Status: Active

I Can't Imagine Being Anywhere Else but Here

Visiting Day

So I’m suspended for 3 days. It’s only Monday and I miss Kellin like crazy. My parents took away from phone, so no texting him during school. Madison probably has to deal with Jenny’s bitchiness. I know I’m going to have to make it up to her when I get back on Thursday.

It was 2:15 and school was just letting out, so I go sit outside on my porch a wait to see who’s going to be walking down the street. I see my bus, but I guess they let our stop off first, because Madz wasn’t on there. I sit on the porch for a bit longer and see someone walk up the sidewalk. I smile and run up to the person.

“Kellin!!” I squeal running up to him. He opens his arms and holds me there and twirls me. Once he puts me down, I was embraced in a hug.

“Hey babe.” He whispered in my ear. It sent chills all through my body. I bit my lip and looked up at him. Kellin had this sweet smile and I couldn’t hold back something I’ve missed since Saturday.

I stand on my toes and wrapped my arms around his neck and I place my lips on his. Kellin wraps his arms around my waist and kisses back. I felt like I was flying in the clouds and my body was tingling.

“Aww they look so cute together!” Madison said.

I jump a bit and see Madison and Justin standing a few feet away, holding hands. I feel my face get warm and put my head down.

“I just missed him, that’s all.” I say. Kellin grabbed my hand and pulled me back to him.

“I missed you too.” He said. I look back up at him and see that look again. All I feel are butterflies, flying around in my stomach. I hug and kiss him again.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I finally updated again. Sorry for the delay since I haven't really had any free time.
Comments would be greatly appriciated.
--<3 Domi