Status: Work in Progress

Welcome to the Supernatural

Chapter 2

Brook sat on the bed, the laptop glaring in front of her. So far that night she had learned that these brothers were hunters as well, she wasn’t sure whether or not to trust them but they seemed to know a lot more about this kinda thing than she did.
“Tomorrow we need to go find the witness.” Dean plopped down on the other bed, he too wasn’t sure if he could trust this woman on the other bed. She came off as an inexperienced hunter but her pack and base of knowledge proved otherwise.
“Yeah, we need more information.” Sam stood back from the wall. “Have you checked all your resources?”
“Yes, everything I have. There is nothing about a bright light or piles of bodies or anything.” Brook pushed her laptop shut and fell back onto the bed. “There is just no information.”
“So either what we are dealing with is new, or rare.” Dean stood up and walked over to his brother, “My bet is rare.”
“Oh goodie,” Brooks voice was heavy with sarcasm. “It’s already midnight, we should get some sleep.”
“I like how you think.” Dean stepped closer to Brook.
“You may have the bed over there,” Brook pushed Dean to the other side of the room by the other bed.
“You want us to share a bed?” Dean looked at his brother, “Come on, can we share, please?”
“Or you could sleep in your car, take your choice.” Brook sat down on her bed, “Just remember who paid for the room.”
“Dibs on the bed!” The brothers both said at the same time and made a beeline for it, Dean jumped and ended up getting there first. “Sorry bro, I’ll give you a pillow.”
“You suck.” Sam grabbed the pillow angrily from his grinning brother.
“Boys, everything’s a competition.” Brook reached over and grabbed two of her extra pillows off her bed. “Here, take mine.”
“Ya sure?” Sam took the pillows gently, as Brook shook her head. “Thanks.”
“Anytime.” Brook pulled herself under the covers and settled down. “Night boys.”
She reached over and turned off the light with a click. The room went pitch black. Slowly but steadily Brook’s eyes adjusted to the dim light from the streetlight outside that come in through a small sliver between the curtains. She rolled over and tried to sleep, but she couldn’t. She just didn’t feel tired. So instead she laid there, quiet and tried to fall asleep. It didn’t help that Dean sounded like a freight train, the guy was out. A few hours later she rolled over and the clock read five eighteen in the morning. She let out a sigh.
“Can’t sleep?” Sam’s voice came from the floor.
“No,” Brook lay close to the edge of the mattress so she could see Sam. “Neither can you.”
“Huh, no.” Sam let out a small chuckle. “I find that I wake up early and lay here and think.”
“I just can’t seem to fall asleep.” Brook pulled her arm under her head.
“So you’re a hunter right?” Sam asked after a slight pause, “How long have you been doing that?”
“Honestly?” Brook questioned. “A few days.”
“A few day’s!?” Sam got slightly louder, which seemed to stir Dean as he rolled over in response. “I would have at least guessed a few months if not a year.”
“Technically I started a month ago, but I just started being in the actual ‘field’ a few days ago.” Brook felt a little ping of self gratification that she came off somewhat as an experienced hunter.
“May I ask, why?” Sam rolled over propping his head up with his hand.
“About a month ago my Uncle passed away,” Brook started. “He left me a few things; among them what I called his story book. As a small child I could always remember every time my uncle visited he would read me these scary stories from his story book, and for some reason I enjoyed them. I asked him one day who wrote the stories, and he told me that the stories come from him running around in his own imagination. It wasn’t till after he passed that I found out that his story book was actually his journal. He would always give the main character a different name, and when I went back and read through his journal entries there were no names just I’s. From there I found out that I come from a family of hunters, my dad stopped hunting because he wanted to start a family away from it all and he probably has found out by now that I am hunting, and is not happy. He told me a month ago that he didn’t want me to and it was too dangerous. So I took a whole moth researching everything, learning from my uncle’s journal what to kill with what, overall learning as much as I could through paper. Now I need to experience it.”
“Wow that is pretty awesome.” Sam was somewhat astonished. “Not many people just jump on into this sorta career.”
“The way I look at it, it’s a solid job. There’s always going to be demons and things to hunt.” Brook tugged on her blanket.
“That’s one way to look at it.” Sam rolled over onto his back trying to get comfortable, and it wasn’t working. “I have a feeling the floor is not helping with me sleeping.”
“Is your brother always like this?” Brook asked.
“A cocky, sarcastic son of a bitch.” Sam defined his brother. “Pretty much. You get use to it, once you do he has his moments.”
Brook giggled quietly at Sam’s remark, which made Sam laugh under his breath as well.
“Why don’t you take the bed, at least you will get some good sleep for a few hours.” Brook sat up pulling the covers somewhat off.
“No, I can’t do that.” Brook swung her legs to the floor as Sam protested. “A man should never let a lady sleep on the floor.”
“Fine, I’m not trying to sound like I ‘m trying to get you in bed, but, then at least share this bed.” Brook looked at Sam, “It’s a queen bed, and if you really want we can make a divider with pillows.”
“No need for a pillow divider, I’m pretty sure we can keep ourselves contained.” Sam grabbed his pillows off the floor. “If it’s weird, let me know, I’ll totally move back to the floor.”
“As long as we keep to our sides of the bed, I’m fine. I’m not into the whole banging a guy you just met” Brook pulled the top comforter off and to the side. “Which blanket you want?”
“I’ll take the sheet, that way neither of us has to use the comforter.” Sam took his sheet, pulling it out from its tucked in corners at the other end. “I don’t even think God knows what been done on that.”
Brook took her blanket and settled down, making sure there was a good amount of space between her and Sam. Moments later she heard the quiet snores begin to come from Sam. She was happy Sam was getting some sleep; she knew that she wasn’t getting a good amount a sleep the nights before and this night was going to be no different. She closed her eyes, and rested, like the other nights, hoping that it would be enough to be rested for the day.
Brook drifted into a semi sleep semi still awake state, and stayed like that till she heard movement around the room. After a few moments she realized it was Dean, as he stubbed his toe and swore real loud as he made his way to the bathroom. On his way back he turned the lights on making Sam groan as he didn’t want to get up yet.
“Aww, look how adorable you two are!” Dean talked in the way you talk to a dog, or a new born baby.
“Aww, look who’s jealous.” Sam laughed at Brook’s comeback.
“Yeah, right. I’m jealous, let me tell you.” It was obvious that Dean was slightly jealous.
“Oh, so this wouldn’t have any effect on you?” Right on cue, as if Sam and Brook were telepathically communicating, Sam pulled Brook to his side as Brook brought her leg up and on top of Sam’s.
“I’ll wait in the car.” Sam moved for the door, before closing it, “Stop messing around, we have work to do.”
“Oh I think we hit a nerve.” The door slammed as Brook rolled back over to her side of the bed.
“That was fun.” She grabbed some clothes out of her pack before making her way to the bathroom. “Did you see his face?”
Brook and Sam laughed about it all the way out to the car where a pouting Dean was waiting for them.
♠ ♠ ♠
So here is the second chapter, give feed back. I wanted to show a little bit of both the guys personalities in this one. I think I accomplished that. ENJOY!