Status: Done.

Inside The Mind, A Letter Is Written...


Dear Past Self...

To the past, and how I've changed.
You've been used by guys, felt lower then low. Wished you could vanish, and in the end carried on no matter what.
You became locked away in a shell that no one could bring you out from. You didn't let guys get close, you couldn't afford for our family to get close, because if they saw weakness, it showed you weren't anything like Peter. Friends walked all over you, but you let them so you wouldn't feel alone, stuck infront of your computer, longing for someone to talk to you.

You are still in me. I sit and wait for people to talk first, I have friends who still walk over me without a care from me. You still have me wanting to be someone better, so that Muma and Dada will look at me and think 'We're so proud to have her as our daughter'.

But we're getting through with the guy issue. Guys are idiots, but if they hadn't done what they did, then I wouldn't be who I am now.
I'm confident enough to let one guy close. Hopefully I'll be able to let others in, but right now he's everything I hoped for.

You worry and panic, which is frightening to me but also everyone else. But we'll get there, we'll stick through it all.
We don't run away from buses anymore =P or big vechicals, tall buildings and children parks. I'm actually quite happy about that xD!

Thank you for letting me move on =) it may sound stupid, writing a letter to the past, but in the past everything bad will stay =)!