Guilty Pleasure


“Brett! Give that to me!” I yelled while I was laughing and chasing him.
Brett was running around our apartment with my purse in his hands.

“Come and get it!” He laughed while he was jumping in the living room’s couch.

I had never been agile and I doubt that I would be like that any time in my life, so when I tried to jump the first couch instead of pass it, I fell in it.

“This is unfair! You know I had never been agile in my whole life!” I yelled trying to hold my laughter but it was impossible.
Brett moved closer to me and carefully laid over me.

“You are so beautiful when you get mad” He said while he was kissing my cheeks.
“That’s so cliché” I just laugh cause of his corny antics.

“That doesn’t mean that it isn’t true Laura” This time his lips were on mine in a sexy way.

Brett is the sweetest boy I had ever met, that’s why he’s my boyfriend for 4 years now and we have lived together in this comfy apartment in the Big Apple for 3 of those 4 years.

Our kisses kept going and a few minutes later our hands had the same passion as our lips.
Brett’s hands were under my shirt when my phone went off.

“Don’t pick up” he said while he was kissing my neck.

“Come on Brett I need to pick up” I pulled away from him slowly and took my phone which was in the centre table.

“Hi?” My breath was a little bit agitated.

“mmm I think I’m interrupting something?” I heard that girl’s voice which I recognize immediately.

“No, no Vicky don’t worry” I said while I was sitting in the couch with the angry stare of Brett on my neck.

“Well whatever, wanna come over? I’m pretty bored plus I have a lot of chocolate”

“you know how to convince me girl” I said while I was standing up and going to my own bedroom.

“We are best friends since we are 7, what else do you want?” She laughed after saying that.

“kay, I’m there in like 10” I said to her while I was putting my sneakers on.

“The chocolate is waiting for you” after this words the line went off.

I put my phone inside my purse, closed it, grabbed it and got out of the room.

“I’ll go to Vicky’s” I said to Brett who was sitting in the couch watching TV.

“ok, come back early”

I got closer to him and kissed him on the lips.

“I love you”

“Love you too”

“It took you long enough!” Vicky told me when she opened her apartment’s door.

“That’s not true!” I said while I entered to her apartment that was like my second house.

“It is!” Vicky shut the door and followed me.

“It’s not!” I was walking to the living room trying not to laugh.

“Vicky, what’s the matter if I g…” I shut my mouth when I noticed that the room wasn’t empty.

“Ohh, Lau, they are my band mates” She told me when she noticed my quietness.

“You didn’t tell me that they were going to be here” I whispered to her.

“I forgot, sorry” She whispered back.

Vicky kept walking to the living room while I stayed there in the corridor.
She sat down and waved at me so I would sat down next to her.

I obeyed her and looked around to see these guys that were sitting in the front couch, they were four handsome guys and they were talking and laughing till they saw me coming.

“Guys! This is Laura, my best friend of my whole life” She said while she was smiling at me.

“Hi” I was so shy sometimes.

“Finally we meet the famous Laura!” a guy with a jockey said while he was looking at me with all his attention.

After that I felt how I was starting to get nervous.
Sometimes I’m not very good at making friends, at this is one of those times were you just wanna get out of the room and run to your own house.

“Famous?” I asked quietly but they were still able to listen.

“Vicky’s always saying that she miss you and blah” A guy with a little of beard said to me.

“He’s Ryland Blankinton” Vicky said while pointing to the guy that talked to me a few seconds ago- He’s Gabe Saporta- The jockey’s owner smiled at me, when our eyes connected it was like a couldn’t breath anymore, a very weird feeling pass through all my body in a second, I shocked my head and tried to forget that feeling- He’s Nate Novarro- she pointed a small guy, he waved at me- and he’s Alex Suarez- she pointed the last guy that was in the couch, he smiled at me with joy.

“Why our last names?” the jockey guy, Gabe right? Asked

“Is a very complete presentation” My friend defended herself.

“But it’s a stupid one” Apparently Gabe was a stubborn.

“Oh, shut up Gabe!” Alex? Yeah, Alex said.

“I’m going to bring some food, come with me Lau” Vicky told me while she was standing up.

“Ok” I got up and followed her.

“You should have told me” I said to her when we arrived to the kitchen.

Vicky was looking for some food in the drawers, refrigerator, etc.

“I totally forgot, really”

“You know I’m not sociable Vicky! I get nervous when I talk to people I don’t know” I said

“Lau they are extremely social…”

“Like you?” I interrupted what she was going to say while I was laughing.

“Shut up and help me with this” She said while she was laughing.

I got closer to her and took one plate full of chips.

“There’s something more I need to do for you my majesty?” I said, bowing slightly like I was making a reverence.

“No, you can go in peace” She said following the game.

“You go first” I said showing my nervousness.

“Lau, relax” She said to me seriously looking straight into my eyes.


Vicky went out and I followed her.

The boys were talking and laughing, they were crazy like nobody could imagine, they were moving their hands weirdly and putting voices extremely stupid.

“Well, we brought food and drinks” My friend said while we left all this stuff in the centre table.

The guys immediately calmed down and started eating, boys are weird.

“Well Laura, tell us about you” I think their names was something easy to learn ‘cause when I saw the one that said me that I immediately know that was Ryland.

“Well, let see…I’m 25, I leave with my boyfriend since I’m 22, I’m friend with Vicky since we both were 7 and what else?” I said all that in quietly because I was nervous.

“You have a boyfriend” The jockey guy said to me.
He didn’t ask, he said that like an affirmation.

“Yeah” I didn’t know what else I could say.

The whole room was now in silence, a very, very uncomfortable one.

“Well, what do you do for a living?” Nate asked me breaking that silence.

“I’m a photographer” I said shyly like in the whole conversation.

“Of a magazine?” Ryland asked me this time.

“Alternative Press” I answered proudly.

“That’s awesome!” Gabe said very excited.

I didn’t get the sudden emotion of him, maybe he’s like that all the time.
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So, I hope you like this and I hope you read it this time.
Comment please <3

I love you all!