Status: Active

I Can't Imagine Being Anywhere Else but Here

Not Tonight.

After Jenny just made Rayne cry, I saw that Kellin was talking to her. I wanted to go, but before I could Kellin kissed her! Oh yeah, go Rayne!

I smiled to myself and Justin came to my side and danced with me. We swayed back and forth to the soft music, as I looked into Justin's eyes. His looked right into mine, and we were slient for a good five minutes. This moment is too perfect.

He lightly smiled and then pressed his lips to mine. He pulled away before I could kiss him back. Does he think that I don't want to kiss him or something? If that's what he thinks, then he's wrong. I really want to kiss him. What am I doing just staring at him? I'm going to kiss him.

Before I could stop myself, I kissed his soft lips. It felt so good, so perfect. I think I've been with him long enough to want to kiss him, right? He kissed me back and pulled me closer to him, and we stayed with our lips locked together for a little while.

Neither one of us wanted to pull away, but I did, just so I could breathe properly. I smiled at him and he smiled his gorgeous one back at me.

"That was quite the kiss, Madz." He said.

"What can I say? I've been wanting to kiss you for a while now." I told him honestly.

"I did, too. I'm sorry I pulled away before.

"It's okay Justin. I probably would've done the same." I giggled.

That's when I felt a tap on my shoulder. Justin stopped moving, and I turned around to see my ex-boyfriend, Mike, looking pissed. What the fuck does he want now? "Yes?" I asked.

"Who's he?" He asked pointing at Justin.

"I'm her boyfriend." Justin answered.

"No you're not." He scoffed.

"I'm dacing with him, aren't I?" I asked not to nicely.

Mike looked like he wanted to hit something. That something being Justin. Great, this is JUST what I need, an angry ex-boyfriend. Not Tonight!
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Oh yeah, an update!! please comment! Domi and I work hard on this story. <3