
Friday Night

The five steps to Acceptance:

Ella had them ALL mixed up. Her emotions were everywhere. She was angry, the she was depressed. She prayed that God would reverse time and she would promise to never be mean to her siblings. But somehow, in the midst of this, she made an attitude for herself that she quite liked, but didnt at the same time.
"We'll, I matter as well look around. Since im single and all that now...."

So she flirted it up on the internet. Nothing too much. Nothing too drastic.
But now, in her free time she talked to this Scot character a little more. At first she didnt want to admit her interest in him verbally, but in her head she knew she had a thing for him.

She met many other people in her adventure. She continued living day by day with her normal routine. Sleep. School. Text. Computer. Repeat.

* * *
"So, what happened to your friend that was coming over tonight?"
"Eh, i dont think hes coming. Too many problems."
"Oh, okay. Well I'll see you later."
"Okay, have fun. Later." Ella said as her roommate left on a Friday night.

Ella had met a Marine guy named Mac. they had made plans for him to come over, watch some movies, eat and just hang out. No, this wasn't a plan to hook-up. She had made plans to make sure he wouldn't have children if he tried anything hasty. Of course, things come up, as they do in life, and Mac couldn't come by.
She had even gotten invited to dinner and a motor cycle ride by Eric, but she rejected nicely since she wasnt too keen of being on a motorcycle. Later she regretted it, I mean, whats better than free dinner?
And once again she was all alone. Nothing in particular to do. So she tried a few things. She surfed the internet, talked to people, texted her friends from back home, found things on youtube, but none of them satisfied her need for an activity.
Finally she got a text from her friend Scot. Just a normal texting conversation took place.

Nm. U?
Yeah, my friend that was supposed to come over? Didnt show.
I know. lol
You want to hang out?
Uh, sure.
Wat u want to do?
idk. lol
we could watch a movie.
we could rob people
we could play modern warfare2
ok. give me an hour. then ill head out.

Ella was excited! Wouldn't you be? A guy you have thing for AND Modern Warfare 2? Could a girl ask for anything more?
She hurriedly cleaned her room, while IM-ing with a friend.

And hour later, she got a text that Scot was on his way. He wasnt bringing MW2, only because he didnt feel like packing up his tv, his Xbox and himself. Only slightly disappointed, Ella's stomach filled with butter flies.
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No, mac has nothing to do with a computer. chill.
as you can see, Dear ella had a comupter problem .lol
leave her be. shes a nice child.