Guardian Angel


His lips moved against mine, his hand wet and cool against my warm face. Rain falling on our heads, dripping down from the sodden leaves above us to soak our hair, our clothes, our lips...

Quick, mischievious thoughts as I pulled away, and smiled at his puzzled expression, then darting away through the trees, surefooted steps taking me over roots and under branches, but only a small, tempting distance between us...

Laughing, adrenaline bubbling inside me, teasing glances behind me at Will's chasing form as I ran from him through the rain. Twisting, a giggle as I blew a kiss at him, still running, feet moving from grass to asphalt...

Sudden noise, dazzling light, a turn of the head, a widening of the eyes, certain death headed my way...

Flashes, images, moving so quickly, sometimes focusing on one particular one for a brief moment, long enough for me to recognize- a pink balloon floating up into the sky; sunlight reflecting off the fair hair on a laughing woman's head; a teenaged boy bent over his guitar, a focused look in his slate-blue eyes; blood on a scraped knee, gentle fingers cleaning away the dirt; a strong, broad back; an unexpectantly gentle look on a hard, weathered face- before shooting away to be replaced by thousands more. It astonded me how many pictures, memories, frozen snapshots of time could be held in one person's mind. I saw a girl looking at herself in the mirror, applying mascara; crowded school hallways; a paper half covered in words; an ipod on a dotted bed-spread. I felt pain, curiousity, fear, love, irritance, surprise, sorrow, happiness, hate, experienced a wide spectrum of myriad colors, heard a wide blend of different music- piano keys moving up a scale; choir voices; jumbled rap, pop, rock; a saxophone from the streets of New Orleans; bouncy techno music at a theme park; steady, strumming guitar.

There was a flash of overwhelmingly bright light, deafingly loud noise, and my mind returned to itself. I found myself frozen in place, the large white truck heading my direction, the brakes squealing, the headlight glaring, the horn sounding, the rain making it all that much more disconcerting.

"No! Lina, watch out!"

There was pain on my arm, I felt like my shoulder was being ripped from it's socket by strong fingers wrapped around my upper arm, and I landed heavily against a solid chest that gave way, felt us both fall to the ground. My skull connected with asphalt, and my mind became fuzzy, my vision dazed. Hands clutched at me, and I clutched back, suddenly remembering it all, the light, the car, my fear. The sound of a car door, quick, furtive footsteps, startled cries. Strong arms circled me, and I cried into Will's chest, curling into his embrace. My fingers grabbed his hoodie, my face hidden in his shirt.

"Will, Will, Will," I sobbed. His hands rubbed my back, his head rested against mine.

"It's alright, it's alright." His shaky voice murmered into my ear. "It's alright- I got you. I got you."