
"I want to go home."

Ella was finally out of class for the day. Not like it was hard or anything. It was just boring. In celebration, she decided that she would spend the night online. Maybe she could meet someone that went to here school, maybe she could meet some local people and have friends, maybe, maybe maybe. The possibilities were endless.
And she was right. She met tons of people. There was this kid Michael. A guy who rode a motorcycle named Eric. A guy named Jarrod from some random state. Another weird kid from Kailua named London and his friend Jack. Also a few marines, Gerard, Scot, and Mitchell.
But for some reason this Scot character really caught her eye. But she shrugged this feeling off. She had a boyfriend afterall. Plus he wouldn't be into her anyway.
She smiled a little that night going to bed. Maybe things would work out...maybe maybe maybe.

* * *

"I want to go home."
"What? Honey, whats wrong? What happened?"
"I dont like it here. I dont have friends, I dont know how to take care of myself and me and Sean just broke up."
"I'm sorry. You cant come home. If you do, youll regret it the rest of your life. I'm sorry about you and Sean a-"
"I just want to come home...i ju-"
"Listen, go to bed. In the morning you'll be able to think clearer. I love you."
"Okay. You too, mom."

But in the morning, Ella felt just as bad as she did before. Sean was gone. They had agreed it would be a mutual thing, but she knew deep down that it was her fault. She didnt know why it happened. Was it because she was worried it would work? Was it because she wanted to start all over in college? Or was it because she had longed for college so long and planned to never have a boyfriend back in the states? She didnt know. The only thing she knew is that Sean didnt break her heart, she had broken her own, along with his.

"I am an all together horrible person."
And she cried her self to sleep again.