Guilty Pleasure


An hour and a half.
90 minutes in which I didn’t stop staring at Gabe, I don’t know why, but I couldn’t detach my sight from that man totally animated in the stage, happy and energetic.
Every now and then I looked at Vicky, the few times I saw her she was always staring at me.
I’m almost sure, no wait, I’m sure she knows everything, after all, she’s my best friend, she knows me better than anyone.

When the show ended the guys left the stage totally tired and sweaty.
I smiled at all of them while clapping feeling very happy and excited.

“You guys were amazing” I told them happily with a big grin on my face.

Vicky got closer to me so her lips were nearly touching my ear.

“You are going to stay in my place tonight, you can start thinking what you are going to say to Brett, but you stay with me tonight” She said to me seriously and then just walked away from me, to the backstage.

I know Vicky hates when I don’t tell her my stuff, that’s why she’s like that, I know her, and that’s why I know that she’s not mad, just disappointed.

The guys looked at her with a weird expression and then at me, the confusion was so obvious in their faces.

“Girls stuff” Was the only thing I said before going away in the same direction as my friend.

I felt the stare of the guys on my back and heard how they were whispering things when I was far enough not to hear, but I really didn’t care.
The only thing that I needed to care at that moment was to call Brett and make up a good excuse not to go home for that night.

“You’ve been weird lately” Vicky told me while we were entering her apartment.

I didn’t answer, I just entered and sat down in one of the couch of the living room accidentally realising a suspicious sigh.

“Ok Laura, what’s going on with you? That sight wasn’t of tiredness” She said quickly while she was sitting down in front of me.
Why she know me so well?

“I don’t know Vicky, I really don’t know” I said realising another sigh, this time without caring what kind of sigh sounded like.
My friend looked at me without getting anything, she waited for me to continue, but I didn’t.

“Lau explain me, I don’t get you” She told me very smoothly this time.

“I’m confused” I said after staying quite for some minutes.

Vicky nodded his head slightly, apparently she had understood.

“Gabe?” She guessed.

Why to deny it? I just nodded after hearing his name.

“Since when? How?” She asked me with a confused tone.

“The day we met here in your apartment, I don’t know! It was a weird feeling that came to my body out of nowhere!” The words left my mouth quickly, like if my mind was waiting them to come out at any moment and don’t want to take so much time. When I finished I just released a long sigh.

“You love Brett?”
Her question got me off guard and I quickly looked at her with a surprised expression, it took me some time to think about it and actually released and answer.

“Yeah, I think so” I said with a low tone.

Vicky got closer and say next to me trying to comfort me.

“Hun, try to clear everything in your mind, is not good for you to feel that kind of stuff for another person when you have a boyfriend” She said while caressing my shoulder.

“That’s what I can’t do, you know” I said sadly trying to order all those thoughts that were coming into my mind.

“Just wait” She said caressing my hair now.
I smiled sadly and leaned my head in her shoulder.

“You like Gabe” She tried to said that but is was kind of difficult since the was laughing.
I raised my head too see her and at the same time raised my eyebrows really not getting why she was laughing.

“And what’s the matter with that?” I said very confused but laughing at the same time as her.

“I don’t know! He’s… Gabe, he’s like that little disgusting brother you always have, I can’t imagine my best friend with him!” She said like talking with herself.

“I’m not gonna be with him” I said trying to sound convincing, or at least I tried to convince myself.

“We’ll see”
I believed in her.

“You’ve to go on tour soon?” I asked her fearing for the answer, I don’t want her to go.
Yeah, I don’t want Vicky to go, only her, yeah.
I tried to convince myself about that.

“No, we got a break for 2 months, so, they’re gonna be 2 month in where you are not gonna get rid of me” She said with a malicious smile on her face trying to look creepy.

I just laughed at my best friend’s goofiness.

The rest of the night we talked about anything that didn’t involve any close boy to us, we saw some movies, danced, sang and of course some girly stuff, just if like we were teenagers.

It was 4 in the morning when we went to bed with Vicky, we just laid in there without caring about anything, and in that way we fall asleep.
Long time no having nights like this.

I woke up very uncomfortable and with the same clothes I wore the day before.
I noticed that Vicky was still asleep, so, like we always do, I took a pillow and thrown it to her face.

“Oh shit” She yelled taking the pillow off her face in a very lazy way.
I always laugh so hard when I do that.

“Fuck off Laura” She said to me throwing the pillow back to me as hard as I did.

“Stop, stop” I stopped the pillow with my hand before it hits me.

After some minutes she got up pretty slowly, as lazy as me.

“You have to do something today?” Vicky asked me while we were making our way to the kitchen.

I opened my mouth to answer but shut it quickly when I heard a known ringtone and I knew that my phone was going off, I went to the living where I had left my purse last night and looked for it quickly, I hate not to answer the phone.

“Hello?” I said trying to sound more awake than I really was.

“Miss Friedman, how are you?” That voice that I clearly recognize asked me. It was my boss.

“Mister Johnson, I’m good and you?” I answered nicely as always.

“I’m good thanks, Laura, today you need to come to the office, you have a photo shoot at 3 o’clock” He told me pretty politely.

“Ok, I’ll be there” I was happy; I was starting to miss taking pictures.

“See you, bye” He said to me before hung up.

I shut my phone and looked at Vicky who was staring at me.

“Yeah, I need to do something today” I said smiling at her.

“Photo shoots?” She guessed.
I just nodded.

“What time it is?” I asked while looking everywhere for a god damn watch.
Vicky went to the kitchen and looked at the clock in there.

“It’s 2:15” She told me calmly like if I hadn’t to be at my job in 45 minutes.

“What!? I need to be at 3 in the office!” I said freaking out and running to the bathroom.

“I can lend you some clothes if you want it” Vicky offered to me smiling like always.

“Please!” I said entering to the bathroom in order to take a quick shower, a very quick shower.

“Why your dresses are always so short?” I asked looking at me in the mirror; she had lent me this short black dress with some decorations here and there.

“Is the only one that’s clean” She said accommodating the dress I had on.

“But is, I don’t know, too short” I said a little bit uncomfortable, I was trying to make the dress longer stretching it but of course it wasn’t working at all.

“Lau, is the only thing I have and its 2:40 so move your freaking ass out of my apartment” Vicky said to me pushing me out of her home.

“Ok, okay don’t push me! I can walk! I’m gonna call you when I finish the photo shoot so we can hang out!” I said to my friend while I was going to the lift.

3:00 PM
I arrived just in time; I entered to the building and went to the photo shoot room immediately.
There was my boss, obviously, and the band I was going to take pictures.

“Laura, just in time like always” Mr. Johnson told me with a big smile on his face.

“Hi sir” I said nicely, trying to sound polite.

“Well, this is The Academy is…” He pointed the group of guys that were in front of me “We want a section of them in the next edition, so they are all yours, they are ready for the photo shoot” My boss informed, send me a goodbye smile and went out of the room leaving me alone with those guys.

“Well, Hi, I’m Laura Friedman, and well, I’m your photographer for today” I looked at them shyly and then started to took some things out of my backpack that I’d need.
♠ ♠ ♠
Another Chapter!
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