Status: Completed

My Name Is Elliot James...


My Name Is Elliot James
This is my story. Yes I’m Elliot James. I wasn’t the popular guy in school and I sure wasn’t the smartest guy in school. No I was the average 16-year-old guy trying to get through High School. Yeah my life was exciting…but it was my life.
Freshman year was when the Krips came. They’re a gang that came to our neighborhood. Since then nothing’s been the same. People have been beaten, the smoking rate had gone up, and the neighborhood hasn’t been the same since the crude group came into everyone’s lives. Although no one has died by their hands doesn’t make what they have done in the past right. Now that it’s been almost two years the crime rate has gone up even more and the people of the neighborhood have gone weary with unkept promises from the mayor of getting the Krips gang out of our lives…the people silently dying inside.
I’ve always wanted something exciting to happen in my life. But what I got was tragic and though I should be mourning I’m happy it happened. It may have been sunny on that life changing day but I was angry. Angry that no one cared about getting the Krips out anymore. Furious that people are getting bullied and beaten by the uncaringly sick group. And terribly livid that parents aren’t as concerned about their children coming home with a black eye and bloody noses. It was the end of third hour and I was heading to lunch. I didn’t want to be near anyone so I went outside. I was in the middle of eating my lunch until I saw Daniel, a guy in my class, running across the street into an alleyway. My first thought was, What is he doing? and my second thought was I should make sure he’s ok. I got up, leaving my half-eaten food and followed him. I thought I lost Daniel until I heard metal clanking together and skin hitting skin along with grunts and snickers. I turned the corner to see the Krips beating Daniel as he laid a bloody heap on the ground. Without thinking I ran and pushed the guys off shouting at them to back off.
“What are you gonna do about it?” the leader grinned and lunged at me
I fought him off and started punching at anyone who got in my way. Hearing the howls of pain from the gang as my fists hit them. The last thing I heard was a gun shot.
On that faithful day I lost my life to save another’s. On that same day people mourned and saw that what was happening was wrong. Soon after the Krips were put in jail for murder and among other crimes. Word got out about my death and soon a lot of other gangs were put in jail. Like I said, what happened to me was tragic. But I will not mourn because I’m glad it was me. I’m glad that everyone saw the danger that was going on for years. I’m glad I was able to change the world.
My Name is Elliot James…
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I hoped you guys liked it.