We were made for eachother, even if you dont realize it...

Dreams are sometimes better than reality.

Aimee pov

The candy cane trees looked delicious as I pushed aside their liquorish branches and headed to the familiar place I hadn’t seen in years. Our lake house from when I was a kid sat in front of me and suddenly the inviting edible plants around me transformed into dark promiscuous trees.

Oh I hate this place… this is where dad di- … my thought halted when Jake popped up in a mime outfit.

He waved his index finger back and forth and shaking his head.
‘What? I just said I hated this place...’ I said to him and even though no sounds came from my mouth, he seemed to realize what I was trying to say.

He shook his head and then pointed towards the lake. Someone splashed the water and it flew in the sky and sparkled in the sunlight. Laughter filled the air and my sight focused on a little girl of about four years old and her sweet smiled father. He was twirling her around causing her to giggle nonstop.

Entranced by the scene I slowly walked forward and sat on a large log to get a closer view. An uncontainable smile formed on my face as the little girl clung to her father’s arm scared of being dropped. Jake sat next to me and wrapped his arm around me, pulling me close.

‘Your right I could never hate this place… There are too many happy memories here...’ A few tears wet my cheeks. ‘He always used to tell me never to HATE anything, to give everything a chance because even the worst things have good qualities.’

I snuggled into Jakes chest and he kissed the top of my head. We sat watching my memory and for a second I felt complete tranquility.

“Aimee!” someone said startling loud causing the scene around me to fade into a red that I recognized as the back of my eye lids.

“Are you alright?” Jake’s voice portrayed panic and I felt my upper half lift as he pulled me closer to him. I blinked a few times before my vision cleared and I realized I was staring straight into Jake’s deep blue eyes.

“Morning” I said trying to breath down to avoid scaring him with my god awful morning breath.

“Did you have a bad dream?” his fingers wiped away the tears drying on my cheeks.

“No” I smiled at him, “a good dream.”

My words made him pause, and he obviously did not understand them. He chuckled slightly, “You would think after all these years I would have you figured out.”

My eyes traveled to his lips and I felt my cheeks heat up as the memories of last night flooded my mind. “So um… Jake…” my sight rested on his eyes as they stared back at me, we sat like that for a few seconds before he looked away with a pained look on his face.

“Are you okay?” I said concerned by his actions.

He smiled while still looking down at the ground and I knew it was not genuine. His expression instantly shot a pang of sadness through me. The smile was one he wore many times years ago when his father left and he used to pretend he was okay. I also instantly knew that he was about to lie to me. “Yeah everything is great! Oh and I brought pancakes...” he stood up to head over to the tray of food sitting on the dresser, but I grabbed his hand causing him to stop in his tracks.

I continued with my attempt of him letting me in. “Are YOU okay?”

A genuine smile formed on his face, but it was such a sad smile that I felt my heart ache in my chest. My grip on his hand tightened and my eyes stayed glued to his face as his gaze continued to travel around the room avoiding only me. I felt a stab at my heart and I dropped my hand from his. “Yeah… I’m great” he continued to stare at a pillow as if willing it to burst into flames. “Anyways I’m going to go get dressed, go ahead and eat. I’ll see you down stairs.” His presence left the room, and it took me a minute to realize my appetite went with him. I felt the hunger from my candy plants in my dream evaporate and if I was brave enough to eat a single bite of pancakes, I was positive I would hurl.
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Sorry it took so long to update. Good news though I already have the next chapter written it just needs to be typed. The big problem is where to go with it after that. That's why i haven't updated in a while. Its just writers block, but if you have a good idea or angle for this story please do feel free to send me a message.