Status: Active

I Can't Imagine Being Anywhere Else but Here

Getting Angry.

Rayne and I were sitting in out seats when our teacher came in. Two other boys did, too. They were both very cute, but the one with lighter hair was just beautiful.

"Class, settle down. We have two new students joining us in class today." Ms. Gardeen said. "This is Kellin Quinn and Justin Hills." Pretty much every girl in class started to giggle and wink at them.

"Hey, Kellin," One girl said.

"Hey, Justin," Another one went.

They nodded and walked over to their seats. They just happened to be next to me and Ray. Kellin was on the other side of Ray, while Justin was next to me.

Kellin was saying something to Rayne when Ms. Gardeen said to her, "Rayne, please dont get Mr. Quinn in trouble with you." I rolled my eyes. I really hate Ms. Gardeen.

"Yeah, we don't want him turning into some freak like you!" The girl named Jenny said. A bunch of her friends laughed and I just wanted to get up and punch all them in their pretty little faces.

As class went on I kept noticing that Justin was quickly glancing at me. I would look at him every once in a while, but not a lot. We met each other's gaze at least twice and we both shyly smiled.

When class was finally over, Ray and I quickly left before Jenny got a hold of us. I really hate that girl, all she does is call us names and push us around like we're garbage. We were so close to the door when I feel an arm on my shoulder. I jumped and turned around to see Justin.

"Hey, slow down you two." He said. Kellin was standing right next to him.

"Yeah, slow them down so I can call them freaks again." Jenny said.

"That's it, one more fucking word and I'm going to kick your ass!" I said to her.

"Madz, calm down, it's not worth it."

"You're right. I'll kick your ass later, bitch." I said.

"Whatever," She said in her stupid voice. She winked at Justin before she walked off, he didn't even notcie it. I almost threw up. "Bitch," I mumbled under my breath. Rayne heard me, she glared at me.

"Let's get to our next class." She told me.


"Wait!" I heard Kellin say. "Can we at least get your names?"

Ray smiled at him and said, "I'm Rayne, and this is Madison." She pointed to me when she said my name.

"It's nice to offically meet you two." Justin said looking at me. I couldn't help but blush a little bit.

"Yeah. You too. Oh shit, Ray we gotta get to our next class!" I said.

"You're right! We'll find you around, okay?" She said to Kellin and Justin.

Kellin smiled. "Okay. See you later." He said waving to us.

We quickly got to our next class, so we wouldn't get in trouble again. The whole time we were in class, I kept thinking about Justin. He was the first guy to actually be nice to me and not call me a name. I like that about him.
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Yayz, i did it! haha comment loves!! <33