rivals, for crying out loud. Let's talk about something else."

There was silence for a moment. Then, Tyler said, "When's your lunch period over, Mary? Because I kind of thought you might have to be back for the lunch rush like twenty minutes ago. And come on, you would never get this long of a lunch period where you work, I would know." He winked.

"That's disgusting," She replied, looking repulsed. Tyler laughed.

"Wait, lunch rush?" Rodger asked, confused. Both of them looked at him, one with an expression of horror and the other with a look of bemusement. "What are you talking about? Mary works at the law offices uptown. There's no such thing as a lunch rush there."

"Of course there is," Tyler responded coolly. His eyes were trained on Marrietta's and he looked thoroughly amused. "I mean, come on, dude. You had to work in an office building before you started doing everything from home, right? So, I'd have to assume that you know the lower level employees have to bring lunch to their superiors. It's part of the job, am I not right?"

Marrietta ducked her head. Despite the fact that she had told Rodger she was very high up in the company, there did not seem to be a point in arguing with Tyler. It would be pretty hard to explain his use of the words 'lunch rush' any other way. She looked up at Rodger, who was wearing an expression of utter betrayal.

"You're not... not one of the boss's at this... company?" He stammered out. His eyes were wide with the shock of the news and Tyler was trying hard not to laugh. Marrietta shook her head meekly. Rodger took a deep breath and said, "Well, why didn't you tell me? I could have had you rising the ladder in no time with my connections and-"

"Don't you know Marrietta at all?" Tyler cut in, almost boredly. Rodger stopped in his tracks and glared at Tyler. Tyler held his gaze easily and continued, "She likes to do absolutely everything herself and hates any help that's given to her. You must know that, because if you didn't, she would have a real job instead of the one she has through your connections."

Rodger looked bewildered. Tyler merely smiled at him. Marrietta cleared her throat and said, "But Tyler's right about one thing, I really should be getting back. It was nice seeing you," She added pointedly to Tyler and then to Rodger, "I'll see you after work, sweetie."

She leaned down to kiss him on the cheek and then turned for the door. Grabbing her coat from the rack, she heard a voice whisper, "I'll walk you down there. I told Rodger that I had to get back to work but the guy obviously didn't grasp the sport... it's winter for crying out loud."

"You should still be training," Marrietta replied simply as she let him lead her out the door. They walked a couple of blocks in the cold and then Tyler's hand wrapped around hers. She couldn't help the smile that escaped onto her lips, "Do you have no morals? I'm still engaged, you know."

He shrugged, "I think I've actually gained some morals this time. It's not the worst I've done, sleeping with an engaged woman. In fact, it's better than usual."

Marrietta laughed and Tyler asked quickly, "Could you skip work this afternoon?" She looked nervous to his eyes but he squeezed her hand even tighter, "Come on, if you're going to give me a chance you at least have to take away that guy's advantage. I have years of catching up to do. Just come back to my apartment. No funny stuff, I promise."

Knowing she would regret it eventually, she replied, "Okay."