Sweet Blood

Someone is dead, was it a shot to the head?


“I l-” He whispered to me, I cried as his eyes went blank, a smile still graced his lifeless face.
“I love you, Frankie don’t leave me, please, Frank.” A now living Gerard pulled me from Frank’s body; I buried my face in his exposed chest and sobbed. He wrapped his arms around me tightly, I turned my head and still his body had no life.
“C’mon sugar. We have to leave him, I’m sorry.” He whispered, running his fingers through my hair. I nodded and he carried me through the now whipping snow. Katerina lead the way, Mikey had his arm around her shoulder. Even through the blinding wall of white, he could see everything.
“We’re lost. You know that right?” She stopped and plopped down in the snow. Gerard placed me down and we sat down the snow.
“I thought you could see?” I questioned
“I can see through anything, but what I can’t see is where the cabin is.” He sighed. Katerina pulled a box from the chest of her shirt and pulled out 4 cigarettes and a lighter.
“May be hard to light, but of fucking well.” She passed one to us all. I looked at Gerard, he blinked and all 4 were lit.
“I’ll find where were going.” I took a drag and closed my eyes. The smoke slowly poured from my lips as I let my soul fly free.
I went extremely fast to the left of us. After 5 minutes I saw a light; it was a small cabin, the cabin.
I flashed back to the present moment.
“So? Where we headed Mai?” Gerard asked as I took a breath.
“That way, for like 10 minutes more.” I sighed, taking another drag. He nodded and we started walking in a general left direction. Finally, there was the light I had seen, I smiled and shivered. I couldn’t feel any part of my body, I was completely numb. Gerard had his arm around my shoulder to keep me warm, it wasn’t helping much. I closed my eyes and searched for Pete’s or even Patrick’s mind.
Pete, get your ass outside, with a blanket.

I saw a form within a minute covering the light, I smiled.
“Pete. PETE!” I yelled out trying to get his attention.
“Maia!” He yelled back. I smiled, but let out a groan as my knees gave out and I fell in the snow. I shivered and grabbed my shoulders, rubbing them trying to get warmer. Strong arms picked my up like a baby and moved quickly towards the light. A warm blanket was placed around me and I buried myself in the warmth of someone’s chest.
I fell asleep before we even reached the warmth of the house.

~Twenty minutes or so later~

I woke up, on the same bed as last time, only instead, an arm was wrapped around me.
I turned and pressed myself against his body. I placed my hand upon his side and softly let it drift down to his hip. A soft whimper came from his lips. I kissed his jaw line, trailing kisses down to his neck, again a whimper. I heard footsteps up the stairs. I connected my lips with his.
“Maia, are you awake?” It was Patrick’s voice.
“Mhm.” I mumbled, my lips busy fighting with my lover’s.
“I brought you some c-” A cup shattered and His eyes opened and his lips left mine.

“How, how could you.” He glared at me from the stairs then stormed down.

“Maia, why were we doing that?” He asked.
“Because Gee sweetie, I love you.”
“I meant, why we kissing, if you were thinking of Frank the whole time?” He sighed.
“I- I miss him, I forgot he was gone.” A tear fell down my face. His soft hands wiped it away.
“Its ok, I miss him too.” He kissed me softly then crawled out of the bed.

“PATRICK, NO!” Pete screamed, there was a gunshot and a scream.