Status: Done.

Inside The Mind, A Letter Is Written...


Dear The One I Love,
You know your so special to me. Your the only guy I'll let get close enough. I trust you with everything I possess, my heart (and I'm sorry it's still broken, but even if you don't know it, your fixing that by being here and there ♥), my mind, my dreams, my life...

You need to know, that after so long...after the rough patches we've had, I could never hate you, I could never leave you on your own, I could never ever stop loving you. You are the only guy I want to be with, and it's sad to think it just can't happen...

I dream about the way I wish it to holding hands, walking through town with not a care in the world. No one judged the way we were, no one looked twice and thought "Dude...I thought he didn't like girls...". But I wouldn't change you for the world, and I'm just so happy to have you in my life.

I'm sorry for asking over and over again, if this or that is've now seen a piece inside my head, and I hope so badly that it hasn't freaked you out. I worry and panic, because I can't bare to lose you...and everytime you say I won't, I smile to myself and tell my head that you've told me, that you've said it and it's true. But then it turns something else, so you get bombared by so many of the same's a miricale your still here xx

That song I wrote for you, I have to say I am tetermined to make it a proper song. If I have to badly sing the lyrics that are for you, then I will. I want to be able to show you I care, without making everyone think "Yep...thats about him..." and watch them point to you...I don't want to make anything difficult for you.

I better stop writing, it'll become about twice the size of a normal essay if I continue...but I just want you to know, I love you with all my heart, and no matter what happens, where ever we go. That will never change ♥ xxxx

I love you Numpty ♥ xx