Status: Very active :)

You've Captured My Heart

Just friends?

Lyssa's pov:
I grabbed my clutch and got out of the car and waited for Sebastian. He got out and walked over to me and handed me my keys. I slid them into my clutch as I walked up to the door. Without bothering to knock I slammed the door open and stepped inside. Just as I assumed, nobody was in the front hall, except my mother. 

"Lyssa! I told you that dress is unexceptable, it is quiet horrendous." I smirked and walked over to her. 

"Well I guess I just didn't here you correctly, whoops," I stood there as she inspected Sebastian. 

"Well, I guess you will do," she said, "Although it would've been nice if you had worn a tux," she said under her breath, but loud enough for both of us the hear. I stifled a laugh as she tabbed his arm and brought his over to me hooking our arms together. Before I could yank my arm from his she pushed up forward and into the ballroom. 

"Here are Sebastian Johnson and Alyssa Jackson," the announcer dude said. Everybody turned back around and a few people gasped at our attire, it was hilarious. A bunch of properly dressed men and women, I bet they are scarred for life. 

"Uh come on," Sebastian lightly tugged on my arm and led me into the ballroom. He placed my arms around his neck, and then he placed his hands on my hips and we danced for a while awkwardly. After a while I felt a finger nail poke me in the back. 

"May I cut in? You know what... I'm gonna do it anyway," I heard Victoria's snotty voice spit out. I refused to turn around, and then she slammed into me and I fell to the ground. I stood up slowly and looked Sebastian in the eyes. 

"Have fun," I muttered barely audible. Then I turned on my heel and quickly walked away. I like to think of myself as a strong person. I usually don't let things get to me, I push all my sadness away and replace it with anger. But right now, all I could think about was how tears were sliding down my face by the dozens. 

I weaved in and out of my moms pristine looking, fake "friends" and slipped out the back doors. I ran until I got to my favorite spot, the maze. I know this maze like the back of my hand, unlike my mother. She could never find me back here. I stepped inside and zigzagged throughout the maze until I found my secret spot. Then I collapsed to the ground unable to control my sobs. 

I don't know how long I stayed out here bawling my eyes out. But soon enough I heard Sebastian calling out my name. And I know the only reason he was, was because it was time for the final dance. I quieted my sobs and pulled myself further back into my spot. I was sitting behind these giant rose bushes. I could hear his voice coming closer. 

"Lyssa! Where are you? I've been looking for you for hours," ya right I bet he's been dancing with Victoria all night. I kept quiet and soon he passed by. 

Soon I felt my eyes getting heavier and next thing I know I opened my eyes and it was pitch dark outside and the music was shut off. I opened my clutch and checked the time. 4:15 a.m. Shit. Shit. Shit. I jumped up, grabbing my clutch and shoes and stunted back to the driveway. All the cars were gone and Sebastian was nowhere in sight. 

I quickly unlocked my car and silently closed the door and started it. I sped away quickly into the night. 

I pulled up in front of my apartment building and parked there, I'm too scared to go into the garage this late. I jumped out of y car and locked it then I raced up the front steps and swung the door open. Once it closed behind me I stopped and slowed down. I slowly walked up the center staircase without looking up. I opened my clutch and pulled my keys back out. 

Finally I look up to see Sebastian asleep leaning against my door frame. I put the keys in the lock hoping to slip in without him noticing. I slowly turned the keys and successfully unlocked the door without him noticing. Now the hard part. Opening the door without moving him. Slowly I inched the door open and started slipping inside. As I was quickly moving my feet I carelessly stepped on his foot. 

"Shit," I accidentally said out loud. Sebastian grumbled and straightened out, I took this as a chance to slip inside. 

"Wait!" Sebastian grabbed my arm just as the door was about to close. Frick. I tried twisting my arm out of his grasp but he is strong. Double frick. 

"What." I said through clenched teeth looking at him. He lucked the door open with his free hand and he slipped inside, shutting the door behind him. 

"Where were you? I searched that maze for hours, I was sure you would hide in there," he said staring at me. I ignored him and walked into my room and slammed my door locking it. "Lyssa, wha- Come out please," I could tell he was standing right outside the door. 

"I'm changing assface," I took my dress and tights off and put on a white tightish tee shirt and a pair of black and grey plaid pj pants. Then I opened the door and walked right past him and into the bathroom. He followed me of course, and leaned in the door jam. 

"Please talk to me," he whispered. I grabbed a brush and started working through my hair trying to work the tease out. "Do you want me to help with the back?" he walked towards me and I handed him the brush. He very gently grabbed a little bit of hair and worked through it with the brush. Soon enough he was soon, and my scalp was still intact. 

"Uh, thanks," I pulled a drawee open and grabbed my eye make up remover wipes and took off my make up. Then I pinned my bangs up and I quickly washed my face. After I dried it off I took the clip out and ran a brush through my hair just once more. 

"I'm not leaving until you talk to me about this," he said crossing his arms. 

"Well welcome then, new roommate. Then do you want to move in?" I asked him 

"Come on, please," he pleaded following me into the kitchen. 

"You might as well get comfortable. There's a pair of shorts in my second drawer in my dresser. They might fit you, they used to be my friends but I stole 'em," he looked at me then went into my room. A few minutes later he came back into the kitchen with the shorts on and no shirt. 

"Are you gonna talk to me now?" he asked walking up to me. 

"Hmmm, nope," I said popping the p. I grabbed my box of goldfish and walked into the kitchen and sat down on the couch turning the tv on. Of course he followed me and sat right next to me. 

"Are you ever going to talk to me?" he asked with pleading eyes. 

"Probably not, so you can just leave now," in all reality, all I wanted to do was talk to him. But I would never let him know that. 

"Okay if you don't want to talk, or listen. I- can we at least be friends? Please? That's all I'm asking here, I just- I miss you," he said looking down. I paused for a minute and ate some goldfish. 

"Ya, I guess we can be friends," I said trying to control my grin and failing miserably. He looked up and smiled. Then he shoved his hand in my goldfish box. 

"Since we're friends now gimme some of these," he said trying to steal some. I have a feeling this is gonna be a long night. 
♠ ♠ ♠
Holy crap. I'm sorry it took so long. I seriously went brain dead with all my stories. I'm going to get them started back up again I promise you, if you have ANY suggestions for any of my stories that would be amazing! I'll take any ideas. Thanks so much for reading -Savannah